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Tinder For Playboys -What Men Wished Women Knew!

If a guy walked up to a girl standing alone in a bar and asks her point blank for sex, he’d get a slap in the face. Do the same thing on Tinder, she’ll be over in five.  Two Gold Coast players tell us about Tinder for playboys and what really happens.

Dating apps and sex applications have slaughtered valor and taken away the need to make any kind of genuine association with a potential lover.  Replacing it with a vain picture based fascination where a single click confirms your plans, say Gold Coast fellows.   Now it isn’t like they are complaining.  But there is something to think about, does Tinder leave you exposed? Two Gold Coast players tell us the truth about what truly happens on Tinder.

Tinder for Playboys

Playboy Number One

“My first shot at Tinder was a walk in the park. All it took was a couple of swipes, and some instant messages.  And I had a girl in my bed and no worries at all!

It was late on a Friday night when I did a quick check of Tinder to see if i had any new matches.  I had a new message from a girl that I had matched with yesterday. After a bit of messaging back and forth she called me and we talked for a couple of minutes.

She said I didn’t sound like a serial killer and asked where I lived. It turns out she had been out at a party, and had seen her ex with a new girl so she was after a bit of revenge.

Who was I to say no?

Before long, she was dropped off by a friend. We had a quick drink and a chat to break the ice.  Pretty soon after we headed up to my bedroom. We had a good time and after she left the next morning, we never spoke again.

This was the first time I got laid thanks to Tinder, and it has been just as easy every time since! Tinder has been the best thing to happen to dating for guys like me. With a quick right-swipe, I can have an girl in my bed in less time than it would take for me to buy her a drink at a bar.

No more needing to burn through my money going out to sweaty clubs, and attempting to hit up a girl while her ugly friend tries to cockblock. Any relationship rubbish don’t exist on Tinder.  So we can be honest with each other about what we want straight from the start. No more awkward chats about ‘where is this going’ or ‘what do you want from this’.

Thank god for Tinder!”

tinder for playboys
Tinder Dating For Playboys

Playboy Number Two

“The weirdest experience I’ve had on Tinder so far is this one time I got a match and a message from a girl from Sydney. “Hey so I’m up from Sydney for the weekend and the friends I’m staying with don’t finish work until 8pm, I need some place to leave my bag while I go out to Nobby Beach.”

I messaged her back and led her on for a few hours trying to see if there was going to be anything in it for me. Eventually she came over and we went to Nobby’s together.

Wow, She was HOT and a school teacher.

She was an ideal sexual fantasy to me.

We ended up hanging out until her friends finished work, then messaged each other all weekend. She came back over on Sunday afternoon a few hours before her flight home.

This ended up being great for me, but unlucky for her.  Because we ended up having sex and falling asleep together and she missed her flight! She had to call her school to tell them the next morning.  And I don’t think it went down well at all.

For the most part it is all just a bit of messaging for me on Tinder.  It’s not often I find a girl who is actually game enough to meet up and get it on.  But every now and then, I catch a good one!  I normally try to stay away from girls who set their profile pic as them in a bikini or underwear.

And also anyone who’s just been through a breakup and lists in in their bio, no thanks!”

What Men Wished Women Knew!

Many men find women’s sexuality very hard to understand.

If that is true, male sexuality could qualify as an uncharted forest with many ways to trek but no clear destination. Anyway, it is the perceived belief that in the matters of sex, a gentlemen’s needs are basic!

Isn’t that so?  What you see and hear is normally part truth.  But not the whole truth. It’s no big surprise that women looking for the perfect mate will let those that are not so perfect know and let them know how to get there.

But can the same be said about men?

tinder for playboys
People falling in love

Just like there are things women wished men knew.  Here is a list of 10 things that men wished women knew and would do.

1  Men Respond to Praise

It’s accepted that most men are so consumed by their own moxie that there is no fear of diving straight in when it comes to the sexual act.  But most women require flirting, dating, compliments before they feel comfortable enough be with a new partner.   This acceptance is not necessarily the truth.

Men like to be complimented just as much as women do.  But do not react the same way.  Men worry about how they look and a quick comment like “You are looking so hot”.  This will make him feel more comfortable when taking off his clothes and getting naked.

