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Gay Hookup

14 Gay Dating Tips

You have just met a sexy man and you have his name and number and few of the conversations that you did via grindr.  Check out these Gay Dating Tips assist you in planning for your first gay date.

You finally arranged to go out on a first date and you are excited about spending some face to face time.  But you’re nervous at the same time because you don’t know how things will turn out.  You are not sure where to go, or what should do with him at the first date.

Gay dating is hard for everyone, especially when the gay date is also the first.

Many men sabotage themselves before even getting in person with the other man.

 We’ll go through a few tips that will not only take that anxiety off you.  But also will increase your chance of experiencing the best gay first dating scene with these Gay Dating Tips while scoring a second one soon.

Gay Dating tips - gay dating Made Easy
Photo: Gay Dating Tips

14 Gay Dating Tips

Always be Yourself

You may be the sweetest and most elegant guy in the world when you get to know someone.  But, when you just meet guys you can be a bit socially inept and just a  teeny bit awkward.

In most cases, there are only a few seconds to complete a successful meeting.  It’s within our nature to quickly determine where someone or something fits into our world.

One wrong word or move can easily kill that sensual vibe.

The reality is, not much you say or do will turn him off if he’s into you from the start. You’ll either attract him or agree on everything with him from the start or not and the awkwardness may be what he’s attracted to.

Another reality is most gay men come out of the closet waiting for someone to choose them instead of the other way around.

Use this to your advantage.

Whoever you are, whatever you look like and however smooth, eccentric or weird your personality is.  You can take advantage of the situation as it being your choice and your chance and not his.

When you show the real you, the focus shifts from what you think you’re doing wrong to whether if he is the one you really want.  Meaning you’re less concerned about yourself and focusing on the present.

Never Exaggerate

You’re online and claim the movie Anaconda was based on your penis size.  But instead you have a penis that looks like more of a water snake, you’ll only look like an idiot in the end when you meet him.

Always be honest with the other person.

If you haven’t been to a gym or never been the athletic type of guy don’t worry. Similarly, chances are you’re not just looking for friends if you’re cruising for an hour long meet up.

Most of the gay men who meet other gay men don’t lie on purpose.  It’s just easier on the ego to try and anticipate what other guys want.  Not uncommon to try and read their minds and portray ourselves as things we’re not just to make them like us.

gay dating tips
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We’re the most confident when we’re direct and honest.

It’s better to be upfront, sincere, real and state exactly what you’re looking for and keep to exactly who you are.

Go on a Gay Date by Yourself

Literally take yourself on a date so include it in your diary, plan it out down to the tiniest detail, and be your own prince charming.

Treat yourself the way you’d treat your date. Have the brilliant, smart conversations you’d love to have when you’re on the perfect date.  Just don’t talk out loud unless it’s in the comfort of your car, out in the park, or somewhere where people won’t hear you and decide to mark you as a crazy guy.

The point of this exercise is to get to know yourself at a deeper level, so that you can improve your gay dating ability.  It might sound crazy, but it’s about getting yourself out of that routine you’re in and trying something different.

Check your Expectations

The best way to ensure that you don’t get disappointed is by checking that your expectations are met on your date.

Everyone wants to find a partner.  But the first goal is to get to know this person and see if there is chemistry between you.  Take the accentuation off of it being a date.

See the Date as An Opportunity

Rather see it as an opportunity to meet a potential new companion. This can “lift the spirits” and permit you to unwind without concentrating on the result of the date.

Let it develop normally and if a sparkle lights amid your time together, then that is a special reward! Always have fun and go into it with the idea that you’re there to have fun, not invite him to meet your parents or to the prom.

Even if you think the guy is the best thing ever, only the future will tell if the relationship is lust or love.

Don’t go to a Dinner, Club or Cinema with your First Date

All of the above choices will interrupt conversation.  If you do a dinner, there will be a period where your mouth will be full and not able to talk.

On the other hand, a club or a cinema will not let you talk to each other with that loud sound.

