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Buck and Steve

VIP Interview With Steve Callow From Perfect Fit Brand!

Today we’re here with Steve Callow from Perfect Fit Brand.  I have to say that I’ve used several Perfect Fit sex toys, and they remain in my sex toy box as some of the most comfortable, most fun toys that I’ve ever had the pleasure of using.

First time I got my hands on one of your products was game changing, and I haven’t looked back since. Your company has a unique and inclusive approach to sex and pleasure and you really embrace a sex positive attitude which I think is exactly what we need moving forward in today’s society when it comes to sex and pleasure.

Your products have been featured in Men’s Health, Esquire, Cosmopolitan, Huffington Post, The Advocate, Forbes, Askmen, VICE to name a few media channels and are the winners of many adult awards.

VIP Interview With Steve Callow From Perfect Fit Brand

You’ll have to excuse me as I need to start with the obvious question.  How did Perfect Fit start?

Thank you for trying our products, and I’m thrilled you had such a positive experience. Despite doubters, after 8 years, we’ve successfully blended TPR and silicone, thanks to our fortunate material development.

We did this in 2010 and have been able to develop one of the industries most revered materials. Blending these materials created a soft, stretchy foundation for most of our innovations.

Perfect Fit Brand Inc. (“PFB”) is the successor to my first venture, StreemMaster. 

StreemMaster was an enema products company and was my first invention.  It was also my first time ever trying something in this industry.  I really had absolutely no industry experience other than being an avid sex toy products consumer. I lost all my savings on that first company; it wasn’t a huge personal success.

But what I lost in money did convert into knowledge and a good reputation.  I had many supporters and fans, and this enabled to start a new venture, and that is this company PFB.  PFB had one success after another and has been an exciting ride, one which I am very grateful for. 

Many thanks to all my supporters and the industry folks who helped me get my second start.

Sex toys enter the mainstream, bringing their use out into the open rather than behind closed doors. What do you think makes your products different?

As we mature, our innovations and philosophy focus on enhancing sexual experiences.

Though we didn’t identify as a Sexual Wellness company years ago, our products and actions did.  Today, we really think of ourselves as company that can actually help individuals discover their sexuality and we identify as a “sexual wellness” company more than that of a sex toy company.

One of our first examples of this is our Ergoflo™ Pro, the low-pressure shower-driven enema kit which is far superior to a metal shower hose.  This product is an evolution of my StreemMaster invention.  Not only does it clean you better, but it is also much less stressful on the body and much faster to use.  The number of customers that have written me over the last 13 years exclaiming how this has improved their sex life is beyond my imagination. 

steve callow - perfect fit brand
Realistic Masturbators and Strokers

A most recent example is the Buck Angel® collaboration

When Buck approached me a few years ago, it was shocking to me that in this day and age there was still such major gaps in sexual wellness offerings.  I know you have questions on this further on.  But let me just say that this is one of the highlights of my career, working with such an amazing man.  Having such a huge impact on the lives of some people. 

Sex industry is moving towards sex positivity, openness and transparency. Yet, at the end of the day the industry is a commercial business, it needs to make money in order to be viable.  What are some (if any) of the challenges, sacrifices that you’ve had when it comes to the idea of creating toys for pleasure vs business?

I love this question because it allows me to say something that I think needs to be said.  Not all products are developed to make money.  In our company, we develop products because they need to be developed.

  Of course, we can cite the many examples of where Buck’s sex toy idea was turned down by our competitors because they didn’t see the financial upside, but these companies are also known to only be in it for the “buck” not the Buck! (LOL, that was a bad pun.)  But as a company that really believes in the importance of inclusivity, you can’t put the dollar ahead of the needs of people. 

We have other examples of our commitment to this philosophy. 

For instance, we make 14 sizes of cock rings – we make the smallest and the biggest on the market, and we will make more sizes if anyone needs them.  Our competitors usually only make 3 sizes! We make these 0.1” increments because human penises don’t grow in 0.25” (or ¾” circumference) increments!

But the funny thing is, that we have actually made a profit to share with Buck on the development of his line of products.  Perhaps it was because it was the world’s first line of the FTM toys, with many innovations, and no doubt because it was Buck Angel‘s brainchild and has his name on it. 

