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10 Reasons Cosplay Trumps Melancholy!

Cosplay is a combination of two words costume and play. This is an art of dressing up in your favorite superhero or anime character.  Cosplay has become very popular with conventions and communities set up almost everywhere. There are reasons behind every costume which makes it more interesting.

To some it’s a hobby while to others it’s simply a way of expressing themselves and getting away from their normal life even if it’s for a day.  With so many young adults becoming cosplayers every day, you can’t help but wonder why they are doing it and how it helps them. After interactions and a lot of research I compiled 10 reasons it helps.  After you read this you might change your mind about calling cosplayers nerds.

Acts as a stress reliever

Once you’re in a costume you are no longer yourself all you can think about is the character you inhabit. In most stories what costume players will tell you is that once you’re in the costume you forget about your worries and simply enjoy being someone you’re not.  “You’re playing dress up right, and you can be whoever you want to be for a day,” Jerry shared to me.  Jerry loves to make costumes especially superhero costumes. He personally loves Deadpool which is amazing since Deadpool is everyone’s favorite superhero movie.
When he is wearing Deadpool’s costume he tries to have as much fun as possible with friends or even by himself with no fear of being judged or questioned.


Offers An Escape for People Who Suffer from Social Anxiety and Shyness

There are communities and conventions set up for cosplayers. Most people who suffer from social anxiety tend to alienate themselves from social situations which makes it even hard to deal with their problem.  In conventions they meet people alike with similar hobbies and passion. Therefore they will keep meeting now and then and when they hint no one is judging or criticizing they realize it is far easier to interact than they thought.  Making friends becomes easy and all they can hope for is that they keep making more friends.
Once they show off their skill and talent in such a huge crowd, they feel completely different and way comfortable that they are no longer shy. Even if someone judges they are aware that they are not the ones being judged but the superhero character they are wearing.


A Boost of Confidence

One to three people in a group of ten are not aware of their talent. Finding something you love and are perfectly good at does boost your confidence. Costume-play is an art that hasn’t been recognized for a long time and with every stitch displays the confidence the artist has in him… or herself.
As they showcase their work to the work either during Halloween or in conventions their confidence grows and the appreciation is very satisfying.
A boost in self-esteem is well deserved especially by those who had little self confidence in their abilities.


A bonding experience with friends and family

There are a lot of families that are going through a tough time like a divorce or financial problems. Just in case the stress of everything that is happening is driving everyone apart try cosplay.  The good thing about cosplay is that there is no age limit. Whether you are fifty or sixteen there is a character that you adored growing up. You can make or buy (if you don’t know how to make one) costumes for the entire family with every one wearing their favorite superhero or anime character and make it fun and enjoyable.  At the same time you can invite friends to join in the fun and before you know it you have your own little community of cosplayers. Nothing makes memories better than costume play.


Cures Depression

Just like with social anxiety, Costume play has proven to cure depression. Due to the fact that most people suffer from depression even without knowing it, there are certain symptoms that indicate you’re going through depression like;
•Thinking about the same thing over and over again
•Poor appetite
•Suicide thoughts
•Social isolation
•Weight shifts
•Mood swings
•Loss of interest or pleasure in activities

Once you have the above signs and symptoms then you are suffering from depression. Cosplay involves a group of people having fun with no judgment whatsoever.  No one expects you to act or look a certain ways. Things that matter to people do not apply to costume play which is amazing by the way. You can be the stupidest character and be praised for it.  Since social isolation is one of the signs of depression when one is convinced to try out cosplay and agrees to it, they find that it is so much fun and probably make it a hobby. A really fun hobby, and before they know it all suicide thoughts and bitterness disappears.


Expressing yourself

People express themselves through their costumes. When you can see how many people appreciate your hard work you feel contented and that is a motivation to keep doing more.  There are so many people in the industry that do the same thing. They meet and share each other’s creation which shows unity and love for the art.  Each cosplayer has a reason for choosing a certain character. Whether the character makes them feel superior, loyal, funny, happy or royal that is what they showcase to the world. If I’m dressed like wonder woman I want to feel superior and in control.  It is pretty amazing to see young adults being free and telling the world ou cannot be serious all the time it is great let lose once in a while’. Just stop and let your costume do the talking. Not literally though, we all know they can’t.



When you look at cosplay you think freedom. The freedom to wear whatever you want at any given time is what costume play is about. People choose whatever costume they want. They play with it and do it their own way.
Unlike fashion you get to choose what to wear and no one will be like, “that’s outdated or that does not fit you right, it’s not cool” and such like comments.
You play your favorite character and have a whole lot of fun doing it. Costume play gives everyone regardless of the age, size or gender comfortable and appreciated. Once you’re in a costume there is no turning back and no one can tell you otherwise. In a superhero movie you are a new different human being or alien in any case but you’re free from critics and judgment and that’s all you need.



There are so many people in the world who are not comfortable in their own skin. Appreciating how they were created is not something they do. Cosplay has been very welcoming to every single person in the world.  As I said earlier there are no critics but fun. Most people play dress up to feel more comfortable in their own skin.  When they feel accepted that leads them to accepting themselves for who they are and anyway the best version of yourself is you so there is no one in the world who can be you. You are the only you. That is exactly what costume play does for you.


Creativity and great possibilities.

Cosplay is a world of creativity and great possibilities. You can create your own superhero and before you know it your famous. Expressing your great idea to the world can lead to great achievements. There are a lot of people in the film industry that appreciate superheros and villains. Fiction is very rewarding and taking costume play as a career is something to consider.In this time and age there are a few people who care about careers our parents kept telling us that we should do in college like engineering and accounting. I mean we can’t all be engineers.The things that no one thought could be careers are the ones controlling the world like fashion, modeling and acting. You can trust me when I tell you that costumes have made millionaires. There is a door for you to create your own characters or use the characters available to make your costumes to express yourself because that is a talent.



Every one finds happiness once they play their favorite fiction character.
The joy that you get once someone in a convention runs to you with a really big smile on their face to ask you for a picture or the joy that you get from just having fun with your friends and family.  Happiness is something that we all seek and it doesn’t matter how you achieve true happiness just as long as you find it. There are people who do cosplay since it’s their passion. They enjoy it and love it. There are those nerds who love to hide behind the costume. But you know what it doesn’t matter as long as they are happy at that particular time it’s worth it.


Cosplay Convention

Do not be afraid to express yourself. This being the only life that you have you should explore the world and be adventurous. There is nothing more satisfying than living a life that is stress free.  Be someone else for a day and see how that feels.  There are no boundaries, be a superhero or a furry, whatever is your fantasy!!!


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