Homophobia Statistics

A Homophobic Letter

Hi, I’m PJ and I have been writing for the adultsmart blog for a while. I am gay and proud of it.  I am also proud of my aboriginality.   My long-time partner Darren and I are advocates to legalise and support same-sex marriages. I am here to share a homophobic letter that I received.

Some of the articles I have written on this blog site relate to our stance on same-sex marriages and stance by other political parties and items of interest.

My thanks go to all that have sent letters and comments of encouragement and they are truly valued. However, I guess going with the territory, have also received negative feedback, letters and comments.

A Homophobic Letter

The image attached is one such letter I wish to share and to show the lunacy of some of the anti-gay and anti-same sex marriage groups.  Click on the letter to view it in more detail.


showing support against a homophobic letter
morgan freeman twitter quote

The author of this letter left her contact number and so politely I have rung it to offer her the chance to discuss her views and claims.

Claims that were Made in a Homophobic Letter

These include it is sexual abuse and perversion if two consenting adults of the same sex engage in sexual activity.  Same sex couples who adopt are the very opposite of what good parenting is about.

That gays must accept AIDS.  Eating Chinese food, soya milk and grain fed cow milk will cause homosexuality and cross dressing.

Further Josephine has told me that I have interest in child abuse.  And my push for same sex marriage and legal adoption of children by same sex marriage should be actively fought against.  She has indicated a website so anyone supporting this can see the spiritual consequences.

My work is as a manager of the Gay Exchange Sydney’s first all gay store and I am also proud of that.

If you support same sex marriage, legal adoption by same sex parents please show Josephine what you think of her view by liking its facebook page or commenting on this post.

Gay and Proud, PJ Weir 

Weir is still an advocate for same sex marriage and is actively involved in campaigning remove the draconian laws that prohibit same sex marriages within Australia.

He has however moved on from the Gay Exchange which is now staffed by Yoshi, RickyMartin, Marcos and Ghoki.   We hope that you will visit the GLTB Safe Place sometime soon and experience our second to none customer service.

N.B. The Gay Exchange Was Closed Down When State Transit Took Possession of the Building.   It now operates from the Adult Lifestyle Centre Kogarah.

And just to let you know, there are many reasons you should be self confidence with your sexuality

There are Many Reasons to be Gay and Proud 

Be True To Yourself

This is liberating experience that allows individuals to break free from the shackles of living a lie. Closeted living can lead to feelings of inadequacy and falsehood.

But it is important to note that such thoughts are unfounded. When individuals reveal their true selves to others, it opens the door to transformative life changes.

These changes may include the ability to let go of toxic relationships that breed shame and embrace new relationships that accept individuals for who they are.

Don’t Worry What Others Think

Living authentically can be one of the most freeing experiences.

Often, staying in the closet can feel like living a lie, trying to be someone you’re not. It may seem like no matter what you do, you’ll never measure up.

Fortunately, this line of thinking is far from the truth!  When you reveal your true self to others, you open up opportunities to make profound changes in your life.

Let go of toxic relationships

Ones that leave you feeling ashamed and embrace new, supportive individuals who appreciate you for who you are.

One of the primary concerns of individuals when they age is the possibility of being abandoned by their loved ones once the truth is revealed.

On the flip side, those who genuinely care about you will become even closer to you than ever before. By disclosing your true self to them, they will learn a great deal about you.

More importantly, you will discover everything you need to know about them. You will discern who in your life truly cares for you and who you can rely on under any circumstances.

LGBTQI Is now widely accepted

Same-sex marriage has finally been legalized in numerous countries, including the US, Canada, many parts of Europe, Mexico, and some parts of South America.

If you live in any of these countries, you can now embrace your relationships just like your straight peers, and you’re entitled to the same legal protections.

Being an LGBTIQ individual does not restrict you from having the wedding you’ve always desired. You can celebrate your love and commitment just like anyone else.

Gay Couples Can Now Adopt

Not everyone desires to become a parent. However, if you do, your personal struggles can actually benefit you.  You will be able to empathize with your child’s fears and loneliness because you have experienced it too.

In fact, a recent study conducted by the University of Melbourne suggests that, contrary to homophobic beliefs, gay parents generally raise healthy and happy families.

Sometimes even better than straight parents!

Being Gay Promotes An Inclusive Society

You possess the power to create a positive impact on the world without necessarily having to take physical action.

Even by simply being out and open with your sexuality, you can contribute to making the world a more tolerant and accepting place. Studies have proven that people who have acquaintances from the LGBT community tend to be more supportive of gay rights and are generally more accepting.

By coming out, you make a sensitive issue more personal to those around you. While intolerance and homophobia may persist in certain individuals, you can still play your part by being your authentic self.

We Have Paved The Way for a youthful LGBTIQ Era

Despite increased efforts by educators and school authorities to address bullying, LGBTIQ children continue to experience higher rates of torment in schools.

By openly expressing pride in their identity, individuals can serve as positive role models for LGBTIQ youth in their community.

The It Gets Better Project is an excellent example of how LGBT adults can come together to support and encourage lonely or depressed teenagers, letting them know that they are not alone.

We are gay and proud and changing the world

The LGBTQ+ community dominates creative industries such as theater, music, and film. While this may not be entirely accurate, it is a flattering stereotype.

By coming out, you will be joining a community of remarkable individuals such as Lady Gaga, Sam Smith, Zachary Quinto, and Anna Paquin.