Don’t go on a First Date on Friday or Saturday

Fridays and Saturdays are the nights where most single men out there have things planned with their friends.  This means that anything that will disturb your date.

It will automatically leave you with the thought “I could have been with someone else.”  So, destroying that positive chemistry that you may have felt.

Have a Short Date

At the point when setting a period and spot for your date, make sure to make it a short meeting (1-2 hours).  Select a spot that is either action arranged or takes into account heaps of chance to talk.

Maintain a strategic distance from screens and rather settle on a short social affair at a café or at the zoo.  Making it brief time takes a great deal of the weight off, particularly on the off chance that you locate you two aren’t perfect.

It takes into consideration solid pacing of your dating relationship. You can simply amplify the date in case you’re getting along broadly.

Be a Gentleman

Men find manners sexy, so be a gentleman during your date.  Make sure you are always being polite and considerate to your date and anyone else for that matter, even the waiter.

Your date will check how you treat others during your gay first date.


In case you’re especially anxious, take some an opportunity to do some unwinding exercises to get focused.  If you’re stressed over what to discuss, create a rundown of topics you can talk about.

In any case, don’t depend a lot on this or you’ll seem stiff and prepared.  Be cool and act naturally. This isn’t about execution.

Be Intimate

I advise you to create intimacy during your first date.  First impression matters, so create the intimacy now.  It is better to sit next to your date and not across from them.  As this takes the interview factor out of the date and allows both of you to keep a date full of positive energy.

If you have created the proper intimate situation, your gay first date might also give you a first kiss sooner than you expect.

Seal the Deal for the Second Date before Ending the Night

You had a good time on your first gay date so seal the deal for the second date before you two end the night.

Most of the times, sealing the deal is simple as asking for a second date.  To appear even more interested to your date, include a day for that second date.  That way you are not left wondering who should make the call and not being clear if the other person is interested.

Never feel Shame When you meet Someone

There’s nothing to be ashamed of.  You know what you like and you know your body and self well enough to keep it safe and still have fun.

Learn from the experience and see if this experience is right or not so right for you.  Shame and guilt do nothing but distract you from this unique adventurous journey you’re taking to figure out who you truly are.

Instead, take the time, enjoy and discover the experiences that you get from getting to know yourself, what you like and dislike.

There are no explanations or justifications needed.

What you do is your job and is something personal.  Protect yourself first, because not everyone has an interest in keeping you safe.  Always use condoms during sex.

Especially when you don’t know the other person.  After experiencing this new adventure decide if meeting up is right for you.

You Should Always ask him his Sex History

Maybe not on the first date, but it’s important to cover it when and if things start getting serious.  Even beforehand, so you know exactly what you are getting yourself into.

Don’t take the chance with sex.  You cannot undo things when something goes wrong.

Ask him if he hooks up frequently or if he’s into bare backing (having gay anal sex without a condom).  Take condoms with you and see if he has some of his own and watch his reaction.

A little reverse psychology works here, too.

Ask if he likes it raw, meaning if he likes a penis without a condom or if he likes getting fucked the ass without a condom.  It’s sudden, but gets to the point and can give out a lot about the person in front of you.

Chances are he won’t know if you’re asking to feel him out or if you are into it, so the answer is most likely honest.

Don’t Lower your Standards

Never lower your relationship standards. This is your first gay date only!  You might find yourself happy to begin with, but it might never last beyond a level of achieved comfortableness.

Okay, this may seem contrary to most things I say in this article, but expectations shouldn’t be confused with confidence.  Yes, you must be confident with yourself and you should be real.

Expectations are false hopes that often lead to disappointments.

Your imagination is a wonderful and unique things, but can lead you to annoyance when you start creating scenarios before they happen.  You don’t know the future and you can’t predict how things will go down, so why make things up?

Avoid the regret by going into the situation with an open mind.  This puts you in a better position to adjust to potential setbacks or successes.

I hope these Gay Dating Tips assists you with planning for your first gay date and hopefully finding true love.

Make Your Online Dating Profile Stand Out

Today, internet has made our life easier to helps us meet people online, without the hassle of leaving the comfort of our house.

