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Escort Services

Escorts – How and Where to Find the Best Ones for Me.

Escorts are the way to go to help you fulfill your desires!  There are times when you are so used to the sex that you’ve been having for the longest time.

Maybe you have just been doing the same sex positions over and over again, it’s quite frustrating.  Perhaps you want to try something new this time? You want to do it with other people, or you might want to invite more people into the party.

But how do you start and where to find them? Read on to know.

Escorts – What Should I Look For? 


  • When looking for escorts, look for women or men who are comfortable doing the things that you like.
  • Whether you are into BDSM or other kinks, make sure that you are getting the most out of your money.
  • Because let’s be real, hiring an escort and paying for sex is not cheap.
  • But also consider the preference of the person too.
  • Make sure that you discuss with the escort what specific things you want to do during your time together.


  • Since you will be spending your time and sharing sexual experiences together, it would be great if he or she will have the same excitement as you are.
  • Just imagine if you got someone who is apathetic and seems bored when with you, would you feel ecstatic? Of course not!
  • Find someone who makes you feel pleased and thrilled during the entire process.
  • Make sure that you are being satisfied to the maximum level!

Eager to know You

  • Hey, you’re not paying these people just for sex. Escorts can also give you some company especially when you need one.
  • Some escorts perform “girlfriend duties”, while others attend social gatherings with their clients.
  • With that being said, it would be awesome if the escort that you will get is someone who would also like to know you personally, not just as his or her client.
  • It would be nice if some would ask about how your day went, what you want for dinner, or simply how you are doing.
  • This way, the next time you had your session, you will both be comfortable and at ease around each other!


  • Let’s say you’ve met an escort for the first time and you enjoyed your experiences together, now you want another session. This is where accessibility and availability takes place.
  • Ensure that it will be easy for you to call them whenever you want their services.
  • Take time to know their schedules, where they live, and the accessibility of their places.
  • Commute should not be a hassle to them. But don’t be too hard on them.
  • Yes, you’re paying them to spend time with you, but you should also learn to understand that they have their own lives.  So there can be times when they can’t make it to you.

Beautiful and Intelligent

  • Intelligence is sexy, no doubt about that. There’s something about being intelligent and smart that makes someone automatically sexy.
  • Besides, it’s great to have someone whom you can exchange healthy arguments with.
  • This will also be beneficial to the both of you since you will have the ability to learn something from each other.
  • These are just some of the qualities that you should look for in an escort.

There are still a lot more to learn but these will basically get you somewhere.

Why not bring some sex toys to your escort time!


Where Can I Find the Best Escorts?

  • Classified ads sites

Unlike before when classified ads website only mean a place where you can dispose of your unused household items, these sites nowadays can also carry listings of escorts!

Modern classified ads sites contains location-based listings of people who are looking for people to spend time with. Or even someone who wants to find their lifetime partner.

  • Dating Sites and applications

Many dating websites are more targeted and straight to the point.

You can simply swipe and click and who knows, you might find the perfect person for you!  Actually interact a lot better when using these sites too since they have chat and photo exchange features.

This is helpful so you don’t have to feel awkward when you meet each other for the first time.

  • Escort Agencies

This is specifically for those places where the escort industry is widely legal and accepted.  Escort agencies provide escorting services to clients, may it be sexual or non-sexual.

This usually depends on the client, as stated before, there are escorts who only perform “duties” as stated and agreed upon by both parties.

These agencies also arrange the bookings and schedules of their escorts, so payment go through the agency itself since they will be the one to provide the allocated percentage to their escorts.

This is perfect for those clients who want to just test the waters and get someone from a reputable source.

  • Bars and Clubs

What’s better than meeting an escort in person, right?  You can interact right away.  Discuss what it is that you want to do and experience with them, right then and there!

Although escorts can sometimes be very careful with whom they interact with when they are at clubs and bars.  They also want to protect themselves and their jobs.

  • Social Media

Lastly, you can come across escorts via their various social media accounts. It can be Twitter, Facebook, or even Instagram.

