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Permanent Chastity

Permanent Chastity: Tips for Safe Practice

Permanent Chastity: The world of chastity presents many challenges to the men who take part, from seeing how much punishment they can take, how small they can shrink their cock, or how much of their masculinity they can strip away. But one of the biggest (and most common) challenges is to simply see how long they can stay locked up. Some men even want to be caged permanently.

But how realistic is this goal? Is it really possible to be in chastity permanently?

Kind of…

The topic of permanent chastity is an interesting one, with different approaches being equally valid, and a whole host of benefits and drawbacks to consider. So let’s explore what permanent really means to a slave.

What Exactly Is Permanent Chastity?

There’s two different ways to think about permanent chastity. The simpler, more common version is to wear a cage 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Many slaves will brag about this, but unless you know them personally you’ll never really know if they’ve actually been caged that long. Even if they have, they still have to take it off for cleaning and hygiene, doctors visits, airport security, etc, so it’s not really the “put it on and throw away the key” situation that they’d lead you to believe.

But this approach is quite extreme, and let’s be honest, not that realistic for a lot of men. The other approach is a little less dramatic, and involves pledging to make chastity a permanent part of your lifestyle. In this scenario, it’s not the duration but the commitment that makes your experience of chastity permanent.

You might only wear the cage for a few hours a week, or only on weekends, but if you’re doing it every single week then it’s just as much a permanent part of your life as anything else.

Whichever style of permanent chastity you opt for, it’s going to be a long and challenging journey. We’ve prepared a few tips to help you along the way.

The Importance of Communication

The best place to start is communication. This is something that cannot be underestimated, and in any healthy chastity relationship (permanent or not) will play a crucial role.

Your communication shouldn’t start when you put on the cage, but long before you even buy one. You need to fully discuss what you want from chastity with your partner, and what they can get from it too. Chastity isn’t just for the slave after all!

Each part of your new commitment should be laid out clearly and unambiguously, which is often done through a contract. The slave needs to know how long he’ll be locked for, what the expectations are when the cage is on, what rewards he can earn, and what punishments he might receive. Similarly, the Mistress should lay out the things that she wants the slave to do, the way she wants him to act, and what she’ll be doing with the key.

This foundation is what the entire relationship is built upon, and is an important step in establishing the trust that a successful chastity relationship needs. Once it’s in the contract, both partners know where they stand, and know what’s allowed and what’s off limits.

But that’s not the end of your communication. Through the relationship you should have regular discussions about how it’s going, anything you’re unhappy with, anything you wish to add, and update your agreement accordingly. Both partners need to be frank and honest with each other, and we’d usually recommend that these discussions take place while the cage is off so that you’re two partners talking rather than slave and Mistress.

Taking the time to discuss these things further builds upon the trust you’ve established, and can lead to a much more fulfilling relationship as both slave and Mistress will feel that their needs are being recognised and met.

Finally, you should also always establish a safe word. If during any kind of chastity play, chastity sex, or BDSM scene either partner feels uncomfortable, they can say the safe word and immediately stop the activity. This extra security can help both partner’s relax, as they know if anything goes too far you already have a plan in place to let your partner know.

Selecting the Right Cage

Our next tip when embarking on a permanent chastity journey would be to think carefully about your cages. Even if you’ve already been wearing one and trying out chastity, it might not be the most appropriate one for long-term wear.

Typically, your options are very open. There’s not really any cage that’s “bad” for permanent chastity. But depending on your preferences, activity level, and how many hours the cage needs to stay on for (like when you’re at work), you might want some extra options to choose from.

Usually your first choice will be which material you want your cage to be made of. For long term wear, the majority of slaves end up settling on a lightweight resin or silicone cage. These offer more comfort over a longer period. Some still choose metal, but these cages are heavier so might be less comfortable after a few hours.

Once you’ve settled on a material, you’ll need to look at designs. As you’ll be wearing the cage for a longer period, fully covered cages are usually the worst option. You’ll want to find a cage with plenty of ventilation to help keep your penis cool. You might even find one that’s open enough to allow easy cleaning during wear with wet wipes.

Finally, you’ll want to make sure the cage fits well. It’s vitally important whenever you shop for new cages that you take accurate measurements. We’d even recommend taking new measurements each time you make a new addition to your collection, just in case anything has changed.

