Visit Adultsmart for a large and comprehensive selection of trans items including disability sextoys.
My name is Kenneth, I am 38 years old and want to write this letter of endorsement to a friendly Paraplegic Adult Shop. I am a paraplegice and lost movement and feeling more than a decade ago, when my spinal cord had significant damage done to it as a result of a motor-cycle accident.… Read More…
Sex Lives of the Disabled is an issue often ignored, so it is great to see a Disability Friendly Adult Shop. Yet it is important that it be addressed for those that are not friendly so all of us have more understanding and inclusion. It is a simple fact that the disabled have sexual needs… Read More…
Sexual Aids For People With Disabilities are available now. There are a wide variety of sex toys on the market for those with chronic illness, pain and physical disabilities. Here is a quick guide for those with disabilities to check off before you purchase a sex aid – Before Looking For A Sex Toy Make… Read More…
Here there are no boundaries! There are frank, honest and open articles about sexual health and lifestyle topics to assist you in your choices.