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Sex MachineS

Sex Machines – Buying Online Is The Easy Way To Purchase

Everybody knows the tricky part of walking into a sex store and asking for something a little different like sex swings or sex machines.

It is like going to the toilet in full glare of eyes from strangers– there is only a few things you can do in there and that; of course, does not include kneeling down to pray.

Walking into a adult store I find is worse: there is not a range of options stranger eyes might assume you are out to do. Everybody knows you are taking care of your sex issues.

And who would want people thinking about their sex?

Adultsmart Sex Machines

Definitely not me, I have never been that prepared to spoon feed people on what my sex life is like. You would not know how relieved I was when I stumbled upon adultsmart sex swings and sex machines for sale online.

One advantage of online shopping that many people appreciate is its ability to save them from potentially judgmental looks. While most may not have an issue walking into a clothing store to purchase a new pair of jeans, they may feel uncomfortable visiting a sex shop.

With online shopping, people can browse through a wide range of sex devices from the comfort of their own home or on their phone screens without any judgment. This is particularly useful when shopping for a gift for a partner, as it allows one to peruse the entire selection without feeling rushed or uncomfortable.

Shopping For A Sex Machine

While some may choose to shop with their significant other, some may prefer to do so alone, as was the case for me, who purchased a gift for my girlfriend.

How did I come to make the decision to purchase a sex machine?

And even if I have a reason to, what kind of birthday present is a sex machine?

The decision to buy a sex machine does not need to be justified, and I will not give any further reasons for my choice except that I want to enhance my sexual experiences. Despite feeling aroused or being in love with one’s partner, you may feel unsatisfied with sexual encounters. Therefore, it is advisable to have an open conversation with your partner.

I had already discussed my sexual fantasies with my partner, which did not involve sex machines, but the conversation allowed us to discover common ground. It’s important to share your sexual preferences with your partner to have a fulfilling sex life. The discussion about sex machines and swings arose from our conversation, which led me to get a sex machine as a birthday gift for her.


Our sexual fantasies serve as indicators of our preferred sexual experiences. They are like road signs that guide us towards our sexual desires. Though initially uncomfortable and shameful to share, I opened up to my partner about my extensive sexual fantasies.

To my surprise, my partner shared similar fantasies, bringing us closer together. It is a relief to find a partner who shares the same desires, as it means that both parties can openly communicate and fulfill their shared fantasies. It’s best to be truthful about your sexual fantasies as it can bring about a better and more fulfilling sexual relationship.

Your Fetish Limit

The population can be divided into two groups – men and women – and both groups can be further sub-divided into those who enjoy fetish and those who do not. Even among those who enjoy fetish, there are two categories – those who prefer to watch it and those who do not want it to be a part of their sexual life.

Personally, I belong to the latter category, as does my partner. However, I do not judge anyone’s sexual preferences, as long as both parties are consenting adults. Knowing my partner’s sexual fantasies, I have been considering which sex machine would be appropriate for us. I am not interested in anything too extreme, as even I have limits when it comes to fetish.  Everyone has his or her ‘fetish scale’, if I may coin the phrase.

Where was I going to start my shopping for a sex machine?

Sex Machines
Sex Toy: My Pleasure Love Machine


I had no intention of visiting a sex shop alone, that was certain. As previously stated, I did not want to face the disapproving stares of strangers and, more importantly, I did not want their judgment to interfere with my sex life. While I was not well-versed in my rights, I knew that I had the right to enjoy a fulfilling sex life. Therefore, I only discussed this topic with my closest confidantes.


When seeking advice on fetish sex machines, I discovered that friends’ stories about their sexual experiences, often involving partners they wish they had, were not helpful. Even a friend who appeared knowledgeable about sex machines could only offer insights on the experience, rather than specific machine recommendations.

I was hesitant to rely on the advice of an inexperienced middle-aged man and instead preferred to hear about such experiences from a porn star or author like E.L James. It was important to me that the information was clear and vivid.

Realizing that relying on my friends’ opinions would not yield any productive results, I took matters into my own hands. While eavesdropping on a conversation between two intoxicated acquaintances at a nearby bar, who seemed to be reminiscing about their school days.  They enthusiastically were discussing porn websites and ideal sexual positions, I managed to catch the name of a particular site they mentioned – Adultsmart. I made a mental note to check it out later when I returned to my apartment.

