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Lady who is half tiger

My Perfect Revenge Body: Powerful Journey Of Self Discovery

My Perfect Revenge Body

So recently after some soul searching, self searching and cleaning up my social life with a f*ckboy spring clean, I have turned to a tried and tested revenge body plan.

Rather conveniently it is also an up and coming new year! So let’s also call this a new year back to the real me! (A little change up of the cliché I know) but what’s a new year without a new year’s resolution!

This has been a work in progress, which also included a change of job that had nothing to do with money but had everything to do with my own personal journey, which landed me into the Oh Zone Adult Lifestyle Centre family; this has been my inspirational start! Sometimes throwing yourself into the deep end way out of your comfort zone is a good start to all the potential you have been holding back from!

I Could Only Go Up From There

So after this year from hell which started on the 12/01/2017 with a missed miscarriage, my house being violated and my partner being arrested mid-way through the year subsequently going to jail, and ending the year finding out a fair few lies that have been hidden over the years and some realisations I am very happy to say this year has come to an end!

“Don’t get mad. Don’t get even. Do better. Much better. Rise above. Become so engulfed in your own success that you forget that it ever happened.”

It’s all well and good to just go with the best way to get over someone is to get under someone else, but this isn’t my style.

I choose to be a lot more stubborn with my approach, rather than move on before I am ready I choose to work on myself first.

The Day My Self Confidence Reignited

It all started the day I decided to wear bright red lipstick, before this I would wear pale pinks, nothing too over the top. But like a firecracker it ignited this confidence that I had never experienced before, how could a different shade of lipstick make me feel good about myself?

Now I go everywhere with my red lipstick, to the shops, on a run and just around the house etc. Truth is, it is because I finally did something for myself, I didn’t ask someone else his or her opinion I chose to do it myself! This is something that is very new for me; instead of pleasing other people and being told what to do I chose to do something for myself. For some people, it may even be shopping for the right lingerie.

The Physical And Mental Changes Are Both Important

This spiralled into a trip of self-discovery and a re-start on my life; I thought it was finally time to learn from my mistakes (my family and friends will be so proud).  I decided my revenge body just didn’t involve my physical body it involved my mind and my ways in which I approach situations as well, a total body and mind transformation!

My aim isn’t just to cut body fat, I want to trim the negative vibes in my life, I want to cut off crappy friendships and remove f*ckboys with bad intentions. Seeking only the highest quality in all aspects of life is a priority for me! I am going to continue taking care of myself, better than I ever have before, I want to be the best me I can possibly be and I want to be “that girl” who says:

“Breakups will not destroy me”

I will no longer try and fix broken men, I have this sad habit of gravitating towards boys who need fixing in life.  This is not just about getting skinny (although working towards the body I want is also on the cards) it is about growing my confidence, being able to walk out into the world being comfortable in my own skin and feeling like the best person I can be.

Confident In My Own Skin – My Revenge Body

I have always had issues with body confidence, but this new revenge body is all about embracing my body for what it is. It’s about being truly happy with myself and wiping out those soul destroying insecurities and being proud of me for who I am. I will be embracing my personality, the fact that I hardly get angry, I am carefree and gentle, and I always put others first but what I will change is who gets the privilege of seeing these parts of me. I will wear the clothes I want whether they are in fashion now or not, I will be me 100%.

There is a few ways I am changing not so much myself but my approach to situations while still being me. The most common mistake that lands me into hot water is my lack of self-esteem, instead of being proud of myself I think too little of myself and I settle for the less than ideal situations. There is a lack of faith in the abundance of the universe, my anxiety propels me into forcing things to happen rather than letting them take their natural course and dating doozies – results from my failure to accept the different ways men and women approach relationships and what is right for me.

revenge body
Image: BMM Poetry Quote

Be Authentic And Real

There is this sexiness in an “I don’t give a f*ck attitude”, it oozes confidence and realness. When your heart broken and your world feels like it has crumbled into a million different pieces there is only up to look forward too.

This is the point at which we don’t hold back, we say what we feel and what we think, the realness of our thoughts comes out with little to no thought about the consequences.

Breakups bring out your most raw and authentic self, they remove the protective shell and it leaves you all exposed and sexy, the real you is on display.

Wild, reckless and real, not destructive but fearless and unstoppable, this is a woman that knows what it’s like to be hurt and has experienced hurt. This is the start of revenge body thinking, a way of life and confidence.

Morgan x

Author: Morgan is a consultant from Oh Zone Adult Lifestyle Centres


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