It is not just women who worry about their bodies and stress over the way they look.  Be extra sensitive to your man, compliment him often and eventually you will see the results.

2  Men Fear Intimacy

But not for the reason you think!

Studies have demonstrated that young men are more tender and much more expressive, than young ladies until they achieve school age.  Around then, social restraints of words, musings, emotions and our craving for human association goes underground.

So unthinkable is this longing for closeness that it can alarm men since we acknowledge how much we are in need for it.  What’s a lady to do?  There are many circumstances that this can be seen.  But if your man withdraws emotionally after sex, this may be because he is fearful that he needs you so much or is afraid of being rejected.

At that point when you identify this behaviour, withdraw a little yourself. This gives him time to see that his childhood propensities are, actually, consummately masculine.

3  Men Appreciate Sex for Sex’s Sake

Remember where we came from!  We were and are hunter/gatherers.  Men were born to hunt and it is inherent.  Even though opposing modern social standards, that if he is not the alpha male of the tribe/family, he be of you and be able to provide.

So instinctively a man may feel the need to dominate in sex and men want you to appreciate this as well.  Sex does not have to be lovey, dovey all the time.  Sometimes he will crave wild and crazy sex – and if the truth be told, you probably do too!

tinder for playboys
Oral Sex Guide

4  Sex Is Not Just About the Penis

As the saying go, a man thinks with his head – the head of his penis.   But that is not always true.  Even though the dick does get most of the press.  Men also like foreplay and they have more than one erogenous zones.

He may want his back or thighs massaged, or his nipples kissed, perhaps passionate cuddles.  This is a genuine turn-on for a man and he is more likely to give you what you want if he has been seductively aroused.

Why not next give him a treat with a blow-job. But whilst going down on him restrict between the perineum and the scrotum when he is about to come.  This will elevate his delight and he is sure to give you what you want after being so erotically treated.

5  Men Encourage Fantasies

Many men (and women) have secret desires that they are reluctant to share with their partner in fear of judgement or disgrace.

But having hidden secrets is not good for any relationship.  So encourage him to these imaginings and if it agreeable with you share them and make them a reality for him.  You need to open yourself up and let him know that he will not be judged by you.

Next time you are alone, act one out for him.  He will feel heard and freed from those clouds that were hanging over his head.  And respect you more as his soul-mate and sharer of the most intimate part of him.

6  Men Like It When You Talk

Talking for talks sake is a major gripe that me often have of their female partners.  Talking that empowers, enlightens or has purpose is mostly appreciated.

But the talk that he would love is dirty sex talk before and whilst he is in bed.  Those words will take him to places he always wanted to be.  Let him feel like a conqueror as you shout out the words “You beast. Keep Fucking Me!”

Talking dirty to him if going to engage more than one sense in your lovemaking sessions.

7  Men Need Your Honesty

Men need to be illuminated, instructed and told.  They need you to instruct them on what they are doing right in bed, what you would like them to do additionally.

If you are not feeling like sex, tell him why and let him know when you will have that desire again. Not being honest with him will cause resentment and frustration in him and the relationship.

8  Men Enjoy the Dance

Often a man’s desire for something grows when he cannot have it.  Sometimes make him work  at getting you in bed.  Get  him to Court you,  tell you how much he loves you, how much he desire you.

Get away from him sometimes.  Have a weekend away with the girls.  The separation may actually make his desire for you grow and on your return bring closeness to your relationship.

Tease him by allowing him to watch you whilst using sex toys but not allowing him to touch you during that session.  Make him want you, and only one with hot desire.

tinder for playboys
women getting it

9  Men Like Pornography

Most women do not get turned on by pornography and will watch it only for their partner.  But men do watch porn all the time whether you believe it or not.  But it should not be cause for great concern or pathologized.  Just because men are a visual creature being turned on by looking at images or movies it does not mean that they are a sex addict or sick.

Often he may be watching extreme porn so that he does not do those things to you.

