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WARNING! Gay Online Date Rape – It Could Happen To You!

It really sucks to have to tell you this story, but I figured you might be the first one to hear about gay online date rape.  I know it might sound made up, but trust me, the memory of that weird sexual encounter is still pretty vivid.

I’ll try to keep my cool as I write this and hopefully, it can serve as a warning or provide some help to anyone going through something similar.

Gay Online Date Rape – It Could Happen to You!

Hey, I want to share something with you guys that started off as a fun experience but turned into a total nightmare. If you’re thinking about trying online dating, take my advice and be cautious.

You never really know who you’re talking to.  I’m not saying online dating is bad, I mean, some people have found their soulmates that way.  But for me, it’s been a total disaster and I know there are others out there feeling the same way.

Basically, what I thought was going to be a dream come true turned into a crazy, unforgettable sexual experience from hell.

I thought It Was Going to Be Fun

As a single guy, I typically spend my late nights on my laptop with a drink in hand, chatting with my online friends on social media.  Lately, I’ve even added a few dating sites to my usual lineup.

One night, I came across a woman with some stunning profile pictures and thought she might be just what I was looking for. We chatted all night long until the sun came up.  And we even made plans to meet up at a spot she suggested.

I knew the place pretty well, or so I thought.

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Turns out, I didn’t know everything going on there like I thought I did.

I was super excited to meet my bae later that evening, so I floored it to the meeting spot. When I got to the gate of this popular Russian club in the suburbs, this good-looking and energetic dude let me in.

Judging by his appearance and vibe, I figured he was around my age and probably the valet guy.

But let’s just say my wild night took a surprising turn…

Have you ever had a really weird sexual experience? I mean, we all know that crazy things can happen in life, but some things you really wish you could avoid.

So, my “valet” helped me out the car and he made sure I got inside safely. When I got there, the place was packed with dudes – some dressed nice, some looking like bodybuilders.

But, I couldn’t find my date anywhere. Actually, I couldn’t find any women at all.

And that’s when things got really strange.

My internet date had told me to feel at home and have a drink at the bar and she would introduce herself to me.

I had posted my true profile picture and what I expected was the same truthfulness from my angel to be.  So at the bar I requested a scotch and coke to drink and waited patiently.

I was nervous as I could not see her yet but consoled myself that it was not so late.  And besides, I am waiting for my new girl so I don’t want to fail her by being impatient and driving away.

After an elapse of two hours or so there was no sign of her showing up and I really did not want to drink and drive.    It was peculiar that there appeared to be no females entering the club and those at the tables were men.

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Dating Online

I Decided to Leave

Finally I decided to dash out and drive home, I had been stood up and was not even going to check my I-Phone to see the reason why.  I was angry.

As I went outside, the parking was so dense and dark!  I looked for my ‘valet’ as there were so many cars and I could not locate mine.

Even if I did locate it where were my keys?  I would have to go back to find out where the ‘valet’ was.  On the way back I saw it, my car, but it had been surrounded by other cars so even if I carried a spare set of keys I could not have driven away.

The only option was to go back and asked the doorman where the ‘valet’ was.

He pointed to a private room and said to ask for Max.

The real scenario began to dawn on me.  Although I wished beyond hope I was mistaken as my online angel was named Maxine, could this just be a coincidence?

The man at the private room who welcomed me patted me down, I guess for weapons.  Alarm bells were ringing but what was I to do?  My car was blocked in and I needed to get it to escape home.

As I entered the room I saw Max

He obviously was not the valet and was seated at a table with 4 other men.

They had an open bottle of scotch before them, they were drinking and laughing.  He appeared relaxed and smiled as I walked over to him.

‘I’m Max,” he said, “and I am sure you have now worked out that you were chatting to me all last night.  Sorry for the deception but I loved your profile photo and just had to meet you.’

I Was Right  – What a Nightmare

It was the’ lady’ that I talked to the night before and it clocked in my feeble mind and I said, ‘Please give me the keys – I need to get out of here.’

He said, ‘Be that as it may – we have things to talk about and do. Why don’t you have a drink?”

Having a drink was the furthest thing from my mind and I refused but he insisted.  ‘It really would be a good idea for you to have a drink – it will go down a lot easier if you do.’

What Choice Did I Have?

Without my keys or a way to get home what choice did I have so seated myself and had a drink.  No sooner had I sat down he started to stroke my leg fondly.

I objected immediately and began to get out of my chair.  But two more muscular men pushed me forward so that my face was flat against the table.  One of the man removed his trench coat, pulled a knife out of his pocket and ordered me to undress fast which I did.

