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Needy woman in a relationship

Needy Women Blinded By Love

Needy women, often misunderstood, defy simple categorization. Their complexities arise from a combination of emotional vulnerability and a desire for connection. These women may seek reassurance and validation from their partners, leading to behaviors that some may perceive as overly dependent. However, beneath the surface lies a deeper need for understanding and support.

Needy Women

I recently had the pleasure of observing a young couple deeply entrenched in the enchanting phase of being “blinded by love.” Their bond was palpable, evident in their constant affectionate gestures and unwavering gaze. They seemed inseparable, oblivious to the world around them as they reveled in each other’s company. It was a joyous sight to behold, witnessing their genuine adoration and the sheer bliss they found in one another’s presence.

As well as being an uplifting start to my morning, I also found it to be such a strong reflection of how I am when I’m in love with someone. I’m that “needy” woman in relationship who loves to have my hands all over her man no matter where we find ourselves.

I am the “too much” woman who gazes into his eyes for almost creepily amounts of time, completely absorbed by the beauty and magnificence that exudes through him. The over the top, obsessive, crazy woman who is so unbelievably in love with the person she gets to spend her life with and I wouldn’t want it to be any different.

Needy Women
Crazy in love

Am I a needy woman blinded by love?

So many people hold back in their relationship believing that if they fully showed how much their partner meant to them they would run away. I have heard so many women who speak of not wanting to come across as too much. Not wanting their partner to see how much they really love them.

Fuck that!! If I had to suppress all that I feel for my partner then I’m absolutely sure I’d implode!!

I believe the problem of “too much” women stems from societal and media pressures suppressing natural expression. Messages like “don’t ask for what you want” or “don’t show emotions” perpetuate stereotypes. this can be seen in a movie where a man leaves his emotional partner for someone “cooler.”

Movies and television often shows teach young people that a woman who is emotional is unstable and erratic. Come on people, are we really back in the 1950’s where we’re expected to be obedient housewives who rely on a Valium prescription to supress their natural urges?

Valium for mood swings
Valium suppresses mood swings

Women Expressing themselves Authentically

So many women carry the belief that if they were to express themselves authentically, then they will be un-loveable. They are in relationships where they withhold their truth from the person that they are with for fear of being abandoned or rejected.

My question to these women is: do you really want to be in a relationship where you are constantly holding back your love, affection and authentic expression?

Or would you rather be in a relationship where you can breathe into all that you are, expressing yourself whole heartedly however that looks for you? Afterall, honest communication in a long-term relationship is vital.

You see, a relationship is supposed to be a place for you to share the totality of who you are with another. To think that so many people feel they can’t be their authentic self saddens me. I’ve been there before, holding back from saying I love you, suppressing how much I want to touch the person (Touch is my love language FYI) and it really is so debilitating. There comes a time though when pretending to be any different gets way too exhausting that you decide enough is enough.

No more supressing and no more holding back from being anything other than what you are.

I know it sounds a bit corny but if I know anything it is that the love I feel for my partner is a divine reflection of the love that I am. If I am to suppress my love for him, I am suppressing the parts of me that make me whole and complete, loving and loved. Nothing on this planet compares to loving another human being whole heartedly. Having them love and accept you right back just for being you.

I really encourage those women who believe they cannot express themselves fully in their relationship to really explore the truth behind the beliefs. Because If I know anything it is that a person worth being with wants you to be your most empowered, authentic and truthful self.

Author: Stephanie Curtis, Sexologist

The Struggle For Needy Women To Find True Love

Finding true love often seems like a daunting task for many women. However, it becomes even more challenging for those who exhibit a high degree of neediness. The concept of ‘neediness’ is often associated with an excessive desire for affection, attention, or reassurance. Lets sheds light on why needy women find it difficult to find true love and provides insights into the dynamics of relationships where neediness is a key factor.

The Concept of Neediness

Neediness is generally defined as an excessive desire for love, affection, or reassurance. It often stems from deep-seated insecurities or a lack of self-esteem. When a person is needy, they often seek constant validation from their partner, which can lead to a toxic and unbalanced relationship dynamic.

Understanding the Dynamics of Neediness

Understanding the dynamics of neediness is crucial to comprehend why needy women often struggle to find true love. Neediness often stems from an individual’s insecurities and fears. They may fear being alone, being rejected, or not being ‘enough’ for their partner. These fears often drive them to seek constant reassurance from their partner, leading to an unbalanced relationship dynamic.

The Impact of Neediness in Relationships

Neediness can have a significant impact on relationships. It often leads to clingy behaviour, which can be a major turn-off for many individuals. Needy individuals often require constant attention and reassurance from their partners. This can be exhausting and frustrating. Neediness can create an unhealthy power dynamic in the relationship, where one partner becomes overly dependent on the other.

The Perception of Neediness

The perception of neediness often varies based on cultural and societal norms. In many cultures. Women are expected to be emotionally expressive and seek reassurances from their partners. However, when this emotional expressiveness crosses a certain threshold. It is often perceived as neediness. This societal perception often adds to the challenges faced by needy women in finding true love.

The Role of Childhood Conditioning

Childhood conditioning plays a significant role in shaping an individual’s behaviour in adult relationships. Boys are often taught to suppress their emotions and not show any signs of weakness. Girls are encouraged to express their emotions freely. This conditioning often results in men being less emotionally expressive and women being more emotionally needy in their relationships.

The Impact of Societal Norms

Societal norms and expectations also play a significant role in shaping an individual’s behaviour in relationships. Men are often expected to be emotionally strong and independent. Women are expected to be more emotionally expressive. This societal expectation often leads to women being labelled as ‘needy’ when they express their desires for emotional intimacy and connection.

The Double Standards of Society

Society often holds double standards when it comes to emotional expressiveness in relationships. Women are often labelled as ‘needy’ when they express their emotional needs. Men who express the same needs are often seen as being ’emotionally available’. This double standard often adds to the challenges faced by needy women in finding true love.

The Role of Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence plays a significant role in managing neediness in relationships. People with high emotional intelligence are often better equipped to handle their emotional needs and communicate them effectively to their partners. They are also more likely to understand and respect their partner’s emotional needs, leading to a more balanced and healthy relationship dynamic.

The Importance of Self-Esteem

Self-esteem is a crucial factor that influences an individual’s behaviour in relationships. Individuals with low self-esteem often exhibit high levels of neediness. They constantly seek validation and reassurance from their partners. Women with high self-esteem are often more confident and independent in their relationships, leading to a more balanced relationship dynamic.

Overcoming Neediness

Overcoming neediness often involves working on one’s self-esteem and emotional intelligence. Individuals can work on building their self-esteem through various methods such as therapy, self-help books, and personal development workshops. Developing emotional intelligence can help individuals manage their emotional needs and communicate them effectively to their partners.

Neediness often poses a significant challenge for women in finding true love. It often stems from deep-seated insecurities and fears. This can lead to an unbalanced relationship dynamic. However, with self-awareness and personal development, needy women can work on overcoming their neediness and build healthier relationships.


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