covid shopping safety

How To Stay Safe While Shopping During An Outbreak

Stay Safe While Shopping

If you lived in New South Wales in July 2021 then you are no stranger to the word Covid. Thankfully most cases are gone now and life is somewhat back to normal.  Covid however, has left many fearful of simple everyday tasks such as retail shopping, with the possibility of picking up a virus while doing so. To stay safe while shopping means there are a few steps you will need to follow.

As a country, we have been extremely lucky with handling this virus, so understanding the different means to shop safely may be new to some.

Groceries and essential items like adult personal care still need to be bought, and going shopping is inevitable for most. Here are different ways you can help protect yourself and your family with safe retail shopping during any outbreak.

stay safe while shopping

Wear a mask

You’ve heard this everywhere, and it’s everywhere for a reason. We’ve been living this pandemic lifestyle for quite some time now, so chances are you’ve picked up a mask or two over that time.

If you’re going anywhere out in public, put your mask on. This not only helps protect yourself but as well as others who are more vulnerable. Think of it this way, if someone sneezes next to you and no ones wearing a mask, you’re going to get covered in bits of saliva and mucus (yuck!). If someone sneezes while you’re wearing a mask, you’re more protected from inhaling their germs. If someone sneezes while you and said person are wearing a mask, you’re both at a much higher level of protection as the sneeze has to both escape their mask and enter yours, which is very unlikely.

Carry sanitiser everywhere

Mini hand sanitisers should be your best friend when leaving your home. You have no idea who has touched the same things as you and whether or not they are infected. After shopping and before getting in your car/home be sure to sanitise your hands to kill any germs.

Avoid touching your face before you sanitise also (which can be hard, it’s amazing how many times we unknowingly touch our faces!)

Many shops have sanitiser stations at their entrances to keep their customers safe. If you don’t own a mini sanitiser be sure to take advantage of this.

Check in (no longer required)

Use your smartphone and check into the shops you’re visiting. If someone visited that same store as you who has since come down infectious, contact traces can track down every single person that checked into that store around the same time and warn them that they may have been in contact with someone who is now sick with covid and you need to isolate yourself until you receive a negative test result. Whilst this is no longer a requirement, if any future outbreak happens, a quick return to this process will be implemented.

Trust us, little things like this are what’s going to help us reduce the spread and get our lives back to normal sooner rather than later. It only takes a second as you enter the store, and you could even save lives by being informed if you need to isolate.

Distance yourself

Take note of the 6 feet apart rule, it’s there for a reason. You don’t know the person in front of you at the grocery store and you don’t know where they’ve been and who they’ve been in contact with. For your sake, treat everyone as if they are infectious and keep your distance where possible.

The line won’t move any quicker if you stand closer to the person in front of you.

Pay with your card

Most people have already adopted this method over the last few years as our money becomes more digital, but if you still like to pay with cash it’s time to put it back in your pocket and take out your card instead.

Paying via card means only you have to touch your card (and you know where your own card has been!) Paying by cash involves change and handling of money back and forth between you and the server/self-checkout. Every reduced amount of contact is going to help you stay safe, no matter how small.

Use Click & Collect Services

Click and Collect Services allow you to order and pre-pay for your purchases online.  You can browse at your leisure when visiting an online store and choose the items you like.  It also allows purchases if you choose to utilize a service like Adultsmart Click and Collect Options, to stay safe while shopping.

Adultsmart is conveniently situated at 12 Production Ave, Kogarah in Sydney’s South.  The telephone is (02) 9533 7217 and the trading hours that are subject to change are 9am-10pm Monday to Sunday.

Take the precautions mentioned above for the highest possibility of staying safe and healthy.

The more of us that are cautious when out in public the sooner we will get past the worst of this pandemic and life will return to normal. Masks are no longer required to be worn, but they’ll keep you from spreading an virus or cold if you wear it whilst sick.

10 Simple Tips To Stay Safe While Shopping:

  • How can I protect myself while shopping during a pandemic? Wear a mask, maintain physical distance, and avoid touching your face while in the store.
  • Should I sanitize my hands after touching products in the store? Yes, use hand sanitizer after handling items, especially before touching your face or personal belongings.
  • Is it safer to use contactless payment methods? Yes, using contactless payment minimizes physical interaction and reduces the risk of spreading germs.
  • How often should I clean my reusable shopping bags? Wash reusable bags after each shopping trip to prevent contamination from store surfaces or products.
  • What’s the best way to maintain social distancing while shopping? Keep at least six feet away from others and avoid crowded aisles or areas when possible.
  • Are gloves necessary while shopping? Gloves are optional. Regular hand washing or sanitizing is more effective than gloves, which can spread germs.
  • Is it safe to handle fresh produce? Wash your hands before and after handling produce, and wash the produce thoroughly when you get home.
  • Should I disinfect groceries when I get home? While it’s not necessary to disinfect, washing hands after handling and cleaning surfaces is recommended.
  • How long should I limit shopping trips during an outbreak? Plan for fewer trips, ideally once a week, to reduce exposure to crowded spaces.
  • Is curbside pickup or delivery a safer option? Yes, curbside pickup or delivery reduces contact with others and is generally safer during a pandemic.


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