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Yellow Fox Cartoon

A Dildo Barking With Pleasure – The Best Furry Gem

One of the things about living in Australia is that when it comes to sex niches, fetishes, and specialized sex toys – they’re difficult to find so what about a Dildo Barking With Pleasure . Not only does Australia have a small population in comparison to the US and European market but our population density makes fetish play with anyone really, to be exceptionally difficult. So when I was asked if I wanted to review a dildo that had been made with the furry fetish in mind. I jumped on the opportunity.

Dildo Barking With Pleasure

For those familiar, or unfamiliar with the term – Furries are a sub culture within society which is often grossly misunderstood, which is a trend that continually reoccurs across a variety of different fetishes and sub communities. Part of the problem is the media representation of such groups, and the other part of the issue comes down to simply not having enough knowledge. People thereby make assumptions, in turn perpetuating a mistruth. So in that regard, this review is not just going to be about a product. But it’s going to be about a product, the importance of the product, and why it fits in within a specific community.

Firstly, let’s have a quick look at the furry culture. Furry culture as a whole is often seen as a hyper sexualised state of being whereby humans dress as anthropomorphic animals and engage in depraved sexual activities. The assumption is that furries either want to be animals or have sex with animals. Wrong. The furry world IS interested in dress ups/cosplay/acting as an anthropomorphised animal, whereby you’re giving an animal human qualities, but it’s not an inherently sexual activity. It’s about expression and identification. It’s about having fun.

Dildo Barking With Pleasure

What Is The Furry Community Like?

Most of all, however, it’s about community. It’s about letting go of yourself and embracing something different. This ‘letting go’ aspect, is something which relates to a lot of fetish communities and diverse sexual practices, and can easily be related to the concept of ‘head space’ within BDSM. The idea of letting yourself go, enjoying the moment and simply be in a state of being. So where does the sex come in?

One of the great things about the furry community is the diversity. It’s not a subculture that is limited to a specific sexuality or gender and indeed, anyone can identify as a furry. ‘Furry’ sex, whilst part of the community, isn’t ‘Furry’ at all and this is where the majority of people become confused. Furry culture specifically relates to the roleplaying as an anthropomorphised animal – it doesn’t encompass sex at all. Sex, instead comes under a sub-section of the furry community called Yiff/Yiffin/Yiffy.

This is the subculture where you’ll find sexualised porn involving anime with anthropomorphised animals. Yiff porn, is quite popular and in a way related to tentacle porn – yet it often receives a bad rap for being grotesque, weird, and relating to bestiality. In short, it doesn’t. It’s simply about adopting the persona of an animal and role playing that – albeit with sexual intent.

Runt By FurryStyle
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The Runt – Yiff Toys

With that in mind, I was super excited to be given the opportunity to provide an honest review on a Yiff dildo. Before we get to that, let’s ask the quick question so what makes a yiff cock? A yiff cock is generally divided into three separate parts; the shaft, the knot, and the base. A yiff cock isn’t necessarily meant to go all the way in, the knot would generally prevent the entire sex toy from being inserted, or if you’re capable of handling the sudden extra width, would provide that final bit of stimulation which would just make your muscles pulse (Caution is advised – don’t just rush this bit).

I’m also very confident that with the right cock ring the majority can be attached to a strap on, and be used as a strap on sex toy as well. Which then means that the sex toy can be used within a role play session and used with ‘animalistic pleasure’ at a moment’s notice. If you’re looking at yiff toys, double check this. I know with my one – I could certainly do this.

Going back to my excitement, I was asked to pick a silicone sex toy from the Furrystyle website which is a brand that is owned by Yiffytoys. It took me ages to narrow down a specific sex toy that I wanted to try, because they all looked pretty awesome. In the end, I went based on size, and picked the runt which I thought would be pretty reasonable without tearing me in half. I’m really not one for overly large sex toys.

A Simple And Bland Packaging

I sent off the request and eagerly waited for its arrival. When it arrived I tore open the box with excitement and anticipation – and I’m going to be brutally honest – I was a little disappointed. Firstly, let’s talk about the packaging. You’re in a beautifully niche market, with specialised sex toys and people that would be actively searching for this. I received my sex toy in a clear packaged bag with a small piece of cardboard attached to the top. It was bland, it was simple, and I thought it very much a wasted opportunity.