This proves that even a smaller demographic can generate enough revenue to make a very specialized product viable financially.  But we seriously did not expect this, and it has been a wonderful turn of events.

Steve Callow - Perfect Fit Brand
Steve Perfect Fit

(Perfect Fit Brand CEO Steve Callow with the XBIZ 2018 “LGBT Pleasure Products Company of the Year” Award and previous awards from XBIZ, AVN, and East Coast News. Photo courtesy of Perfect Fit Brand.)

A lot of your toys and gear are grounded in the idea of enhancing sex and pleasure and not replacing it.  How important is breaking down the stigma of sexual health towards sex toys and pleasure to you, and how will you continue tackling this?

Regarding your first point, I guess I’ve never quite thought of it this way. 

Certainly, we believe that our products require education in many cases, even seasoned industry people often tilt their head when they first see one our new products. 

Honestly, I don’t really face any stigma from people, if they have some then I just move on to people who don’t; PFB loves to keep information flowing outward.  People will choose to read it or not.  We know our values, and if people don’t agree with them, we don’t spend our energy trying to change theirs, that is beyond our scope of work. 

If it was our job I’d be answering to negative people all day long!  Positive people always will see the reason to make other people happy and bring good to the world.

What makes a good sex toy in your opinion?

We spend a lot of time in design.  Often it starts as an idea while I’m doing some sort of exercise, that seems to be my most creative element.  Also, when I talk to really creative people, and I have some incredibly creative people in my close circle, ideas seem to gel much faster and evolve into even better concepts. 

A good idea is an original design that has a purpose or will provide a pleasure that another toy can’t for an individual.  It could be as simple as stylistic change that appeals to someone, or a functional change like, size, angle, proportion, hardness, etc. that is not currently offered. 

I love innovation.

Many of our designs have started completely new categories in the industry.  That makes me proud.  I’ve seen some great innovations in this industry, like the BathMate penis enlargement products, dual density dildos (we actually made perhaps the first dual density product when we launched the Real Boy), our anal Armour Tug Lock products.  Aneros prostate stimulator products, and the Womanizer are great examples.

What I have little respect for are knock-offs of my designs that offer no added improvement, or, of course, ones that are in patent infringement.  Otherwise I think there can never be too many choices for consumers.  I know I have broad taste, but I also know what I like.

What’s your go to comfort food?

Definitely Ice Cream – Häagen-Dazs Pralines and Cream, or any Häagen-Dazs flavour with a vanilla base, though I also love a good old burger and fries if dinner time. 

I try to be a really healthy person in general–I work out 7 days a week, always watch what I eat–so these are very nice treats for me!

Sex toys are often geared towards mainstream cis-gendered and able-bodied persons, you recently joined forces with the acclaimed Buck Angel who has created a range of FTM sex toys.  Buck had been refused so many times before coming to you, what led you to taking up his toys?

When Jen Laws, one of our employees, mentioned Buck was scouting for a toy maker, she set up a call with Buck and me. I don’t think it was even 15 minutes long. 

When Buck told me no one had ever made an FTM toy, I immediately said, “We are in!”  And a week later I was on a plane to LA for our first meeting.  We developed the toy in just a few months. 

There a few reasons why I said yes immediately.  The first is a personal reason.  When I was a young gay man, maybe 21 years old, I shopped for my first toy.  I discovered that there were really no toys that were designed for gay men.  I had to buy a toy with a picture of woman on the package.  This always made me feel like I was not a man. 

When Buck told me that FTM’s had no products specifically made for them

I thought of how it made me feel when I was a young man.  That really was the driving energy for me on that first call.  Meeting Buck, I realized his amazing impact on people who follow and listen to his message. I became one of his biggest fans! 

This product was important to do in many respects, but it was also personal for me and Buck. 

Buck’s range at Perfect Fit sold out of its first production run in a month. The Buck-off™ toy won the most innovative pleasure product at AVN and XBIX in 2017 – that’s an amazing achievement for something other companies didn’t think would do well.  Where do you think the success in this lies, and did you expect it to be so big?