Try meeting him halfway and instead of thinking about what does not do it for you think about what does it for him.  Grab a couples porn movie and surprise him one night by watching it with him.  This act of genuineness will go a long way in bringing closeness.

tinder for playboys
Shop Online for Porn DVDs

10  Men Always Need It, But Not for the Reason You Think

Men are blamed for being sexually unquenchable. But ladies ought to reevaluate this. Men see sex as a fun way to express their love and they wish women would take more of a ‘carpe diem’ approach to it.

We travel through life at the rate of sound, with increasing difficulties and burdens. With the constraints of time in our busy modern lifestyles there should be no reason why we do not envelop ourselves in delight and joy at every opportunity and for men sex gives this.  It will you too, given the chance!

So these are 10 of the things that men wished women knew.

7Best Tinder Alternatives!

When it comes to going online in search of a partner, rarely anything works as well as dating apps. And when we mention smartphone apps that you can use to find love online, the first thing that comes to your mind is Tinder, right?

But what if we told you that Tinder isn’t the only dating app out there that works? There are in fact more than a few applications out there that work similarly or just as well as the most popular one does, so in that name, here are the 4 best alternatives to Tinder.


OkCupid has been on the very top of the online dating industry for quite some time now, so the existence of their dating app comes as no surprise.

Unlike Tinder, this app focuses on refined results based on people’s interests and dislikes rather than making choices based mostly on someone’s photo. However, there are some flaws to this app, seeing as most of OkCupid’s app features are closed behind a paywall.


If we had to choose a dating app that takes the most direct approach to matching people up, it would definitely be Happn. Not only does it have an interesting and unique premise upon which it was built, but it actually delivers romantic happiness ever since it first appeared.

Happn takes into account not only your preferences but also people that are in close proximity to you. It reads your location to provide you with potential match ups with individuals who are nearby, therefore allowing you to act quickly on first impressions, which is usually a good thing when it comes to online dating.


Although some people may find this app a bit discriminatory, Bumble has actually proved to have a pretty decent system that produces results. The app is pretty similar to Tinder itself, with one crucial difference – only women can initiate contact on this app.

How does this exactly work if men are unable to start a conversation? Well, for starters, women get to avoid any possible pickup lines that can come their way and, if they do initiate contact with a man, it implies that they’re already interested in him which leaves him with only one job: not to ruin it.


Skout is a fairly fresh addition to the online dating app industry with more than online matchmaking in its scope. Much like Tinder, this app allows users to either ‘like’ or ‘dislike’ others, in the addition of letting them connect with individuals from foreign countries with whom they can become friends.

In all honesty, it’s very rare for a dating app to feature something other than helping people find potential partners for a romantic relationship. Most apps nowadays focus strictly on the romantic aspect, so having a unique one such as Skout around provides online daters with a breath of fresh air.

Coffee Meets Bagel

Although a number of new dating apps have been released recently, only some of them brought something new to the table, and Coffee Meets Bagel is one of them.

This app focuses mostly on giving women greater choices, and it does that by filtering out their potential matches according to whether a guy has shown an interest in them or not. Basically, the app first sends 21 suggestions to men each day at noon and lets them pass or like women’s profiles. Then, according to those results, Coffee Meets Bagel sends suggestions to women and allows them to initiate contact.


When talking about Tinder alternatives, it’s only natural to assume that the list will be populated by apps that work similarly to the most popular dating service. However, there is one alternative option that comprehends online dating in a completely different way.

While Tinder does its best to match you up with complete strangers, Hinge tells us that the best way to find a partner is by searching among the friends of your friends. It’s all based on psychology, which states that your friends will most likely have other friends who have the personality that is same or similar to yours. This model of matching up has shown amazing results so far.


All of us have different criteria when it comes to picking a person for a romantic relationship. But while all other apps on this list consider only general factors, there is one Tinder alternative that mostly focuses on education and professional status – EliteSingles.

Those of you who want to find a well-educated partner that has a great professional and academic background will love this app, given that over 90% of the members are 30 or older and more than 80% of them have a university degree.

It promotes matching people up based on their qualifications rather than their love of books or dogs, which can be a pretty good thing for those who dedicate most of their time to education and work.

This article is written by –

Stefan Guest Post




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