Spiritual And Sexual Massage Hands

Bella Talks Tantric Massage. You Should Listen!

The Sydney Tantric Massage opening line perfectly describes what a tantric massage experience is.

“Your sexual energy is awoken and spread around your entire body, causing a full body response, new sensations, a new understanding of the potential for pleasure within you. A Tantric Massage honours you in your entirety.”

What Does Tantric Massage Do?

Tantric Massage is where a person is taken to a place of deep relaxation.

The experience will encourage you to breathe deeply and become more mindfully aware of every touch you experience.  It allows for your body to naturally sexually respond.

With Tantric Massage you are not expected to climax but it can lead to a powerful full body orgasm.  It is one of the ways for men to learn how to orgasm without ejaculation.

There are two main types of Tantric Massages

A Yoni Massage which focuses on honouring the vagina and a Lingam Massage which focuses on honouring the male penis.

I have to say, it sounds like an amazing experience which honestly connects all aspects of psychology, sexuality and spirituality together in a harmonious environment.

Who doesn’t want all those benefits?

Sydney Tantric Massage have a large range of practitioners who specialise in areas including Intimacy Coaching, Spiritual Healing, Tantric Counselling, Energy Work, Bondassage and more.

Bella A Tantric massage practitioner
Photo: Bella, The Manager Of The Sydney Tantric Massage Website

This is a VIP interview with Bella, the Manager of the Sydney Tantric Massage Website.

Tell me about yourself?

My name is Bella.  I’m a Tantric Practitioner based in Sydney.  I manage the STM website, where independent and professionally trained Tantric practitioners advertise their Tantric services.

How did you get into Tantric Massage?

I was certainly interested in Tantra through my 20s.  But it wasn’t until my early 30s that I started to have full body energetic and orgasmic experiences.

Sometimes during sex, sometimes while dancing, and sometimes just literally out of the blue for no reason.  This gave me experiential insight into the fact that sexual energy is life force energy.

It is not dependent on genital stimulation.

We have more of a powerful and full body orgasmic capacity for pleasure than many of us realise.  As my personal experiences of sexual energy were so far outside the mainstream norm of what we are told sex is, I became passionate about deepening my studies of Tantra and sacred sexuality.

Soon enough I realised that this was my true passion.

I accepted that I had a gift worth sharing, and that I had the personal qualities and skills necessary to become a Tantric practitioner.   So, I studied a lot of courses and workshops, and started offering sessions.

That was 9 years ago.

tantric massage

What are the main principles of Tantra and how does it connect you to spirituality?

Tantra is the art of relaxing through arousal, the art of love, the art of meditating on pleasure.

The main principles are to slow everything down, be more mindful and present with every nuance of sensation.  Breathe deeply, let sounds flow, and move our sexual energy from the genitals around the body using imagination and intention to create full body orgasmic pleasure.

A tantric approach can create valley orgasms,  orgasmic states that last for hours.

Why is it spiritual?

Because when we are outside the normal confines of our ego we are closest to ‘god’, and sex is the fast track way to get there.

We can achieve much more in a short space of time when we are present with our partner and sexual energy is flowing than we ever could through meditating alone for years.

By combining sex and meditation, we can access states of consciousness not available with either practice alone.

Sex has an evolutionary function

When we shift away from a genital and peak orgasm focus and instead conduct sexual energy upwards, it is the energy of enlightenment.

Different chemical reactions in the body take place, the mind becomes flooded with dopamine, serotonin and DMT.  The pineal gland can become activated, and one can experience energetically merging with the other.

You might feel your chakras lighting up, experience visions in the third eye, or feel a sense of communion with something greater than yourself.

Many different energetic, spiritual and extremely pleasurable experiences are possible when we unite spirit and sex.

That’s why tantra is spiritual.

What are the benefits of a Tantra Massage?

There are many.

A tantric massage will often create a whole body orgasmic pleasure in the recipient.  Bliss states are very healing and rejuvenating for the whole body and all our organs.

Experiencing full body orgasmic pleasure can teach people a lot about themselves.  And inspire them to create more fulfilment and connection for themselves and their partners.

A Tantric Massage teaches a person the value of slowing down and relaxing during sexual arousal

In this relaxed mindful state, they will experience energy moving and pleasure in their bodies in new and interesting ways.

They will learn how to cultivate sexual energy, and to move it around the body. Showing them that orgasmic pleasure is not limited to the genitals, but we are capable of full body orgasmicness.