The success lies in the passion that laid the path for it’s development.  This product was lifetime of effort for Buck, it was–and is–destined to always be a visible and embracing kiss of acceptance of the FTM individual.  Let every person love themselves is the bigger picture here.  Buck-Off™ is a monument of sorts to that ideal.

What’s a toy that might not be as popular as you’d like it to be, but that you’re the proudest of?

I love the Jock Armour and Cock Armour line of products.  These products present the penis in a way no other product does. They are sexy, functional, and completely revolutionary in the way they work. 

Cock Armour was the first ever cock ring that anchored to the torso, making it extremely comfortable.  It delivers the most rigid, yet comfortable erection of any cock ring product.  The Jock Armour was the world’s first hybrid clothing concept. 

We licenced this patent pending innovation to FortTroff and it was a great success. CellBlock 13 license it for their most successful clothing line ever, and a huge business for us.

We sell our Jock Armour with a jock style waistband on our website.  But our offering of it never really caught on like I had hoped. But those who bought it write and tell me how much they love it.  CellBlock 13 Jock Armour is integrated with some of their hottest designs and it is something I am very proud of.

steve callow - perfect fit brand
SHOP ONLINE: Perfect Fit Cock Rings

I personally love the Fat Boy Extender Range, the Bull Bag and the cruiser ring. What I love about these toys is they’re not just about pleasure. For me they add confidence, they add suave.  And they enhance my mindset when it comes to sex. Not to mention they feel amazing, they’re the most comfortable things I’ve worn and versatile to use in the bedroom (and out).  Where do you get your inspiration for your toys?

I’m all about comfort, performance, and quality.  Before designing our products, I tried many myself; I found them uncomfortable, useless, or poor quality.

That is my inspiration, to rethink products to make them wearable, sexy, higher quality, etc.  I am an inventor at heart, as very young child I used to question every product design I saw.  I’d wonder why things were made a certain way; my mom never tired of my questions, though she rarely answered them.  It was a very natural thing for me, so I definitely found my destined career path. 

My dad was a very ingenious engineer, developing aerofoils and even rocket engines for National Defence.  I undoubtedly inherited some design talent from him. 

Thank you for your support, I love hearing what you wrote!!!!

What’s something not everyone knows about you?

Well having after all these great questions, I may be running out of things now.  Well, I love dogs.  I have recently rescued a 9-month old Red Siberian Husky from the Humane Society. 

This happens to be my third Red Siberian Husky with blue eyes, all rescued from the same place.  I found these rare dogs in Florida on the first day I started looking for another dog.  They are meant to be part of my life because of that positive experience.  I never even think twice I take them home the same day.

A lot of CEO’s aren’t as visible on the frontline as you are when it comes to their products. Yet, your passion for your products shines through with your range of “How does this work” videos.  What’s the driving force behind what you do?

I just chuckled as I thought to myself how much I hate making those videos.  I know they are important so that is why I make them.  The one I made with Buck was really fun, but when I have to just talk about the product by myself I always dread it because I don’t like seeing myself on camera. I’m frequently told that I explain the products better than anyone else, likely because they stem from my vision and design.

I put my heart into every product I design. 

Other manufacturers will launch 150 new products at an industry show, and we may only launch two.  But those two products, I will talk about for three days non-stop at a show to very open ears.  Usually some customers will tell us that we have the best booth and most exciting products there.  So, two can trump 150.

I guess it comes to making something special, I have a rule “if it is not amazing in some way, then it doesn’t belong on our booth.” And I love to talk ?.

You’ve recently branched out by adding product lines for him and her to your range – any chance of a hint as to what’s coming next.  When we can get our horny hands on them?

YES! We just launched this exciting male masturbator product line and we’ve added simple grips that looks like handles that make it easier for a person to use on their partner for a “hand job”

Also, the product has been designed so it doesn’t need to be squeezed for the guy to get enough stimulation. 

I’m going to end it here as I’m aware that you’re a busy person and I don’t want to hold you up from the awesome work that you do (and delaying new products). I’d like to thank you not just for your time, but also for amazing products. I’m personally looking forward to new stuff that you’re bringing out and can’t wait! Thanks again.

Thank you for this opportunity and this has been a pleasure!  Best to you and your audience.


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