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Pole Dancer

5 Facts About Pole Dancing in 2023!

Facts about Pole Dancing are of more interest now since it has been thrust into regular homes, on a greater scale than ever before.  Ever since the 2020 J-Lo pole dancing extravaganza!

Facts About Pole Dancing 

The pole dancing world itself has moved through some significant changes over the last 30+ years.  The last 10 ensuring heavy expansion and recognition across various mediums.

In the past, only professional club dancers used to perform acrobatic moves on a stationary steel pole that was 50mm in diameter.  This trend has changed. Now people over the age of 16 can learn how to create beautiful shapes on a metal pole without having to go to the city’s club area.

Poles generally range from 38 to 50mm in diameter, come in a variety of materials (chrome, stainless steel, brass, silicone and powder coating). They are generally adjustable from static to spin.  Yep, that’s right!  Sorry to burst your bubble, but club poles these days are self-spinning.

New pole technology means some poles can change with a quick flick of a switch from static to spin.  Perfect for changing styles mid-performance, and there are LED poles (like seen in the JLo performance).

What is the Pole Dancing Community?

Unfortunately, in the pole community there still lies a great divide between recreational/hobbyists and professional club dancers.

Some feel it is necessary to distinguish themselves from the other. This has almost always been the case with anything vaguely related to the adult industry.  It is certainly an underlying issue in some polers’ minds.

Sadly, it has caused an unnecessary rift and furthered isolation for professional dancers.  Having said that though, there are still plenty out there that have long since blurred the line. Taking their professional stripping career to the recreational market.

They have successfully set up their own studios, competition careers and/or clothing company for it.  Some define their poling as pole fitness.

You will find the pole community is a vast and varied pool of people.

The pole community has all genders, ages, abilities and backgrounds blended together.  Eager to nail the next move, and further develop their strength and flexibility.

Facts About Pole Dancing
Pole Dancing

5 Facts About Pole Dancing


There’s no age restrictions on recreational pole dancing.

Most studios will only allow people over the age of 16 to enter adult classes.  Clubs are bound by the law with 18+ being the absolute earliest you can start training/working.

I, personally, have taught a wide variety of ages in pole – literally from 16 up.  There are dancers of all ages and backgrounds.  Most have moved into teaching, and professional competing (yes, there are international comps). Some have retired in their 30’s only to return later in life.

Pole can be a little addictive in its skill, strength, and confidence building.

When you find a studio or club that you like, the other dancers are like a second family.  The relationships developed there stand the passage of time.


Most pole dancers don’t start recreational, or even club poling strong.

Yes, in the club scene there is a general aesthetic standard that needs to be met.  In recreational pole there is absolutely no pre-requisite to begin (only to move up levels).  If you feel like you have noodle-arms and don’t have the capabilities to pole dance, don’t stop before you start!

All pole dancers started somewhere.

MOST will have started where you are at now.  (When I first started poling, I had thigh strength for days, but my arms were glorified sticks).   Strength is gained progressively over time.  The more classes you attend as a student, or more shifts you work as a professional, the more strength you will develop.  This allows for easier progression into more advanced moves, or greater stamina and easier transitions.

Professional poles have very high weight/force ratings. The thinner ones will flex more, as will grid mounted poles.  Ultimately professional poles are designed to withstand multiple users, over extended time periods doing insane flips, spins and tricks.


We have all seen pole dancers prance around almost naked or in the case of some clubs, naked.  Most have assumed this to be only stripper related. I mean, more skin more money right?!

To physically grip the pole you have to use skin-to-pole contact. The friction generated stops you from sliding off.  It assists the muscles clamping on to the pole to grip appropriately.

In a studio environment, most start off with minimal skin showing.  As you progress through levels, the move the coverings will lessen.  Soon you will be wearing a bikini when performing.  This will not even draw a second blink.  If you are just starting out, turning up in bike shorts and singlet top is perfectly fine.  Keep in mind your instructor might have their ass out.