These are the perfect channels for them to promote their services and offerings.  Some high end escorts also have their own websites where they can freely publish what they can offer to potential clients like you!

Wherever you find the best escorts, the goal is for you to be happy, so make sure that you get pleasured and satisfied!


Escorts Australia
beautiful red head

What It’s Really Like to Be One of the Top Melbourne Escorts

Melbourne escort -“The finer things in life aren’t free, but if you really want them, they’re there for the taking.”– XOXO June

Melbourne is truly an incredible place. The capital city of Victoria, and the locally dubbed “cultural capital” of Australia.  It offers a number of exquisite and exclusive perks for those that come to play and those that come to pay.

From festivals and galleries, to a thriving international business hub, the city has something for everyone, even if what you’re looking for is an escort.

Victoria is Well Known for it’s Sex Workers and Escorts

Victoria has been known for a great many things.  But being the first state to advocate the regulation and legalization of sex work for many, is one of the most important contributions it has made.

Melbourne escorts get to enjoy a number of perks that other sex workers throughout the world may never see.  Likewise, these benefits also extend to their clients.  Safer practices and less dragging stigma are just a few.

But for the gracious and mysterious woman who granted us an interview, being one of the Melbourne escorts has offered her so much more.

Meet *June

Well, first of all, June didn’t just land here in her downtown high rise, with its modern, yet accessible, decor.  Lounging in a very expensive looking sweatsuit, drinking juice she just pressed herself.

“I lucked out,” she starts.  Not a whisper of apology or remorse in her posture, or her words.

“I was raised in a good, middle-class home, got a great education. Had comfortable relationships with men and my parents. I wasn’t really saddled with all the baggage some of the other girls have. Escorting was truly a choice that I had, and one that I made. Without any outside pressure.”

Family and Childhood

Speaking of her parents, her mother is a professor at a local university, and her father was a stay-at-home Dad her entire childhood.  So she was “given a feminist platform” before she could walk.

While every finery she is currently indulging in is solely funded by her prowess as one of Melbourne’s top escorts, she had to get in at the ground floor and climb the ladder, just like everyone else.

While her parents didn’t disown her when she finally came to telling them what it was she did for a living, “they were less than happy about it”.

But June did what June does, and fought for her own desires as both a woman and a professional sex worker.

How Good Do Melbourne Escorts Have It?

“I had to start out like most other Melbourne escorts”, she remembers. “Had to hustle, put my professional profile on a number of different advertising platforms, get my own vetting and security system, have a dedicated work phone, fake name, all of it.

“To be a good escort, and still be able to function normally in the world outside of your job, you have to sort of compartmentalism your personality.”

June said that she was always a “people person”, friendly, easy to talk to.

Of which is obvious, as conversation flows as easily as her fresh-pressed green juice.

She also said that she always enjoyed sex. for me was always much more gratifying than long term relationships. As I aged I realized that being an escort just better fit my own sexuality.”

June self-identifies as a pansexual, cis-gendered woman, who has no desire to settle down anytime soon.

“The idea of one relationship never fit my lifestyle. I never wanted affection from just one person, and I never wanted to give mine to only one,”  said one Australian escort.

Commodifying Her Background and Brand of Sexuality

Being able to commodify both her background and her own brand of sexuality was “extremely gratifying” to June.

“I remember reading a paper discussing the idea of ‘erotic capital’ and thinking to myself, I have that. I can use that.”  June says that while she’s no stranger to traumatic and unfortunate experiences within the industry, that they “don’t happen often and are swiftly dealt with in a healthy way.”

Which allows her something that few escorts worldwide get to enjoy.  Whether it’s due to trauma, depression, drug abuse, or the negative and often violent stigma that Melbourne escorts are subjected to, June gets to genuinely (and literally) enjoy the fruits of her labors.

And while it’s something she refuses to apologize for, June is also aware of the privilege she holds as one of Melbourne’s most exclusive sex workers.


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