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Male Edge Basic Penis Extender Image

I Got HUGE By Following Instructions Of My Penis Extender!

Within every study from social to psychological the results are the same, a man’s confidence is directly affected by the size of his penis.  I got huge from using a penis extender, so if that is what you are looking for then read on.

A man is always seeing how he compares to the average penis size. Whatever the reason is people have seen the demand and there is no shortage of “fixes” or products out there that claim to give you a bigger penis.

This article isn’t going to talk about the many many many pills on the market.  Or the endless creams that all claim will change the physical anatomy of your penis.

What I am going to discuss are the mechanical devices that you physically have to administer and use in a regulated and consistent manner.

Firstly What is a Penis Extender? 

A penis extender is also known as a stretcher or a penis traction device. These devices all work using a physics principle of traction that is most traditionally used in bone and joint surgery.

If you are not familiar with traction, it’s the complex process of moving from a steady point to another point.  I find it easiest to think of it as a pulling force. Like when you jump and grab a branch to pull it to the ground. The force you apply when pulling the branch down is the traction.

How Does A Penis Extender Work?

It works pretty much the same across the board.  Cells that make up our body tissues and more specifically the penis tissues multiply when a traction force is applied.

This can also be looked at as when damage is done the body.  Then works extra to compensate for the injury or damage.  This has been seen in shins, arms, and spines.  When cell multiplication takes place in any situation will result in the growth or extension of the particular tissue being affected.

In theory, if you apply the traction, the device uses a controlled, measurement of traction force from the pubis base to the head tip.  This will encourage the cell regrowth along the penis. It is essentially being pulled through the middle of the shaft along the Corpora Cavernosa. This is a soft tissue that can be damaged quiet easy.

Extenders work by using that traction or pulling force to elongate the penis shaft for long periods of time to break down some of that soft tissue.  And encourage the body to repair (multiply its own cells) thus elongating the penis.

I got huge using my extender
Male Edge penis extender Range

Penis Extender Studies

Over the last few years, a growing number of studies have been conducted surrounding the use of these extenders. According to results I have seen conducted in Spain, all the studies published positive results with noticeable changes in those who used the device.

Digging deeper into the results, it is very clear that the most noticeable changes were in correcting curvatures of the penis rather than affecting the length of the study participants.

I think it is also important to note that in those studies all participants used the devices under the supervision of trained medical professionals. If you are not familiar with the limitations of the body these devices could cause permanent damage.

And that is really the opposite of what users of these devices are after.

I do implore that if you are looking into these devices, please don’t read information from any sites who are directly representing an Extender brand.

Read the good and the bad.  It’s all important.

Just because the brand or imaging for the Extender includes “DR” or “Medical” does not make it safer to use.

i got huge
Penis Facts

Penis Extender Price Range

These devices are not cheap, and not something to be purchased on a whim.

It is very important that if you are a potential buyer that you do your research.  Come into Adutlsmart and don’t be afraid to ask questions. We carry a number of different options from $150-$400.

From the outside these products will look the same.

They all use the same general assembly and are attached to the penis in the same general manner.  But a biggest difference you will notice is the maximum measurement of traction force that can be applied. Now of course you don’t start at the highest traction.

But if it’s a device you intend to use to its fullest potential, the lower price point devices will only get you so far.

Other Methods To Increase Your Penis Size

If after reading this and hopefully many articles and reviews you have decided that these devices are outside of your comfort zone.  Perhaps you can try the method that inspired these devices.

I know what? Jelqing is considered the original penis extension method that involves warm water and your hand. Seems simple. But there’s more to it than just that. I won’t go into it now, but something for you to look into if you’re interested.

There are also other natural penis enlargement methods.

Author: KrizPatrick BA(Hon) Psychology- Human Sexuality

i got huge
happy business man

Choosing And Using A Penis Extender

Picking a  Penis Extender is not a small job for the novice guy as there will be several issues he may encounter. After taking home the penis extender, he will commonly overuse it by overstretching his penis or by using too much pressure resulting in a penis injury. This article will help novices to resolve these issues mentioned.

i got huge
Choosing a Penis Extender

Choosing a Penis Extender

When choosing a penis extender, it is critical to choose one that has a good design. There are three things to keep in mind regarding penis extender design.