For accurate measurements, you’ll need a flexible tape measure. For length, hold your penis in your hand and lay the tape measure along the top of it. Make sure that one end of the tape measure is tightly placed against your body at the base of the penis, and measure to the tip. Usually you’ll want a cage that is a very small bit bigger than your measurement, so there’s a little room to grow if the temperature changes.

For the ring, you’ll need to wrap the tape measure around your testicles and penis, again at the very base of the penis. This will give you the diameter, which you’ll need to divide by 3.14 to get a ring size. Again, go for the ring that’s closest to your measurement, but if there’s not an exact fit go for one that’s slightly bigger.

Key Management Tips

With the pledge planned, and the cage acquired, you’ll be ready to put on the cage. But what do you do with the key?

As you’ll be potentially putting on the cage for days or even weeks at a time, key management is more important than ever in a permanent chastity relationship. If you don’t store it in a safe, memorable place, then when the time finally comes to take the cage off you may end up having to destroy it.

If you’re practicing chastity with a Mistress, key management is much easier. She can keep one on her person, usually in her purse, on a necklace, or even wear it as an earring! The other key can be stored in a safe place without the slave’s knowledge.

For those slaves practicing chastity alone, key management is much more difficult. As they have to choose what happens to the key, they’ll always know where it is. That means there’s always the temptation to just unlock it whenever they want.

Simple ideas might include burying it somewhere, freezing it in ice, or leaving it with a neighbor. Doing this comes with its own risks though, as you may not be able to easily access the key in an emergency.

In this case, our best recommendation would be one of the alternative key storing solutions. Products such as safes or lock boxes that operate with a combination or digital lock are ideal. You can place the key inside without knowing the code, but create a situation where the code is easily accessible if you need it.

For example, you could close your eyes and randomly set the code, take a photo of it, and then lock it up. If you need to get the key you just need to look at the photo. Or you could get a friend or housemate to set the code and if you need it they can tell you.

Some websites offer a service to store your codes digitally in a similar fashion. This takes away even more temptation as you need to request your code from them when it’s time to unlock.

Finally you can try products such as the Key Pod by QIUI, which pairs a simple lock box with your phone and allows you to hand over control to another person who can only unlock the box with their phone. Or set a timer and the box won’t open until the time runs out.

However you decide to store your key, it’s always important to have a back up plan in case you need to get out of your cage in an emergency.

Addressing Health Concerns

Keeping your cock locked in a cage for weeks or months at a time is sure to have an impact on your body, right? Well surprisingly, no.

Most of the time, with a well fitted cage, the only long term physical effect that slaves notice is some penis shrinkage. This is due to the reduced blood flow moving through the area, and for some slaves is actually a benefit. As the penis shrinks, they can wear smaller and smaller cages, hiding their cock more and more. For some men who experience gender dysphoria, this can be a great way to make their genitals more in line with their ideal gender.

Permanent Chastity

However, there are certainly mental considerations when staying caged for a long time. As chastity delves into a lot of the negative emotions commonly associated with humiliation play, it’s easy for a slave to slip into depression, hopelessness and despair. As we discussed earlier, regular check-ins with Mistress to talk about how the pledge is going can help identify these issues, and if the slave is struggling then you should always take a break from the cage.

It’s also very important to maintain good hygiene during a long stint in a cage. Not only will things start to smell after a while, but bacteria build up can cause some health issues for your penis, so make sure to remove the cage at regular intervals (we usually recommend every other day) and clean everything thoroughly.

Finally, you should take the time to inspect the cage regularly. If you’re planning on keeping it on for several weeks at a time, it can be easy to start going through the motions and not really paying attention to the cage itself.

Any damage to the cage can cause problems though. Rough and worn out areas can cause chafing or skin irritation, whereas more serious damage like cracks or sharp edges could even cause an injury to your penis. Inspect the cage each time you remove it for cleaning, and if it does seem to be damaged switch to a new one.

Best Practises for Permanent Chastity

We’ve covered our top tips for permanent or long term chastity pledges. Start with open and honest communication, take the time to choose the right cage, find an appropriate place to store the key, have regular check-ins, and stay safe and hygienic. Follow these simple rules, and you’re sure to have a successful and fulfilling chastity pledge.

If you’re ever unsure of anything chastity related, there’s always plenty of resources to explore online. Chastity forums or subreddits give you the opportunity to talk to other slaves and Mistresses, and learn from their personal experience during their own pledge. Similarly, cage manufacturers and stores are experts on all things chastity so don’t be afraid to contact them if you’re looking for guidance.

But most importantly, make it your pledge. Find what works for you and run with it!


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