It will leave a person feeling full body integration and unite the genitals with the heart.

If a person has an issue the practitioner will tailor the session to specifically address that issue.

Clients will come for a tantric massage if they want to learn how to last longer, control themselves better, or have erectile issues.

For women, if they feel like they’re not very in touch with their sexual selves or feel shut down.

The tantric massage can help people become better loves, help men to last longer in bed.  Help couples to sexually connect better and enjoy each other more.  There are many benefits.

What does a Tantra Massage feel like?

That depends on the individual and where they are at.  Everybody is unique.

It’s a spectrum of experiences, from quiet, soothing, relaxing and nourishing, to high frequency, electric, intense, powerful, blissful, and incredible and it’s not possible to predict.

But everyone gets the experience that’s right for them.

Quite common for people to feel energy move through their body in new and pleasurable ways.  And to have more full body orgasmic sensations than they may be accustomed to.

Or to feel the genital heat rise up their torso to their hearts.   Some people will have full body orgasms.  For others, it may be something very close to it.

It leaves the body feeling very relaxed, and the person more deeply centred in their bodies.  With less tension in the pelvic area and feeling integrated, heart, mind, body and soul.

Are there different types of Tantra Massages?

Each practitioner will have their own style, but the basic elements are the same.

A tantric massage is a very sensual, full body and holistic massage utilising lots of long flowing strokes.   It works with your sexual energy, waking it up around the body through present, loving, intuitive touch.

A man receives a Lingham massage and he can have a prostate massage too if he likes.  Then a woman receives a yoni massage, so they differ in that way 🙂

The attitude of the practitioner is calm, loving, and honouring of you in your entirety.

Woman With See Through Top Kissing A Hand tantric massage
Photo: Woman Kissing A Mans Hand

What is the difference between a giver and a receiver during a Tantra Massage? How does the giver and the receiver prepare for a Tantra Massage?

The practitioner is giving and the client is receiving.  Some light sensual contact may be welcomed but the practitioner is not the focus of the session, the client is.

Receiving isn’t a passive state.

One actively receives by following the guidance to breathe deeply, allow sounds to be expressed, stay present with the sensations of the body.  And move energy for full body orgasmicness.

The receiver should have their attention within their own body, and if their attention leaves the body, they should bring it back when they realise.

A receiver doesn’t have to do much to prepare

Just come with an open mind and no expectations.  Expectations will block the direct reality of the experience.

Be freshly showered, or shower at our studios before their session.

The practitioner will prepare the room beautifully with ambience and beautiful scents, fresh towels and warm oil.  And meditate before the session so that we are grounded and present and in our hearts.

How does a Tantra Massage begin?

My sessions go for between one and 2 hours usually.  4 hours for couples.

The session will begin with a conversation with the client to find out more about them. And if they want help or guidance with an issue then we talk about that.

Some people come purely for pleasure and relaxation.  Others come because they know they have an issue they would like to overcome.

This could be a lack of libido, lack of enjoyment of sexual intimacy, inability to orgasm or weak orgasmic sensations.  Or lack of ejaculation control, or inability to sustain an erection.

The tantric approach can help improve all of these conditions.

Conversing about sex and intimacy in this new way can be very beneficial to people.  The practitioner will explain more about the session.

Practitioners may meditate with the client before the session begins.

The massage will generally begin with the person lying face down, and there are different approaches for men and women.   For women, sexual energy moves from the extremities to the breasts, to the vagina, so we touch her in such a way to facilitate this.

Sensuality is the key to a woman’s sexuality

We want her to feel safe and relaxed.

So we wouldn’t touch her yoni until much later in the session when she is lying on her back, after a breast and belly massage.   And only with her permission granted would we enter her yoni to begin the internal massage.

Sexual energy works differently in a man, in that his energy arises in the genitals.

So, we would touch his genitals at the beginning.  And continually return there during the whole body massage in order to awaken and spread the sexual energy and pleasurable sensations around his body.

Everything is done in a relaxing way, so that the receiver can relax into what they are receiving.  Instead of being overwhelmed by intense sensations.

The practitioner will guide the client into the tantric state, and may gently encourage and guide them during the massage to be present, to feel, to have a deeper experience.

You can expect a new experience of relaxing into arousal

And that you will be honoured, safe, cared for and respected meanwhile. Your full body massage will utilise a lot of long flowing sensual strokes.

