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Furry Etiquette!

A furry convention is one of the most fantastic formal gatherings. The gathering involves members of the furry fandom or rather those who are interested in the concept of fictional non-human animal characters which posses’ human characteristics. Since it is a formal gathering, upon people meeting, they exchange ideas as they transact business, they engage in fan activities such as entertainment as well as recreation. The event originated in California in the 1980’s and it has been embraced in most parts of Europe as well as North America. However, attendees of the event have a certain way they present themselves. Among the furry etiquettes includes:

Should not approach anyone randomly

It is one of the general suiting practices maintained at the furry event. Due to
the fact that fur suits can be a bit scary, it is very normal for some people
not to enjoy them at all. It is always advisable to check how the people or the
person you are approaching they are before engaging them. If you realize that
they are not comfortable with your approach, it is better to turn the other way
ad leave them alone. It is also not advisable to chase a person when in the
furry suit. Interrupting the events of other groups also is not recommended.
However, if other people want to approach you, they can and to indicate that
you are fine with it a gesture is recommended such as waving at them, offering a high five, or even holding your arm out. The same accord should be provided to the others, in case they need to interact they will if not, one should not bother them at all.


Should have a handler

A furry event can be scary sometimes hence the reason to have a handler. A
handler is a person who is supposed to act as a guardian throughout the event.
Their main job being to act as your ears and eyes ensuring that you are guided
throughout the event and more so making sure that you are guarded from creepy people in the event. When attending for the first time, it is more scary hence the more reason to have someone to keep you away from troublesome people and always guide you so safe places. The handlers are also supposed to always provide you with something to quench your thirst when dehydrated and more so they are recommended for full suiters. Since there are possibilities of the event being characterized by emergencies, one should make sure they have signals worked out with their handler. This will equip you with the know how of requesting for help in case an emergency arises.


You should not touch anyone because you have Fur suits

Being in a fur suit limits someone’s ability to see and also moving around is also a huge problem. Hence in the event that you suddenly touch someone especially from behind, it is very easy to really scare them. It is therefore recommended that if someone asks you whether you want to touched just say no and before touching any one it is advisable to always ask them first. If their answer is no, it is paramount that their decision is respected without questioning them about it to avoid any misunderstanding. This will ensure that Fur suiter’s right to personal space is respected.


You should not damage the Conspace

In the event that conspace is destroyed, the you or thecon will have to bear the burden. Since a furry convention is mostly held at Hotels, they have ground rules of not tolerating any damages and in most cases, they do not allow any furry conventions to be held in the same premises in case there are any damages of Conspace. It is always expected that attendees of the con should responsible people and more so the actions portrayed at the convention represent the organizers of the event as well as the entire community. Therefore, lack of maintaining proper discipline affects everyone at the convention.


Ask in case you need a photograph taken

Human beings are referred to as social beings due to the fact we rely on each other to exist. However how well we relate to each other is the key to a peaceful coexistence. In the convention too, how well the costumers relate to each other is of vital importance. In the furry convention there are a million chances of bumping into a photographer since they are memorable as well as enjoyable moments. Hence taking a picture or two with another costumer is allowed. Nevertheless, it should be at a mutual consent. In case you need a photograph taken, where by you pose with costumer, it is always good to ask them first to make sure they are comfortable with it. This is just a general courtesy since not everyone likes taking pictures.


One should know where to get water and take your head off as well as keep clean

Wearing the furry suit is requires one to keep taking water regularly to avoid
dehydration. It is therefore recommended that upon arrival at the convention,
one should make sure they trace safe place where they can take off, they head
and rest a bit. Also, they should locate where to get water places so that when
they get dehydrated, they can re-hydrate themselves. When at the event it is
always advisable to not take more than an hour without water. Keeping clean at the conventions also should be a priority. Therefore, when you get out of the
suit, you should take a quick bath and pray the suit to freshen up. The face
should be washed up regularly when you visit the water areas. This is recommended since being in the suit makes one sweat too much leading to a bad smell when out of the suit. Keeping yourself clean avoids diseases, and bad odor when attending the con.


Avoid misbehaving in public convention spaces

In most Furry conventions, public places are places requiring good behaviors. So are the spaces around the convention center. In appropriate behaviors as well as misconducting your self at convention area calls attention from the
organizers of the event who might take a disciplinary action against you. This
calls for utmost conduct when at furry conventions and avoid public display of
a fetish. This is because there are people of different age blackest which is
an indication for everyone being responsible in regard to behaving
appropriately or wearing appropriate costumes at this place. Such kind of costumes should be left at home or covered up y placing other costumes on top of it. This is not just for costumers but also for any mature art seller. They are required to sell their art at hidden areas to void exposure to everyone.



Respect is an important social aspect as far as humans are concerned. In absence of respect, havoc reigns.  It is due to this that people are usually requested to respect each other to allow a peaceful coexistence. In Furry conventions too, there is need to respect not just fellow costumers but also the event organizers. The organizers of furry events are people of great stature since they are volunteers. It is paramount that they are respected for putting together the event. The rules they lay down to be followed should also be respected and followed to the letter. This is just a gesture of appreciating
their great work or rather as a way of thanking them.


Do not remove your head in public and do not talk in the suit.

The furry convention is guided by myths and beliefs. It is due to this very reason that removing the head while at the convention will break the magic. However, on normalcy, removing the head makes one a sweaty person in a suit and disregards you as a fun character. Talking while in the suit is also against
the rules due to the myths upon which the event is based on.


Act and move around

Keeping your self busy through out the event is fun. Since the main theme behind the event is entertainment, standing around in a suit is not fun. One should find places of entertainment or if not, they should try and entertain others. Being funny in the convention will highly depend on the character one has chosen. If you have chosen a funny character, one should act the part however choosing a serious character does not prevent someone from acting funny when at the convention. This because one should try to find  entertainment no matter what character they have chosen.


Keep the fur suit safe

The fur suit should be kept safe at all time. It is not necessary to get rough with
the suit. It is important to note that fur suits are expensive to acquire hence
the reason they should be kept always safe. Tails and jaws should at all times
be kept intact to avoid any damages since fixing can be quite expensive. It is
also not good to damage something when given for it is a show of disrespect as well as lack of appreciation to those who have offered the fur suit.

Furry facts


Great article here on the pet play fetish…


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