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How To Look Sexy

How to Look Sexy for Your Man – Be The One And Only

How to Look Sexy and Be “The-One-And-Only” for Your Partner

A desire of how to look sexy and be more attractive for your man is a great intention. More so as dwindling relationships are getting common because of a lack of romantic, sexual, and passionate energy. Intimacy is something that depends on the individuals in a relationship.

Many couples  have managed to maintain the same high level of intimacy after being together for many years.

How to Look Sexy

It is common for couples to feel that their relationship has become dull after spending a few years together. This is often attributed to partners taking each other for granted and losing the initial spark. However, there are several ways to rekindle the romance, and one of the easiest ways is by looking attractive. To impress your partner, here are some suggestions to enhance your appearance.

  • Initiative Is a Good Thing;

Men often believe that taking initiative is solely their responsibility. However, planning date nights or thinking of new sexual experiences can become monotonous. Consider arranging occasional dates or sexual activities to break the monotony.

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Assuming control is more than just a shift in responsibility. Your partner will appreciate your leadership and view it as a refreshing change.

  • Reignite His Senses;

As a woman, you can help your partner by taking his mind off his troubles since most men tend to overthink. You can do this by engaging in activities that turn him on and help him relax. It’s important to remind your partner that life is more than just work and goals. Try rubbing his shoulders to get him in a more relaxed mood, and he’ll appreciate the gesture.

By doing this, you’ll become more attractive to him than ever before.

How To Look Sexy
Pexels Royalty Free – Wesley Davi
  • Choosing the Right Scent;

As time goes by, the fragrance that used to ignite your man’s desires may lose its charm. To keep the spark alive, it’s crucial to choose a seductive scent that will capture his attention. The sense of smell is linked to emotions and memories, making it essential to pick the right perfume. A pleasant aroma can make you more alluring to your partner.

Opt for a subtle and feminine scent that won’t overpower. Fortunately, perfume doesn’t have to break the bank, and even an affordable option can set the mood for both of you.

  • Make Use of Flavored Lip Gloss and Mascara;

Lipstick is often perceived as a barrier by most men, but that doesn’t mean you have to leave your lips bare. Opt for a lip gloss instead to achieve a desirable look for your partner. To catch their attention, make your eyelashes appear longer and thicker, as men tend to notice women’s eyes.

Enlarging your eyes will make you more attractive to your partner.

  • Look and Taste Great;

If you’re looking to add some extra oomph to your sexy look, consider switching up your body lotion or shimmer powder to something more flavorful. This can make for a wonderful surprise when your partner leans in for a kiss.

There are plenty of delicious options to choose from, so go for something that will positively impact your partner’s senses. Men love a good scent on their partner, so smelling great can instantly make you sexier in their eyes.

  • Compliment Him as Much as Possible;

Men may not always be as receptive to praise as women, but a sincere compliment can still have a big impact. There are two types of compliments you can give your partner –

  • Focus on something he is confident about, such as his eyes or hair.
  • A compliment can address his insecurities, like if he has gained weight recently.
  • Find something positive to say.
  • Boost his confidence and strengthen your relationship.

Your words will work wonders!

  • Glam Yourself up With Some Red for That Sexy Look;

Red is often associated with passion and love. Wearing red can signal your partner that you’re in the mood for some intimate moments. Opt for red outfits or add some red to your appearance, like painting your nails or wearing red lipstick, to awaken your partner’s interest.

The color red is known to emit sexual energy and can definitely provide you with a sexy look that your partner won’t be able to resist.

  • Excite Your Feminine Energy;

Embrace your feminine aura to enhance your attractiveness in your partner’s eyes. Focus on boosting your inner radiance by touching your heart and letting it shine brightly. Cement your relationship as a woman by moving around and wearing clothes that make you feel beautiful.

Connecting with your inner self will enable you to open up more with your partner.

Every man is unique, so the tweaks you make to please your man will depend on him. Nonetheless, these steps are commonly effective. It’s important to keep the fire of your love burning bright, and these tips will help you do just that. You’ll feel great, and your man will see you in a new light.

Tell us some of your personal tricks that make you look sexy when you go out with your man. You can leave your tips in the comment section below.

We would love to hear from you.

How to look good naked: post covid

Let’s be real, you’ve probably got a covid bod going or maybe it started long before the pandemic and want to make sure you look good naked.  Body dysmorphia has been a struggle for everyone at least once in their life and it’s nothing to be ashamed of.

Confidence is difficult to earn and sometimes it’s harder to keep, especially when you’re stuck in quarantine with food delivery services everywhere.

The first step: achieving maximum comfort in the nude

This is probably the most difficult step.

I’m not saying you need to surround yourself with mirrors, this isn’t American Beauty and you may have a hard time picturing yourself like Mena Suvari covered in rose petals seducing Kevin Spacey on a ceiling.

No, we’re not there yet, but get the rose petals anyway (just in case).

All we’re doing in this step is living without clothes, and preferably in our bedrooms away from housemates and family (this isn’t a social thing). If you live alone or with a partner who works different hours to you; nipples to the wind, baby!