A lot of attention is applied to the, chest, belly, pelvic and thighs, buttocks and around the genitals.  Leaving you feeling more open and light, and deeply connected to your pelvic bowl area.

Your penis, prostate or yoni will be touched with presence and love in innocent ways.

It is a healing experience to be touched without agenda or without the need to do something for a change.

Just to receive.  A touch around the pelvic area and in the vagina releases tension and allows for more pleasure to be experienced.

People hold a lot of tension around their genitals so it is tension releasing, very grounding.   It helps a person descend deeper into their sexual sense of self.    The massage will build towards a conclusion which is either deeply relaxing or deeply invigorating or a mix of both.

It could be an emotional experience, a blissful experience, a powerful experience, or a quiet gentle experience.

So, it depends on the receiver.

Woman In Black With Whip tantric massage
Photo: Bondassage

What happens during a Bondassage?

(Written by Taranga from Bondassagebliss)

“In a Bondassage session, you’ll experience both sensory deprivation and sensory overload. First you’ll be lightly bound to my comfortable massage table.

Next I cover your eyes with a blindfold, and your ears with headphones, playing soft, sensual music. Then we’ll begin to explore sensation, as my warm, experienced hands knead, stroke, tickle, spank and more.

As part of the experience, you’ll also be stimulated with delicious props like fur, feathers, crops and floggers. During a session, all kinds of feelings and emotions can come up.

People often report feeling a rush of endorphins, similar to a ‘runner’s high’, and the experience can take you into what’s called a subspace.

Here, time slows down and you enter a meditative, trance-like zone. Your mind is stilled and your body feels alive and more responsive than ever before.”

Thinking of exploring any form of BDSM play?

Then you have to try it out to see whether or not you are enjoying this kind of sexual and sensual play.

Only then will you know. I think there needs to be an interest in BDSM play for you to enjoy and truly trust and let go.

If BDSM play is not for you don’t do it.

Certainly you need to try things out to see whether it suits your particular needs and requirements.  Bondassage is a safe way to experience the pleasure and pain of light BDSM with a highly trained and sensually skillful practitioner.

tantric massage
SHOP NOW: Bondage & Kink Gear

What type of training do the Tantra practitioners receive?

Yes, everyone on the STM site is well trained, and we are all dedicated to our profession.

Definitely if you are thinking about a Tantric Massage you should be looking into the qualifications of your practitioner.

There are many different avenues into this work.  But for sure we have all undertaken a lot of personal development around our own sexuality.

We have refined our sexual energy and we have all studied sacred sexuality.

Also we have completed many workshops and retreats around Tantra, massage, energy, or shamanic healing, counseling and coaching. All of us have our own personal meditation practices that help us maintain a grounded, aware, present and loving attitude towards our clients.

There are many reasons why you should start meditating. Take a look at our personal pages on our site to find out more about what we have studied.

What is the best way to contact you?

Each practitioner has their own hours of operation, generally between 10 am and 9pm or so. Appointments later or earlier would be at the discretion of the practitioner.

The best way to contact the practitioner is by contacting them using the contact details on their individual pages.

STM website does not take bookings for sessions as we are all private and independent practitioners.  You set up your appointment by contacting the practitioner directly.

What types of services or products should a person buy if they would like to know more about Tantra Massages?

They should come along and have a tantric massage because Tantra is experiential.  It is not something you read about or learn about, it is something you have the direct experience of.

A tantric massage is an opportunity to experience something unique in your life.  It will be a deeply relaxing and pleasurable experience, and for some people it is a life changing experience.

Take a look at our Sydney Tantric Massage website and get in touch with the practitioner that you resonate the most with.

tantric massage
Yoni Mudra Massage

A Yoni Vagina Massage

Massages have long been known to help ease signs of stress and help us feel more relaxed.

But a new type of more intimate massage is becoming popular, not only between couples.  You can even go to a  professional  to experience one too.  It is a ‘Yoni Massage”.

The “Yoni”, incase you don’t know, is the Sanskrit word for ‘vagina’, or ‘sacred place”.  This type of massage is a Tantric tradition that professionals should have taken years to perfect.  But is also an amazing practice for couples to learn together.

Yoni Massage comes from a perspective of love and respect

The goal is not to have an orgasm, although that may well happen as a by product, and more than once.  A goal can be to simply pleasure and massage.

Having no expectation of orgasm means both giver and receiver can totally relax.   A purpose of the massage is to make you so relaxed around that area of your body that your mind is acutely awakened to the possibilities of pleasure.