Instead of having to go through the drama and unsettling scenarios of meeting a people on a blind date or hanging out at clubs, you can now find and choose balanced people online.

There is no reason you cannot increase your chances to find your perfect partner and live happily ever after.  And you can find out if they are ticking all those boxes before you even meet.

Dating online has become one of the best and safest way to meet people and hopefully find love on-line.

How to boost your appeal with gay dating tips
man checking out gay dating profiles

Everyone has got the chance to search for a Online Dating Profile websites and start knowing other people.

Your Profile

When you sign up to an online dating website like RSVP, the number one priority is to make a great profile. Your profile is the starting point when dating online.

A promoting tool of yourself and it gives you the chance to show your best qualities and characteristics to your potential matches.  Whilst also allowing you to find other gay men who share similar interests and hobbies with you which sometimes can be difficult.

In this article I have put together some gay online dating tips to help you create a dating profile that will stand out from the crowd.  Giving you the best chance to find your perfect match to enjoy in the pleasures of life.

Time to Have Some Fun

Once you have found that site and explored the multitude of possibilities it is time to have some fun.  For those adventurous guys there is a smorgasbord of fun products that can be used to spice up your dating life.

We wish all those internet daters well.  But please remember there are a few safety issues with meeting people on-line.  The most important is to make sure that the person you are communicating with is actually the person they portray themselves to be.

  • Choose the Right Dating Website

Look out for scam sites and choose one that suits your lifestyle preference.  You can choose a golfing site right through to hardcore bondage meeting people that share your interests and fun.

Don’t go looking at sites that are not your style as it is only setting up the adventure for disappointment.  You’ll already be behind the eight ball as you may not necessarily share the same interests.

To navigate the internet for dating sites is a relative minefield with thousands of choices.   Quite often the best one are free as opposed to many other things in life and may involve joining a social group online.

  • Promoting Yourself it is the most Important Part of the Deal

Sometimes it is difficult to think about all the best qualities and characteristics to write on your dating profile.  If you experience difficulty, I advise you to ask a friend or a family member what they think your best qualities and characteristics are.

Friends and family will be able to identify all your positive qualities.  And they will make sure that you give a positive and sincere representation of yourself in an online gay dating website.

You need to be open, honest and injecting some humour into it wouldn’t go astray either.

  • Include your interests and your hobbies

After you have filled in your basic information, you would need to add more details about yourself.

Be detailed and share your interests, passions and hobbies.  These will give potential matches a better idea about what you do and how you would spend your free time.

I recommend being straight forward by saying what you want from a relationship as you want to be on the same page when you two meet.  Especially if some people use the websites to hook-up like tinder!

  • Be unique and stand out from the crowd

Avoid writing things in your profile that are too generalised. Try and stand out from the crowd by including unique content such as an original story of yourself or any other experiences.

This will not only make you seem more interesting and appeal potential matches.  But it can also be used as a great ice breaker on the important first date.

Also, try not to repeat any information as they may get bored and lose there attention.  You can even include a couple of buzzwords which will make your profile sound exciting.

gay dating tips
Grindr Profile
  • Check your spelling and proofread

Always proof read through what you’ve written carefully by checking for mistakes including punctuation and spelling. It is important that you give the best possible impression when you can only include words.

See your words as a form of adverting how you would like them to feel when they think of you.

Potential matches will judge your words and see if you are compatible with them.  They will carry this feeling with them when you are having your first date.

  • A picture alone speaks a thousand words

Always include an appealing photo of yourself to your profile so that potential matches can create a better image of you. I advise you to include a good quality image so you give a true representation of yourself.

Start by being honest, and by putting up a few different photos online with a couple of different ‘looks’.

I don’t mean facial expressions or poses.  There are some people that only put their Sunday finery for the photos and this can be a bit misleading.  I’m not suggesting that you put up your photo of when you first wake up in bed.

But by having a few casual photos and a few dressed up photos you can more accurately portray exactly who you are and dwindle the time wasters down.



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