Adultsmart best customer service isn’t just greeting someone with a smile and asking if they need help, it’s much more. Customer service is about going the extra mile for you. To “actually” help someone find what they need and informing them at the same time.
Breaking the ice is one thing, everyone has their own method to help a customer feel more comfortable, whether it be telling a joke and having a laugh. Or it just might be the way you present yourself.
A customer can definitely receive vibes in if your nervous or if you not confident. Being relaxed and ‘keeping your cool is key.
What’s even more important is creating trust with the customer.
Creating trust with a customer is vital when it comes to selling. For one they will be more open to tell you what they want and need which means you can sell more. It also means that you are genuinely helping them which in return creates an great memorable experience for them in which they are more likely to return and also spread the word to their friends and family.
Many ways to gain Trust from a Customer.
A very important reminder that helps gain trust is to not being cooped up behind the counter. When you are behind the counter, it tells the customer that you are superior and not an equal which is detrimental to making sales and gaining trust.
When you’re out from the counter engaging with them one on one it’s much more personal and relaxing, it brings you down from being a salesperson to their level and brings them up to yours at the same time.
Once they start seeing you as just another person they will start to open up much more.
Sell them on Experience and Not Dollar Amount
Best way to help a customer trust you as well as have an amazing, impacting experience is to not sell them on dollar amount but on experience and knowledge instead.
I can’t stress the amount of times a customer says they can’t afford a $250 Lelo yet ends up grabbing 3 or 4 items which at up to that amount anyways.
Honestly anyone can rant on how amazing and how superior a certain product is and focusing on selling a product via its dollar amount, which is understandable seeing as we are in a bonus orientated career.

What is it About Adultsmart Best Customer Service?
A great thing about us at the Adultsmart Retail Store is that we are all hands on with our products and have extensive knowledge an resources at our disposal. This is what we should be sharing with every customer that comes in through our doors.
To sell an experience is to sell products that are best suited to the customers’ needs, wants, price range and all the different ways he/she or couple could use the products and the benefits it will give them.
For example, a female customer comes in wanting to buy a vibrator.
Now you could easily just go straight to the Fun Factory or Lelo products. But at this point in time we haven’t figured out what she wants a vibrator for (clitoral or g-spot) or how she will be using it (as a couple or solo) etc.
Once you’ve got her the stage of telling you what she is after, it’s a lot easier to start asking these questions. If she states that she is looking for something clitoral that she can use with her partner, then the options are vast. You could safely recommend a product like the WE-VIBE 4. But you could also recommend something like the Tenga SVR and another product that will expand their horizons.
Give them more experiences and pleasure at a similar price.
Because the SVR is almost half the price and can be used as a cock ring, clit tickler, scrotum vibe and is also insertable, the amount of pleasure to be had with this device is endless. Especially when its used with other toys as well.
So it’s great recommend the SVR with and another toy (a g-spot vibrator or a dong is a good choice) like the Adeco g-spot vibe or a NU vibrator. As they are affordable, great quality and give a great experience.
Let her know that she can use these toys in conjunction with each other or by its self for many different uses, combinations, sensations and varieties.

Customer will See That you are Listening to Their Needs
So instead of getting just the We-Vibe 4 you recommended two sex toys that end up costing around the same price in the end. But the customer won’t necessarily look at it like that.
They will see it as you’re are listening to their needs and wants. Giving them more value for their money, a better overall experience and also an opportunity to try something new, so in the end they come out more knowledgeable and most importantly happier with their purchase.
So that’s just a simple example on how selling knowledge and experience will not only help you get a sale. Or even a bigger sale but actually promote customers to come back to us to find out more information. And buy more sex toys and products to satisfy their personal lives, that to me is a part of the Adulsmart Best Customer Service experience.
What about an In Store Browser?
The infamous browser. A customer that “just wants to look”, sometimes they even give off the “fuck off vibe”. With these types of customers its always important to keep positive and uplifted. Keep yourself available and close-by so that when they inevitably find something that interest them, they won’t have to call out across the shop for you.
If they don’t say anything but you can see that they are looking in a certain area, let just say it’s where all male masturbators are. You could from a comfortable distance just politely tell them to check out a certain one that you personally recommend.
Could say “hey mate, check out the Tenga Fliphole, its absolute amazing, the sensations it provides is incredible”. Then wait for the reply
Showing that You Care
This is also another way to break the ice and show the customer you care and a reminder that you’re there and available if he wants to know more or ask questions.
Providing Adultsmart Best Customer Service is also to recognize what you’re selling and what you could offer to maximize the effectiveness of the product.
Don’t Forget About Up-Selling
Lube is the simplest up-sell with most purchases. Another example might be recommending a shower mount with a Fleshlight purchase. Or a strap when a customer is buying a Bathmate.
Another one that people sometimes miss is toy cleaner whenever they buy a sex toy. It’s not just up-selling but up-selling the right things that make a huge difference and also helps people get the most out their toy.
Just remember they can always shop online using a search engine like excite.
Final Tip That Can Work Wonders
Last but not least is a little tip that works more often than you think.
Ask every single person you serve just before you wrap up the sale and after you have made any recommendations, is if there is anything at all they can think of that they need to get before they leave.
What this does is gets them thinking again. You never know they might actually want to stock up on herbal Viagra or leather cleaner or even remember that there friends birthday is coming up and they want to buy him/her a gift.
All things that you wouldn’t ever think to ask individually (in some cases it’s just not appropriate). So this general overall question can and will get people to add more things to their current purchase. If you have spent the last 30 minutes building trust and giving them a great experience, then this will also improve the likelihood of them going “oh yeah, I need to get such and such….”
Just remember that every customer can be sold to whether it be on that day or not
But the way you handle and approach things is vital in still creating the Adultsmart best Customer Service experience even if they don’t purchase anything major or even when it’s nothing at all.
I know that there is probably a few things I missed but I’m sure I covered the main points I wanted to write about.

Jennifer is a marketer at Adultsmart! Embracing a non-judgmental stance, she believes in pleasure without limits—if it feels good and right, why not?
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