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Marilyn Monroe Model

What Makes People Sexy?

So, what exactly makes someone sexy?  Well, it’s a pretty subjective topic, but scientists have been diving into it for quite some time now.

In fact, just recently, a group of researchers in Geneva made a groundbreaking discovery.  Figuring out if we’re attracted to someone is actually one of the trickiest things our brains do.

As a straight woman, I’m speaking from my own perspective, but these theories can be applied to all human beings.   Just take a look at dating websites and you’ll see that we all generally want the same things.

Unfortunately, sexy good looks tend to be at the top of our lists.

Even if it’s not the most important factor for you.  It’s usually the first thing you notice.  Surprisingly, we can determine whether we find someone physically attractive or not in less than 3 seconds.

In that short amount of time, we also make various assumptions about a person’s appearance.

We all have our own preferences, but it seems that there are certain qualities that people from all walks of life tend to find attractive when it comes to someone’s sex appeal.

In essence, not much has changed since our caveman days.

We’re still driven by our evolutionary instincts to find suitable partners for reproduction and to raise strong, resilient children.  Nowadays, it would be ideal if we were attracted to signs of intelligence and morality.

But unfortunately, evolution is a slow process.

So, let’s delve into some of the physical aspects that make people sexy, the things we consciously and subconsciously notice.

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One thing that scientists have universally discovered is that we’re drawn to symmetry.

We’re naturally drawn to people with symmetrical faces and bodies, even if we’re not aware of it.

Basically, if you were to cut a person in half, both sides would be identical.  We subconsciously evaluate symmetry with great attention to detail.  There are plenty of apps you can download to check your own symmetry.

Just do a quick Google search.

According to scientific theory, any lack of symmetry suggests that something went wrong during crucial stages of development.

It’s believed to be visible proof that a person faced stress during early development, possibly in the womb, and couldn’t handle it.

From an evolutionary and survival standpoint, this is seen as a disadvantage.

Evolution doesn’t recognize that we have remedies for everything these days.  It doesn’t know that we consider it an accomplishment to get off the couch and order takeout.

In our female brains, we still associate big muscles with the ability to catch prey.

Men still look for signs of youthfulness in women.  Our brains haven’t caught up to the fact that we can now create babies in test tubes at the age of sixty.

It’s a sad truth, but scientists have really dug deep into trying to figure out what makes us find certain traits more attractive.

Take the age-old debate about blondes versus brunettes.

Even Darwin himself pondered this question.  Some believe that blonde hair is seen as a sign of youth and sexual vitality.  While others think it’s because lice are more visible in fair hair, making it easier to determine a person’s health.

Surprisingly, a recent survey found that there are actually more brunettes in the top 100 sexiest women.

As for men, women still find muscles attractive, and believe it or not, we subconsciously judge a man’s waist-to-hip ratio.  The most desirable ratio seems to be 9:10.

It’s funny how our subconscious desires for strength

Even though these days protecting the family means childproofing the living room and getting health insurance, rather than wrestling hyenas.

But it’s not just men who are judged based on their physical proportions.

We also subconsciously assess women’s waist-to-hip ratio, with a preference for 7:10.  This peculiar ratio seems to matter more to us than overall size.

Marilyn Monroe, for example, was a size 16, but had the perfect waist-to hip ratio.

sexy Marilyn Monroe Model
Photo: Marilyn Monroe

Why Do Men Love Big Tits?

When it comes to What Makes People Sexy, breasts are a strange one.  Why do men love big tits?

Because scientifically,  on the one hand you would think they mean a girl is moving on in terms of optimum child bearing age.  But then again large breasts are a nice backup for fat storage.

Meaning a better chance for survival in case of famine!  (I am referring to the woman’s ability to survive…..just in case you were thinking about that movie “Alive”!)

Small girls fear not though

All is not lost.  Symmetrical breasts, yes even small ones, are sexy.

They indicate “good genetic diversity” and “little exposure to disease.  Also they tend to “swell up” during ovulation, signaling fertility.

You may not know what a limbal ring is

But you’ll certainly notice it when you see an attractive one.  This ring is where the iris meets the white of the eye.

A dark limbal ring is thought to signify youth, health and attractiveness.

You can even get contact lenses in Specsavers now that mimic them.  I am thinking about getting some. So next time you find yourself strangely attracted to me, you will know why!

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Our smell or scent can make it or break it when it comes to being sexy.

Us stinky human beings spend a lot of time trying to mask our natural odour.

But in reality, it plays an important part in attracting a mate.  Scientists are divided about whether humans actually emit pheromones, ( the chemical signals secreted by animals to help find a mate).

But we certainly use smell to detect how genetically compatible a partner might be. 

Studies have found that we can literally sniff out our immune system match

A person whose genes complement ours, which will give us healthier babies.  Our olfactory sense is amazingly emotive.  It can relate certain smells to feelings and emotions from past events and people we have known.

I could be the most symmetrical person in the room , sashaying my perfectly proportioned hips across the dance floor, flashing my massive limbal rings. 

But if my perfume reminds him of his gran, I am yesterdays news.

What Makes People Sexy with the things people can control?

Luckily for those of us who may not have been blessed with physical attractiveness, there are other qualities that can make us appealing.

One quality that immediately comes to mind is a good sense of humor.

It’s always listed as a must-have on dating sites.  But I recently discovered something that has actually made me feel a bit down.  When men and women talk about a sense of humor, they have completely different ideas!

Women love men who are funny and can make them laugh.  On the other hand, men think a sense of humor means a woman’s ability to laugh at jokes, not necessarily make them.

It seems that smiles are incredibly sexy, but only if you’re a woman.

Research has actually shown that women who smile are considered more attractive, while men who show happy emotions are seen as less attractive.

Apparently, good teeth are seen as a sign of good health and youth.

Confidence is incredibly attractive

Not necessarily being outgoing, although outgoing people do seem to have more success in the realm of romance.

They usually have better social skills and, as a result, draw in a lot of social support, which is something we all find appealing.  We tend to like people who are liked.

But extroverts can easily get bored and take risks, making them more prone to cheating.

Ultimately, what truly matters is being confident in who you are

That is not something you can easily fake. But, you can fake your body language by making sure to maintain eye contact, facing others directly, and avoiding fidgeting or covering yourself with your hands.

This brings me to something I found fascinating.

When trying to attract a potential partner, it’s important to show that you are “available.”  Now, that might sound strange since everyone knows that appearing unavailable is sexy.

After all, we all desire what we can’t have, right?

Well, yes, but it’s really just a mating ritual that we all engage in.

You’ve got to let people know you’re available in subtle ways by being open physically and open-minded too.  Listening is super important, like seriously important.

It’s a skill that, when practiced, brings nothing but good vibes.

Because, let’s be real, what people really want in a partner these days is for them to feel amazing about themselves.  That’s the hottest thing ever.

It’s kinda sad that we’re so primitive in our primal desires

But it’s even sadder that the media takes advantage of that and makes us all forget what truly gets our engines revving.

Luckily, once we get past all the superficial nonsense and find someone we love, even their quirkiest traits can become insanely attractive.

And that’s when we know, no matter what the scientists say, true sexiness is all in the eye of the beholder.


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