Yoni massage promises to rid us of the tensions that we hold inside our vaginas.

It is believed that women store trauma  and emotional pain in the walls of the vagina

Over time this makes us less interested in sex and less in touch with our own sexuality.

Professionals use it sometimes to help women through sexual blocks and deeply held traumas, even curing vaginismus over time.  With a partner it can be a form of safe sex.

A joy for the giver to witness and to be responsible for, the woman reaching  the highest states of arousal possible.

Before Yoni Massage begins, it is really important that a special space is created.

Above all it must feel safe, intimate and comfortable.  Remember Sex is not part of the massage.  Nor should the giver expect to receive anything in return.

It is very rare that women get to purely receive.

There has to be a strong emphasis on this being all about the woman and the focus is on healing and leaving space for any emotions that come up.  It is not unusual for very powerful emotions to come up and tears might be shed.

Go with the emotions, and this is to be  a space to feel them and express them.

Most massages will begin with an undressing ritual

Every time an item of clothing is dropped to the floor the receiver says out loud anything she feels is holding her back.  It could be something like body insecurity, or shyness.

Then both parties meditate together.

Finally, the receiver will get a warm oil, full body massage,so that she is as relaxed as she can possibly be.  There is no touching of the vagina until a state of complete and utter relaxation has been attained.

tantric massage The Yoni
Sexual Health: Yoni Quote

During A Yoni Massage

For the Yoni Massage the woman should lie on her back, head raised with a pillow, so she can see her Yoni and can look into the givers eyes.

  • Legs are spread with pillows under the knees, so the giver can access the entire body.
  • Deep focused breathing and as much eye contact as possible should be maintained throughout the process.
  • As little talking as possible.
  • The woman receiving can give feed back on pressure speed or depth if she wants.
  • Thighs, abdomen and breasts are gently massaged to encourage a relaxed state.
  • Warm, high quality oil is poured over the pubic mound so the outer lips of the vagina can be gently massaged.

This must not be hurried.

Gently squeeze the lips between the finger and thumb and slide up and down the length of the lips.  Do the same with the inner lips.  The clitoris can then be stroked in clockwise and anti clockwise circles and squeezed gently.

Purpose is massage – don’t forget- not orgasm.

Slowly the middle finger of the right hand can be inserted.  It has to be the right hand according to Tantric practice.  Walls of the vagina are gently massaged especially the g spot or “the sacred spot” as it is known in Tantra.

A professional Yoni expert will be able to locate and massage out other knots of tension.

Special attention is also paid to the A spot.   Pressure and speed are varied. A middle finger can be inserted and then 2 fingers.  None of this should be hurried.

A good Yoni massage will take at least 2 hours.  The little finger can massage the anus at the same time.

In tantra, if you do this at the same time as having 2 fingers inside her and a thumb on the clitoris you are said to be “holding one of the mysteries of the universe in your hand. ”

The left hand can be used to massage her breasts, abdomen or clitoris.

While all this is going on, the massage, the eye contact, the measured breathing, it can be very overwhelming.

This is when releases of emotions and orgasms are most likely.

Only continue massaging if that is what is wanted.  Obviously this can result in the most intense ,multiple orgasms that may increase in strength.  Or ‘riding the wave” as it is called in Tantra.

A Yoni Massage will finish very gently and if you are a couple as much time for holding and cuddling as she wants.

Ideally all the orgasmic energy will spread through the body and revitalize the energetic body (or Chakra) and connect with the heart.  Not all countries offer professional Yoni Massages, but Australia does and in Sydney too!

You can even do classes to learn this art.










7 responses to “Bella Talks Tantric Massage. You Should Listen!”

  1. Shayla Faply Avatar
    Shayla Faply

    Tantric massage is a bit of pet subject for me!

  2. Stephen Avatar

    She seems like she knows a lot about what she is talking about

  3. James Price Avatar
    James Price

    All ears here.

  4. Michael Gex Avatar
    Michael Gex

    I am now a fan of Bella!

  5. Anna Crart Avatar
    Anna Crart

    Tantra is my passion and Bella seems to know what she is talking about!

  6. Anna Crart Avatar
    Anna Crart

    Been practising tantra for a good many years and find this article very helpful.

  7. Lourdes Avatar

    What a sexy article. Tantric massage and tantra sex are very interesting spiritual awakenings.

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