  1. There are spring loaded tension screws for precise traction.
  2. Extension rods that can be inserted into the extender to increase it’s length.
  3. Another important feature for a penis extender is that it is offered with a comfort strap. Many penis extenders on the market today can cut off blood circulation to the penis as well as cause pain. Several of the new penis extenders are designed with a comfort strap or pads that lengthen the penis by pulling on a larger area on the penis, which puts less stress on the penis. A penis extender will work only if it is worn for a long duration of about 8 hours.
i got huge
Male Insecurity and Penis Size

While using a penis extender device

Certain men get so excited when they buy a penis extender that they end up overusing them and causing damage to the penis.

To be safe, you should always gradually lengthen the length of time of each session to allow your penis to get used to the device. It is advised that a novice follows a break in plan.

On the other hand, there are men that do not use the penis extender sufficiently to maximize it’s benefits.

Following the break-in plan described above, you really need to try to stretch gradually in order to see any long term length increase. But when aiming to stretch, be on constant look out for signs of pain or discomfort. The penis is a delicate tool that can easily get injured.

Don’t be impatient in making it bigger.

If you ever feel pain or discomfort from the use of a penis extender, take the device off immediately.  Do not use it until the pain or discomfort disappears.

If the issues do not go away, seek the help of your physician by telling him what you have done to result in the problem.  Do not procrastinate until it’s too late to undo the damage.  You only have one penis after all.

Even if you never feel pain or discomfort, it is still vital to take some breaks once in a while.  You need to take some days off every few days in order to let your penis to recover from the stress.

Your penis needs to recover and heal its cells so that it can get bigger. A good plan is to wear the extender regularly to achieve small growth and take frequent small break off the device.

Penis Extenders have been in the market for many years

Real world testing has now proven that they do offer results without any possible risk.

This is great news for men who have been searching for any penis enlargement method without the need to visit a doctor or undergo a surgery for penis enlargement.

With the success of penis extenders, more men have taken the chance and have invested in a penis extender system.  A most basic tip in maximizing the results is to ensure that the penis extender undergoes proper maintenance and hygiene.

i got huge
Penis Extender Kit

Today there are two types of existing support pieces for the basic penis extenders

A flat strap and the comfort pad system.

The older flat strap system retains moisture.  As such proper maintenance and hygiene must be taken in order to avoid serious bacterial infection.

A penis extender to work needs to be worn daily

Up to 8 hours a day. Due to this extensive use of the penis extender. And the fact that it is worn in a sensitive part of the body it is advised that the penis extender device be cleaned frequently after each use.

Sweat or the fluids coming off the penis during penis extension exercises can remain on the device.  Causing bacteria on the device to grow up to 72 hours after contact with skin. In order to correctly clean your penis extender device a cleaning formula must be used.

You can simply wipe down the penis extender with a cloth or even use a toothbrush dipped in this formula.

Cleaning Formula

  • A cup of water.
  • ¼ ounce of alcohol.
  • ¼ ounce liquid hand soap.

How to Remove and Store Your Penis Extender After Use

  • Before removing the device from your body, wash your hands thoroughly or use a hand sanitiser.
  • Remove the penis extender and place it on a clean surface.
  • Take any glans support off or remove all the comfort pads and the silicone straps so each part remains separate.
  • Use a clean cloth or a toothbrush and dip it into your cleaning formula. Do not leave the cloth or toothbrush in the formula for too long to the point of dripping.
  • Gently scrub the device thoroughly.  Make sure to wipe down the silicone tubes, comfort pads, glans support, aluminum rods and the plastic penis extender base.
  • Wait for about 5 minutes to allow the penis extender device to air dry.
  • Once the device has dried repeat the process with a clean cloth dipped only in water.
  • Finally, store the device in a cool, dry room safe from the hands of children, until next use.

By following the above steps you are reducing the chances of any potential complications related to hygiene. You are also ensuring a safe and healthy penis extender that will help you see results without interruptions.

Penis extender devices should never be neglected.


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