I Used Bing To Find Adultsmart

While using Bing, I accidentally came across a website called AdultSmart which was being discussed by the people at a pub. Since finding the perfect sex machine was proving to be a difficult task, I hoped that this Australian website would simplify the process.

I went to the sex swings section of the website on my browser, thinking it wouldn’t be too complicated. However, as soon as I started browsing, I realized that there was a whole new world of options available. To avoid my girlfriend finding out about the birthday present I planned to buy for her in two weeks, I quickly closed my bedroom door.

I discovered a new realm of sexual experiences and  appreciate the creation of sex machines. Educating myself on the history of these machines and  the available range of sex machines on showcases human creativity and innovation.

Fetish Deluxe Position Master

Scanning through the list of fetish sex machines, I set my eyes on something a little different- The Fetish Fantasy Deluxe Position Master that comes packed with cuffs. The lady on the cover of the box made it seem worthwhile and my thoughts had already replaced her with the naked body of my girlfriend. It seemed the right fit, and for only $67 – I did a price comparison and surely it was the cheapest I could find online.

I could not believe I have been enjoying boring sex all this time when the price it would have taken to fulfil my fantasies was even less than $100.

I had to get this pack.


Sex Cushion
Sex Toy: Fetish Fantasy Deluxe Position Master & Cuffs


I Ordered It And Eagerly Awaited It’s Arrival

Upon reviewing the website’s details, I proceeded to place my order and eagerly awaited its delivery. I became the designated doorbell answerer to ensure I wouldn’t miss it. My girlfriend noticed my unusual behavior and suspected something was amiss, as I was never that excited about answering the doorbell.

However, when the package finally arrived a week before my girlfriend’s birthday, she was not present, which gave me a sense of relief as I had the apartment to myself.

Now all I had to do was unpack it and try the freaky thing I had seen in the I hoped this would impress her. The Fetish Fantasy Deluxe Position Master is not extreme but fits the purpose of those trying out fetishes for the first time. It should suit anyone with the same fantasies as my girlfriend and I to get freaky and excited. I unpacked it and everything seemed fine to me.

The Instructions Made It Easy To Put Together

The installation of the positional device is made easy with detailed instructions on the packaging, which provide a clear understanding of where each component should be placed and how it should be managed. To set up this specific device, I had to inflate the pillow in a wedge shape and secure the cuffs tightly to the O-ring centerpiece. I eagerly anticipated using this device with my girlfriend, confident that she would be receptive to the idea.

The celebration of her birthday didn’t go according to plan. As her birthday fell on a weekend, I had planned to take her to a salsa performance and then head back to our apartment after a few drinks to surprise her with a gift. However, we met one of her classmates with her boyfriend on the way and decided to go to a nearby pub instead.

The night turned out to be quite boring whilst they discussed various aspects of their lives. We left the pub at four in the morning feeling exhausted and took separate taxis back home.

I Had Almost Forgotten About The Sex Toy I Left On The Bed

Amidst my drunkenness and meeting my girlfriend’s old friend, I had completely forgotten about the positional master and had left it on the bed earlier that day. I was hoping that its presence on the bed would be a turn-on for us if we came back half-drunk, in the middle of the night. However, I was now so drunk that all I wanted to do was collapse in bed and pass out. When my girlfriend saw the machine on the bed, she immediately recognized it for what it was.

Slowly, she kissed me and began stripping naked with the little energy she had. She was obviously into this and her eagerness to strip betrayed her excitement.  Recovering back to my conscious state and could feel the impulse to try out the positional sex toy now lying on the bed.

We Tried It, And Loved It

I helped position her on the inflated pillow, raising her body into a wedge shaped position. Pulling the nylon strap I cuffed her hands onto them, crossly against her back. Now this is what is meant by me calling the Deluxe Position Master with Cuffs an aphrodisiac.

All the time we were having fun, I kept thinking about trying out other products like a sex machine or swing and have The Fetish Fantasy Spinning Swing next in mind.  Before I go the whole hog and entice her to trying a sex machine.




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