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holding hands

10 Things That Are Better Than Sex

Sex is often considered a pinnacle of pleasure and intimacy in relationships. It’s important to recognize that there are many other experiences and aspects of life that can bring equal or even greater satisfaction.  Let’s explore 10 things that are better than sex and why they might matter.

From personal anecdotes to scientific research, we’ll delve into the reasons why these experiences hold such significance.

So, let’s take a closer look at what can surpass the pleasure of sex and how it can impact our relationships.

What Can Be Better Than Sex?

1. A Deep Connection with a Partner

While sex can enhance the bond between partners, a deep emotional connection goes beyond physical intimacy.

Sharing your innermost thoughts, fears, and dreams with a trusted partner can create an unparalleled sense of closeness.

It’s the feeling of being truly understood and accepted, which fosters an emotional connection that transcends the physical act of sex.

2. Acts of Kindness and Love

Simple acts of kindness and love can bring immense joy and fulfillment.

It might be cooking somone a delicious meal, doing the dishes, or surprising you with a thoughtful gesture.  These acts show care and consideration.

A feeling of being loved and appreciated can be what you’re looking for and can last longer than sex.

3. Achieving Personal Goals and Growth

These things can bring a sense of fulfillment that goes beyond the physical feeling of sex.

Accomplishing something meaningful to you, like a career milestone or a personal achievement, can boost self-esteem and create a lasting sense of satisfaction.

This sense of fulfillment can have a great effect on your overall happiness and any relationships you might have.

4. Finding Purpose and Making a Difference

Knowing that you’ve made a positive impact, no matter how small, can be incredibly rewarding.

Doing things like volunteering or helping others, can give your life a sense of purpose and fulfillment. The feeling of making a difference in someone else’s life or in the world can be amazing.

5. Shared Moments of Laughter and Joy

Laughter is often described as the best medicine, and for a good reason. Sharing laughter and jokes with people you care about can create lasting memories that live with your forever.

The feeling of pure happiness and the bond that comes from shared laughter can bring more long-term satisfaction than a singular roll in the sheet.

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6. Self-Discovery and Personal Growth

Understanding yourself on a deeper level and taking a journey of self-discovery can be really helpful.

Exploring your passions, interests, and values allows you to grow as a person.  This can lead to more self-awareness and personal satisfaction.  It could generally make you feel better about yourself and in turn add to your satisfaction.

7. Finding Beauty in Art and Culture

Appreciating things like art, music, books, theatre, bands and other forms of culture can really help.

The beauty and depth of artistic expression can bring feelings of awe, inspiration, and connectedness. These experiences can be enriching and fulfilling, often surpassing the temporary pleasure of sex.

8. Connecting with Nature

Spending time in nature and connecting with the natural world can have a profound impact on our well-being.

It might be taking a hike in the mountains, walking along the beach, or simply sitting in a park.  Being in nature can bring a sense of peace and tranquility. This connection with the natural world can give you a great sense of peace.

9. Acts of Self-Care and Relaxation

Things like self-care and relaxation is essential for our overall well-being. Going to the gym, being with friends, having a massage, all these things can bring a sense of rejuvenation and contentment.

It might be indulging in a spa day, practicing mindfulness, or simply taking a long bath.  These acts of self-care can surpass the pleasure of sex by promoting overall well-being and balance.

10. Building Meaningful Relationships Beyond Romantic Partnerships

While romantic relationships are important, building meaningful relationships beyond sexual relationships is very important.

Strong friendships, family connections, and supportive communities provide a sense of belonging, love, and support. These relationships can bring immense joy and satisfaction.  Often surpassing the pleasure derived solely from sex.

better than sex
Photo by Jasmine Carter: Hands making a heart

What Is The Answer To The Age Old Question

Ah, the age-old question!  Sex is undeniably an incredible and pleasurable experience.  There are indeed a few things in life that can give us that same sense of exhilaration and satisfaction.

So, let’s dive right in and explore five things that some people believe feel even better than sex.

1. A Sense of Accomplishment

The feeling of achieving a long-standing goal or completing a challenging project can be the best feeling.

Whether it’s acing that exam you’ve been studying for months or finishing a marathon, the rush of accomplishment can fill you with an unmatched sense of pride and fulfillment.

It’s like a surge of dopamine that leaves you on cloud nine.

2. Laughing Uncontrollably

We all know how amazing it feels when something genuinely tickles our funny bone and sends us into fits of laughter.  It’s as if all our worries and stress momentarily disappear, and we become lost in pure joy.

Laughing releases endorphins, the body’s natural “feel-good” chemicals, which can leave us feeling euphoric and connected with those around us.

3. Falling in Love

Sweet sensation of butterflies fluttering in your stomach and the anticipation of seeing someone you adore.  Warmth that spreads through your entire being when they smile at you.

Falling in love can be an incredibly intense and joyful experience.  It’s like unlocking a secret door to a world filled with happiness, passion, and emotional fulfillment.

4. Experiencing Natural Beauty

Have you ever stood on a mountaintop, gazing at the breathtaking landscape before you?

Or perhaps witnessed a stunning sunset painting the sky with vibrant hues? These moments of awe-inspiring natural beauty can evoke a profound sense of wonder and contentment.

Connecting with nature on such a deep level can remind us of our place in the grand scheme of things and leave us feeling blissfully alive.

5. Acts of Kindness

Doing something selfless and seeing the positive impact it has on someone else’s life can be incredibly rewarding.

It might be volunteering at a local charity or helping a stranger in need.  Or simply being there for a friend.  Acts of kindness and compassion can ignite a warm and fuzzy feeling deep within.

Knowing that you’ve made a real difference in someone’s life can really strengthen bonds with a person.

What Feels Better Than Sex Can Vary From Person to Person

We all have unique preferences, desires, and experiences that shape our perception of pleasure.  So, these five things might be valid for some people, it is ultimately down to each individual person as to what floats their boat.

Sex Is Incredible – Not Going to Lie

But there are indeed other things in life that some people believe can offer an equally intense and fulfilling sense of pleasure.

Achieving goals to falling in love, laughing uncontrollably or experiencing natural beauty, and performing acts of kindness.  These are just a few examples of moments that can make us feel on top of the world.

Remember, pleasure is subjective.

Each person will know what it is that brings them joy and pleasure.  Embrace the journey of discovering what makes your heart sing.  Cherish those moments that make life truly worth living.


One response to “10 Things That Are Better Than Sex”

  1. I appreciate the boldness of adultsmart blog for tackling such a taboo topic. It’s important to have open discussions about alternative forms of pleasure, and this article does just that.

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