You will also become a part of a rich tradition that includes historical figures and artists like Frida Kahlo, Oscar Wilde, and even the ultimate Renaissance Man, Leonardo da Vinci.

a homophobic letter
Scott Morrison – Former Australian PM

Gay Bashing Laws 

We have seen it in the past few weeks involving the court case with Brock Turner in the United States. 

His widely circulated Victim Statement included him writing such gems as he thought that it was okay to participate in a ‘college lifestyle’. 

Which included him idolizing the numerous times that he say guys on his swim team ‘go to parties, meet girls and take the girl that they had just met back with them.  And he ‘accepted this as normal’.

He is sad and regrets the actions that he made, not because he has destroyed someones livelihood but because, and get this I quote verbatim.

‘I am no longer a swimmer, a student, a resident of California, or the product of the work that I put in to accomplish the goals that I set out in the first nineteen years of my life.

Doesn’t that sound simply amazing?

No mention of the girl that he has raped, no mention of the life that he has effectively destroyed.  But a complete and utter sob story about how it’s impacted his life.

But I digress – he goes on to say that. 

I go to sleep every night having been crippled by these thoughts to the point of exhaustion.  I wake up having dreamt of these horrific events that I have caused. I am completely consumed by my poor judgment and ill thought actions.

Rather than own his mistakes, he plays the victim.

He plays the whole woe is me story about how his life is now ruined because of thoughtless actions.  How he has lost two jobs in his whole mentality of I can’t believe I stuffed up my actions I thought I was doing the right thing. 

And I simply wanted to be a part of the culture I so desperately idolized.

In the back of my mind, I am kind of thinking that he has played on the ‘I am the real Victim’ because his lawyer has told him so.  But playing the victim card is a constant and recurring trend.  And it needs to stop.

Marriage Equality 

A few days ago Australian Politican Penny Wong gave an impassioned speech about Marriage Equality and the issue of the upcoming plebiscite post the Election.

Mrs Wong argues that she opposes a plebiscite because ‘A plebiscite designed to deny me and many other Australians a marriage certificate will instead license hate speech to those who need little encouragement’.

She goes on to say that there is no straight politician that will understand about what being gay means. That the gays, lesbians and queers are constantly under a barrage of hate speech and recurring homophobia.

Stories of Gay Bashing Victims

I was shocked to read that a friend of mine, whom I’d spent time with when socializing, was brutally bashed in Newtown when walking home after a night out.

Isaac Keatinge is a delightful young man who was just returning home from a party when he was attacked by three men who said various anti-gay and anti-trans comments towards him. 

Dylan Souster

He had a party in February 2016, and he went to see his friends off in a taxi. When he turned around to head back home, he was punched directly in the face, disorientated and confused he woke up in an oval a short walk away.

He walked home, whereby a passerby asked if he was okay, and if he needed help.  Upon discovering that Dylan was gay, the ‘good Samaritan’ punched him in the face as well.

Warren Batchelor

In March 2015, two men from Perth were found guilty of bashing and then killing,  Warren Batchelor, a gay man they had ‘caught’ engaging in sexual relations with another man.

There are Hundreds of Stories of Gay Bashings

I could include hundreds of stories here but I am sure you get the drift.  These are just a couple of the more serious crimes.  It doesn’t include the daily abuse experienced around the country from bottles been thrown.

Discriminatory slurs being bandied about, looks, refusal of service, derogatory comments.  All sorts of homophobic actions that are generally swept under the carpet.

I have spoken before about the idea of constantly coming out, and this is why Queers have to constantly assess their surroundings, and whether or not it’s a safe environment.

It’s a sad world when you have to do that. It’s tiring as well.

Penny has championed Marriage Equality

She has stated that politicians simply do not know what it is like to be gay.

Then Scott Morrison – who compares the homophobia, daily abuse, to his own experiences as apparently being vilified because of his Christian beliefs.

Let me give it to you ‘straight’. 

No one cares that he has a religious background and how dare he even attempt to compare the ‘vilification’ that he has received to the experiences that I have had to endure, grow and learn to accept as a part of my history.

It is inconceivable that a heterosexual male, in a married and loving relationship can compare that with the abuse experienced by the LGBTIQ community.

An individual who is perfectly able to hold his wife’s hand whilst shopping without fear of verbal abuse.  An individual who will never expend the energy that queer people do in regulating their movements, clothes, mannerism, and speech so as not to come across as gay in the wrong area.

He simply does not, and will not ever understand that.

Do I believe that at times the Queer Movement comes across as strong?

Yes.  I understand that there are ‘extremes’ on both sides of the fence. I would concede to that, even though I should not have to, but by coming out and playing the victim card is astounding.

It is the comments that Mr Morrison has made previously that causes us to be angry, not the fact that he is Christian.

Many of the queer community struggle with their religion for many years

Before learning how to cope with both their faith and sexuality. It is confusing to on one hand play the victim, yet on the other hand attempt to denounce homosexuality as being inferior to heterosexual relationships.

As a politician representing the Australian community it is feasible that they will be called upon to justify why their personal sentiments should affect the entirety of the Australian Population.

And to play the victim card is just plain weak.


2 responses to “A Homophobic Letter”

  1. Hey pj its beach ball I am so proud of you bud I so hope one day the govt wakes up to themselves and let two people regardless of there sex get married .also look in your Facebook acct I have changed mine and have been trying to get ahold of u. Look up sproger beachball and send me a friend request bud love to here from you mwah

    1. Thanks peter your kind words are appreciated. Go PJ.

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