I should take this moment to mention grip aids.

If you are new to pole you likely have minimal grip strength in your hands. When starting out, it is commonplace to utilise grip aids (such as liquid chalk, etc.). This helps in preventing sweat interfering with skin contact, or until your hand/finger strength is strong enough to overcome any slip.

In a club scene, this is not even an option, so please keep that in mind.  Botox can be an option for excessive sweating.  There are exercises out there for the development of hand/finger strength. There are plenty of brands and types of grip aids.  They are not all the same.  Some may not be allowed at certain studios because they might damage the pole surface.


Unless you are dancing in a club for client attention, or competing  worldwide, pole dancing isn’t designed as a competitive sport.

It is human nature to get competitive to some degree.  You can get more from recreational pole dancing if you check the ego at the door.  Get real comfortable with your body and your progress.


Pole dancing is no longer restrictive to only exotic styles.

That does not mean you can’t learn exotic styles or routines in a studio environment. Studios often host courses/workshops for chair dances, stripteases and varied exotic styles, including Burlesque – a pet favourite.

Professional ballerinas have made the move to pole dancing.  They add highly posed elegant elements, extreme flexibility/strength and other options for pole dancing styles.

There are Russian gymnasts (both male and female) that train in pole, and have created their own takes on a vast variety of styles. There’s famous burlesque performers and Pinup models that incorporate pole into shows.  Many aerial artists have made the move from circus performances and the like to expand their skill set into pole dancing.

You can pole dance for fitness or for fun

Learn something you never thought you could do to spice up your sex life.

It might be the beginning of a long and prosperous career or something you just do to relax, or be social.

Stripper Rules at Club X Sexpo

Club X SEXPO is an adult event that chiefly entertains whilst teaching people about sexual health and entertainment. Male and female Performers frequently stay on stage at the event.  They dance, gyrate or perform according to the custom or arrangement that they are permitted to do.

As a stripper you’re paid to be hot and almost naked. There are different types of profits that can be made from stripping.  Particularly in these tough times, it’s a welcome escape.

Strippers are able to effortless dance and entertain and appear to be flawless. They have trained in their profession for years to become the best of the best.  The strippers are enchanting, fun, intelligent and attractive.

What are Stripper Limitations?

Governing agencies in the local area have strict regulations regarding nudity and public performances. These regulations aim to ensure safe and lawful operations of businesses without causing any negative emotional or legal consequences. Some businesses may have undisclosed illegal practices and procedures that are not endorsed or permitted to be implemented at SEXPO.

What Contact Are Strippers Allowed to Make?

At Sexpo Australian events, performers have three options for their level of contact. These options are full nudity, which is prohibited, and the acceptable options of topless or bikini exposure.

Full nudity is straightforward but can be modified by the use of small coverings such as pasties. Topless means only the top portion of clothing is removed during the performance and is allowed throughout the event.

Bikini exposure involves the performer initially wearing additional clothing and then revealing a revealing bikini.

Legal Guidelines and Licences Required to Operate SEXPO?

For an event to take place, it is important to safeguard the regulations and permits. In the venue, only public entertainment services are permitted and strict rules are enforced.  This is to prevent any illicit activities between the performer and the visitor.  Especially those of a sexual nature within the SEXPO premises.

What you can see at SEXPO?

Events like SEXPO often have various themes that cater to different interests, such as the Wild West, outer space, girly stuff, and more.

The chosen themes may change depending on the event owners’ preferences. However, striptease performances may encounter legal issues, especially when trying to please customers too much.

The SEXPO administrators always seek legal advice to ensure that their entertainment complies with regulations before presenting it to the audience.

Keeping SEXPO safe

To keep SEXPO safe, please talk between the stall holders and supervisers to find out what there rules and regulations are.

Remember to have as much fun as possible.  You can learn about sex in a safe environment.  There are truck loads of Sydney-siders, Melbournians and a load of Australians that regularly flock to see the best of the best.

There is always something and someone new to see.



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