Furry culture, arguably, has a history in anime and pop culture fiction and artistic works. This would be a fabulous opportunity to create a beautiful box, decorated in anime style and pop culture references that could be used as a collection piece for the sex toy. Not just a plastic stapled with cardboard and I thought it a wasted opportunity to really set this sex toy apart within the market. At the very least, the cardboard strip could be decorated or changed from the current plainness without drastically increasing costs.

The Material Is A Good Quality For It’s Price

The point was made that a packaging change would increase the costs of this product and that brings me to a point that I did not mention in the original review and which I’d like to point out. I do take the point that this is an extremely affordable product considering the quality of the material that they’ve used. Currently, other sex toys that I have cost 2-3 times more than this and the material does not feel as anywhere near as good as the silicone used on the Runt.

Secondly… the size. When I first wrote this review I had noted that there was a slight difference in the measurements between the parent company website and the FurryStyle website with one being labelled in Inches and the other in centimetres. As a result of this – *I* had made a mistake in the maths when working out the size. I fully acknowledge the mistake that I made with the initial publishing of my review and as a result of having the error pointed out to me, I have subsequently changed this paragraph.

The Toy Was Surprisingly Small

I would also note that credit must be given to the company which also noted the discrepancy I had pointed out and corrected it – immediately adjusting the sizes on their website to the decimal point, and making the measurements across the two websites to be the same to avoid the same error that I had made. There’s not a lot of companies that actively listen to their consumers and the fact that FurryStyle / YiffyToys took notice and immediately adjusted the website just demonstrates their commitment to customer service and satisfaction.

When I first saw the sex toy I was a little worried about the smallness of the size, granted the sex toy is called the runt and this was a smaller than my preferred size for sex toys. But – despite my initial disappointment at the size I really needn’t have worried too much.

This Toy Proved Size Isn’t Everything

For I have to admit. It was fucking hot. Yes, I’d have loved for it to be a little thicker, but when you grip this sex toy between your hands and squeeze – it felt amazing. It was soft, squishy and I was still really looking forward to lubing it up and going to town. It reminded me in a way, of one of my ex’s. A delightful lad who I nicknamed rabbit – he had two speeds of thrusting; on and off. But most of all, I loved how it was different, I loved that it didn’t just look like a dick and if I’m being totally honest – there was the enjoyment of the naughty/taboo nature of it all.

Sparing you all the intimate and hot details of the session – the flexibility of the shaft meant that with just a little tweaking the sex toy was hitting the right spots very quickly. Again, I’d have loved for it to be just a tad thicker, but I was surprised at how fun this was. I was also surprised with how quickly this brought me to barking with pleasure. Who knew that small things could be so much fun?

Overall, I loved it. I liked the look, I liked the softness and it was thoroughly enjoyable. Despite the size – I have every intention of playing with it again and potentially even upgrading it to one with a little more… Woof

Author: Stephen Smith – BA Of Social Sciences, M.EdSave







3 responses to “A Dildo Barking With Pleasure – The Best Furry Gem”

  1. The furry culture refers to a subculture consisting of people who are interested in anthropomorphic animal characters, often called “furries.” These characters can range from animals with human-like characteristics to humans with animal-like features. Furries often create and interact with their characters through various mediums such as art, literature, role-playing, and costume-making (known as “fursuiting”). The culture can encompass a wide range of interests, including but not limited to art, animation, gaming, and social activities.

    While some aspects of furry culture may involve sexual themes or expressions, such as adult artwork or role-playing, the culture as a whole is not solely focused on sexuality. Many furries participate in the community purely for creative expression, socializing, and enjoying shared interests.

    Sex aids, on the other hand, refer to tools or devices used to enhance sexual experiences or assist individuals with sexual activities. These can include a wide range of products such as sex toys, lubricants, erotic literature, costumes, and more. Sex aids are often used by people of all sexual orientations and interests and are not specific to any particular subculture.

    The key difference between furry culture and sex aids is that furry culture encompasses a diverse range of interests and activities beyond sexuality, while sex aids are specifically designed to enhance sexual experiences. While there may be overlap in some cases where furries incorporate sexual themes into their creative expressions or interactions, the two concepts are distinct.

  2. That photo is not the Runt. It’s the Foxcoon+Mini Foxcoon.
    You also seem to mistake circumfence for diamter.
    But yes, it’s not 3 but only 2.76″
    A photo of the unopened packaging would have been nice to illustrate your point.

    A custom made box and artists for it would probably have made the toy much more expensive. Given the expensive material it’s extremely affordable.

    1. Thank you for your comments Suran, they have been forwarded to the reviewer to make any amendments required. You seem to know your stuff!

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