I just hoped this was not going to be a sexual experience.

Online Date Rape – So What Happened Next?

As my head was forced onto the table and I slowly removed my trousers Max took my wallet out of my back pocket.  He then took my ID out and placed it on the table in front of me and said, ‘I now know who you are and where you live.’

With that he then threw my ID next to his own.  He said, ‘Now see who I am. I want you to remember it and when or even if you make it home research who I am, always remember I know who you are and where you live.’

Silently, I prayed this would not become my worst sexual experience.  Max, the person I thought would be my new lover and Angel Maxine said all this barely raising his voice.

But the manner in which he said send cold shivers down my spine. How could this be? Why had this happened to me?


online date rape
man in cuffs

My Undies Were Removed By the Big Man

As my underpants were removed the big man who had me pinned down to the table,  my arms were brough behind my back and a pair of handcuffs put tightly around my wrists.

A padlock with a chain attached was placed on the handcuffs.  Another man stood on a chair and fed the other end of the chain through an eyelet that was fixed to the roof.

This chain was then tightened and my arms were forced upright

The pain in my shoulders was excruciating and forced me to stand upright albeit leaning forward.  My manhood and rear was exposed for all to see in this room.

I was ambushed, and the other men just watched it all happen.  No these men were not just watching they were enjoying it like it was all just part of a show.

Max then began to work on me like I was never a thought!

I felt like I was a piece of meat to this man as he ran his hand between my legs and then grabbed hold of my balls. Never before had I been touched by another man in this place unless by a doctor.

This did not feel natural.

Tears began to stream down my face, across my cheeks dropping on the floor.  Max actually began to smile.  What a sick and twisted man this must be to seek gratification from another man’s pain, torment and embarrassment?

Max again moved his hand between my legs but this time I felt a silky liquid smeared over my anus and then he inserted a finger in it.

I cried out in despair begging him to stop.

A man is not supposed to have another man put things in his ass. My cries brought laughter from Max and his companions.  Oh to what depths was this depravity going to reach?

As I was about to cry out to God to help me Max’s muscular companion placed a ball gag in my mouth securely tightening it.

My muffled screams for help could be heard by no-one except those in this room.

What was to become of me because of this online date rape?

More men now came over and worked on me like I never thought possible!  They were touching me and I closed my eyes.

It was embarrassing and I had no control over my body and an erection started to form.   This could not be right, how could I get an erection from other men touching me?

Was I turning gay?

Never before had I been touched by a man and now with tears streaming down my cheeks was being touched by many and not able to control my body.  Someone placed a cock ring on me to keep my erect as possible.

One man I now remember took of his pants and pushed my head further down.  As my arms had been cuffed and chained I was helpless and could not resist.

He walked behind me and rubbed my buttocks whilst other men touched my chest and penis.  I then felt him move his hard erect penis between my butt cheeks.

Why was this happening?  Online Date Rape Isn’t a Thing, is it?

I had no choice for the following hours, that was the only thing that I would see men do to me and to each other in that club! Touching each other and tormenting me.

But it was only me who was worked on by many men.  Maybe I was like fresh meat to them like the lions seeing a wounded and injured animal.  They had come to dominate me and subject me to physical torture.

As the hours carried on I realised this must be a common occurrence at this establishment.

I wondered to myself how it could be allowed to carry on.  Surely the Police or others must have had complaints.  Others like myself must have come here after being deceived and brutalized.

This bizarre sexual experience has since then left me with much agony more than you can ever envision. They did this to me in turns to their satisfaction and it was so painful worse than ever in my life.

After they were done with me, and the bondage handcuffs and chains removed I was unable to even sit on a chair but was ordered to do so.

Max  ordered me to have another drink and when I declined to take it, he slapped me twice on either side of the face.

My cheeks reddened and the pain reverberated in my skull.  He then proceed to give his business card, told me to leave and to email him when I returned home.

I put my clothes back on and ran to my car that was now unblocked with the keys in the ignition.

It was difficult for me to sit and drive myself due to the pain I was feeling.

But I knew if I were to return into the Club there may be further perils awaiting so slowly I drove home. It was 3am when I returned and as requested emailed who I now knew to be Max but believed to be Maxine.   

I then googled this man and to my horror found out that he was an underworld figure who was suspected of committing many crimes including murder.

He wanted me to know this so who could I tell?  I am scared for my life if I tell the Police.

What am I to do?  Who can I turn to?

Gay Online Date Rape

It was sad sharing this bizarre sexual experience with you and do not know if I am a full man anymore.

But I feel relieved that perhaps the writing of this may warn others of the perils that may await when organizing a blind date online.


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