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Women in Red

The Night I Lost My Virginity

When I was growing up everyone seemed to be doing things I wasn’t. Not until the night I found my virginity taken by a rockstar that is. What a night!!

Actually my virginity wasn’t taken when I was 17 years of age.  At this age presumably I was the last young lady in my social loop to break loose from my shyness underneath.

I can’t say it was lack of opportunity but maybe this was down to the strict and conservative way I had been raised.

I was Always Slightly Scared of Being in a Relationship because of my Family

My family would have passed on a thousand times and presumably hung any bloke in my life on discovery that I was having sex already.

I was always slightly scared of being in a relationship with someone because of how my family felt.  Even thinking about boys or maybe the fact , the people in my grade were going to turn into men soon.

virginity taken

 At 17, I was absolutely guiltless, naive and innocent.

I hadn’t even kissed another boy until the first genuine kiss and it wasn’t until I was 16.

My first introduction to kissing was with my school mate.  Being that he tasted of cigarettes, my entire thought of a ‘French Kiss’ was terrible.  I thought that they were gross and an extremely messy experience.

It never went any further than a kiss or two but despite the cigarette smell, the kisses felt really nice and soft.

Despite all this, we still carried on seeing each other for some time

Until he was seen snogging another girl at a school leavers party which I didn’t attend.  Being so mad with him, I dumped him without a second thought, bringing me to the “Why me?” mode.

When I left school at 16 with great ambition I was still a virgin, and so naïve and blameless.

All I needed to do was to invest time with my numerous pets, including my mule, a goat, and two birds, in addition to something like 60 chickens.

Young men were something close to the lowest part of my needs.

virginity taken
Womans Sexual Facial Expression

Virginity Taken By a Rockstar

I had constantly said I would wait for a true love or when I am married to the person I want to spend the rest of my life with.

And I wanted to wait till the moment we were ready to commit to that type of long term relationship. That I would lose my virginity on that night on our honeymoon.

By the time I was married, I would be world weary and knowledgeable about a couple of the things that floated around my young mind by then.  Even the reality I had no purpose of hosting a wedding having seen what a spoiled time my Mum had with my cranky father.

By 17, I had some Interest

That being said, by the age of 17 I had encountered a decent amount of old schoolmates who were attempting their level best to grab their path into my affection.

They were pretty cute.  You know they were still growing their beards!  Some of them were really hot with brunette hair and the flashing of their blue eyes.

None of them had been successful

Basically because of their youthfulness and absence of any identity.  I even discovered one who confessed to me that he hadn’t cleaned his teeth in a few years.

His personal hygiene just wasn’t there.  How can you kiss with someone like that? I never let him close to me again.

Luckily we had just had a bit of a snog, and any grabbing he had attempted to do he speedily shied away, I don’t know for what reasons.

The few young men I did sort of like were at that point after other girls.

Ones who did show any enthusiasm toward me appeared to be just intrigued by‘taking my virginity’ potentially as a trophy.  As it was well known at this point that my closest companion was essentially my friend behind my delicates.

When my virginity was taken, it was nothing even near to what I had ever expected.  It was really genuinely a huge bafflement.

I just need to find someone more like me.

Love At First Sight!

“Whoever loves, loves at first sight.” William Shakespeare, Twelfth Night

Love is one of the most beautiful feelings that can make a person feel on the top of the world.  It can take away all the stress and frustrations out of life and negate the effects of the varied trials and tribulations

Capable to make one feel extremely content and happy.

Falling in love with someone is also a marvel in its own right.

While some people take months and even years to realize about their feelings for one another.  For some its just a moment that helps them fathom their true feelings.

This is what is popularly known as Love at first sight.

It is not just a creative concept that is present in romantic novels but a reality.  All depends on the two people concerned.

Some can be a little oblivious about their own feelings.

While some know exactly what they feel for their partner right in the first meeting. Most people think that falling in love with a person by just seeing him once is not actually love but is an infatuation.

But I believe it is possible and is undoubtedly a beautiful feeling.

It is all about the wavelength and the degree of comfort that you share with a person that makes you fall in love with him.

Sometimes it might be difficult to break the ice in the very first sight

But your heart can take the cue and make you realize that you like someone a lot and very soon you find yourself hopelessly in love.

Some people are also of the opinion that love at first sight is only an outcome of being attracted to someone’s physical looks.

But again I personally know of many couples who have fallen in love with each other and neither of them looked like a film star ever.

So I believe it is not a right thing to reduce this beautiful feeling and describe it as just a result of being attracted to how someone looks.

virginity taken
Couple Kissing Passionately

Life Is Too Short Not To Love

So, Life is too short to take calculative measures and plan out every aspect in great detail.

Matters of the heart are referred to by the same name only because these decisions are taken by the heart and not the brain.  This basically means that one listens to his heart more.  And relies less on his intelligence while taking decisions pertaining to the one he loves.

Love at first sight is one classic instance

It explains how feelings can overpower logic and one can hopelessly fall in love with a person without knowing much details about him.

Now how feasible and logical is this action will always be a point of debate.

But it is also important that you listen to your true feelings and not let logic and reasoning drive you all the time.  In such cases man will cease to remain human and start functioning mechanically like a machine.

Just like you can perceive danger very fast similarly it should not be difficult to believe that love can also happen very fast.  You do not need to test the person or your feelings before express you your true feelings.

Sometimes you can meet your soul mate anywhere

And realize the instant connection that can transform your love completely.  Therefore do not have a mental block that the whole concept of falling in love at first sight is unreal.

Keep an open mind

You never know how your entire life can change when you meet the right person and also realize how deeply you have fallen in love with him.  Love is always a beautiful feeling so enjoy it spontaneously without always gauging its pros and cons.

This will enable you to live life to the fullest.

Love at first sight is basically exceptional affection.

The colossal allure strikes you like a blaze of helping and you wish to delay the time you go through with the other individual.

All gauges of sentimental power, for example, the “warmth” of feeling.  The intellectual substance of what the significant other accepts about the dearest, the quality of the positive assessment of the adored.  And the measure and nature of the activity preparation, are available in this reaction.

It can be the premise for a significant relationship.



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