Some tasks you can do during this time could be, but definitely not limited to

  • Housework (e.g. vacuuming, dusting, dishes, laundry, etc)
  • Watching television or playing video games
  • Work from home (make sure there aren’t any zoom meetings scheduled)
  • Exercise (busty babes be careful)
  • Online shop
  • Wash the dog
  • Start a new hobby (knitting in the nude has a nice ring to it)

Be Comfortable With Yourself – Naked Or Not!

The point of this exercise is to be yourself, but naked. This means doing house-chores in the nude, and lounging about with a tit out. It’ll feel weird and you’ll want to put something on but resist. The more you see your fleshy bits, the more you’ll be desensitised to caring about what you look like (sounds easier than it is).

Avoid mirrors and reflective surfaces at the beginning. It’s easy to give up after seeing yourself,  confronting and can do more damage than good.

This step isn’t a one-off, loving yourself takes time and each person is different, it all depends on you. Try and intertwine this practice daily or weekly.

Make the time for yourself; no excuses!

It’s 2022, if we aren’t attempting to think of our bodies as holy temples, then what are we doing with our time besides continually hating ourselves.

We cut off toxic people, but what if we’re what’s toxic?

Try and be kind to yourself, negatively thinking of your body isn’t going to change the fact that it’s yours.

Looking Sexy For Your Man
Pexels Royalty Free –

The second step: acceptance;

It’s okay to accept yourself at this current phase in your lives. If this isn’t the body you want, that’s okay too. It’s not about ‘liking’ yourself, it’s about realising you’re more than cellulite and caring less about what you or others think of your appearance.

The goal is;

going to a nudist beach and feeling like a king (this means not being embarrassed or feeling shame).

You’ll know you’ve reached this step when you look in the mirror and your reaction is more of “meh” instead of a “ew”. When you spend less time worrying about your appearance, the better quality of life you’ll have.

Remember, Rome wasn’t built in a day, your dream rig is going to take time. The sooner you stop overthinking and worrying about trying to squeeze into those jeans you desperately want to keep from 2010 (please just donate them). It’s not worth the reminder of what you were and what you wish you could be. It does more damage mentally and it doesn’t matter how much you spent on them or if they’re designer labels~( let it go).

Have A Wardrobe Change – Out With The Old In With The New YOU!

Now that you’ve accepted your current body and cleared out your wardrobe, start living (you can wear clothes this time). This means enjoying things you always had to stress about before; treat yourself to that ice cream or go to the beach shirtless/in a bikini.

You’ll feel like all eyes are on you, but try to remember that those people are more concerned about themselves and how they look. We all have our internal struggles and shortcomings. The only way to change how you react is purely through building confidence. As walk about being yourself in all your glory (please keep in mind public nudity is illegal), the more normal you’ll feel.

Confidence isn’t given, it’s made.

The third step: enjoying yourself

This is the BIG one. We’ve spent the time, and we’ve done our best at loving our bodies on our own. Now it’s time for someone else to love your body.

Regardless of what you may think of yourself, you are wanted. Put yourself out there and start talking to people.

Remember; nothing ventured = nothing gained!

If you’re on a dating app, I highly suggest bad pick-up lines. It’s an easy way to break the ice and can set you up with a good first impression. Flirting out in the wild can be a bit intimidating and if you get turned down. Please keep trying with other people. It can be disheartening at first but life isn’t like the movies and that’s okay.

Just keep swimming around this crazy world until you hook someone worth keeping.

Not ready to let another person raid your holy temple?

That’s fine, no rush. Luckily technology has come a LONG way from basic masturbation routines. Give yourself a break and get to your nearest adult store (adult stores will often give you more advice and better suggestions than shopping online).

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We’re all different and it’s important to find something worth your time.

Remember; you’re finding a toy/toys that’ll make YOU feel like a KING. Save your money by avoiding the cheaper/low quality items and invest in yourself. Sex toys are supposed to be fun and easy, sex shouldn’t be complicated unless you want it to be.

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Roughly, this can cost you anywhere from AUD $150-$500 and should be a one-off purchase until you’re ready to explore yourself/others further. Stay away from battery operated and non-waterproof toys. They don’t last long and generally gather gunk/other nasties around the battery seal.

If you can’t justify the purchase for yourself; think of it this way! You would roughly spend that much on someone you love, but not on yourself? Seems like a double standard to me… Let’s crush the stigma of ‘wasting money’ on yourself and see it as a necessary need.

Would you buy a car or laptop knowing it’ll die within a few months? No, so why start now with a trash toy?

Remember to explore your options and try to be open with new experiences. Tap into your inner-hedonist and get freaky!

Follow These Techniques – Love Your Naked Body After Covid

Hopefully after following these three big steps you’ll see yourself in a new light and if you don’t then go back to step one and take it slow. You’re worth the time and effort, don’t rush yourself.

Please be safe and don’t let negative comments undo the hard work you’re achieving. This is meant to be a slow process, the point is to rewire your mental attitude from years of body dysmorphic damage.

Now get naked and comfortable, you got this!


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