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Yoga for improved sexual function

10 Sexual Performance Boosting Yoga Positions

There has been much talk about the benefits of yoga and what it can bring to the table. Well, you need a pretty darn’ big table if you want to see all of the goods.

First of all, yoga is consisted of natural body movements. Some of them are harder to learn than others, and although some of them may not seem like they are natural for your body, they most certainly are. Once you get the hang of them, learn the basics and start practicing them consistently, other complex movements will come on their own.

Trust me when I say this, your body will be grateful for it! In a short period, you will most definitely feel some good changes. Whether it’s your posture, strength, flexibility, your body will start to change and with it, your mind. Let’s see exactly how big your table should be.

Benefits Of Yoga

Exercises For Erectile Dysfunction

Yoga has various types of movements and exercises that target specific body parts in many different ways. Therefore, yoga is proven to be effective in countering many diseases such as erectile dysfunction. A study from the Journal of Sexual Medicine found that yoga improves some factors in sexual performance including desire, intercourse satisfaction, performance, confidence, erection strength, ejaculatory control, orgasm, and partner synchronization.


Although it may not seem like it, yoga is actually a pretty good way to build strength. It won’t bring you the bulk look that guys from the gym have, but you can use it for a nice foundation. You can bring your body to the next level and use yoga as “warm-up” for heavy lifting or calisthenics. Mixing those two types is actually preferred.

Mental Strength

Maybe even the most important aspect of yoga, mental training. Nothing will teach you the techniques of staying calm and relaxed in stressful situations better than yoga. It is no secret that yoga has various breathing techniques that, mixed with different body postures, make a pretty effective combo in your mental training. Let’s face it; it’s pretty important and even necessary to know how to relax.

Body Posture

If you had a problem with your back, yoga would be the tool to get rid of it primarily because this ancient practice lengthens and stretches the spine, thus improving your balance and promoting proper alignment of vertebra, shoulders, neck, and the lower back area.


This one is in direct connection to the first point I have made, however, I had to separate them since arthritis, especially knee arthritis, is such a common problem nowadays. Yes, yoga has its ways around this problem also.

Better Sex Life

The very topic of this article and a pretty good method for solving this problem. Yoga improves sexual performance through stress reduction, i.e. making you more relaxed and willing to surrender to pleasure and satisfaction. Plus, with improved flexibility, both you and your partner will want to try out all sorts of positions.

I have only mentioned some of the benefits and look at the list right now; it already seems quite impressive. I will leave the rest of them for you to figure out.

Another pretty important advantage that yoga has over other “workout movements” is that it is cheaper and can be done anywhere. You don’t have to spend your money on the “best male enhancement supplements” that some of them like to call them, anymore. You can do yoga anywhere whether that’s at your home, park or gym. It would be good if you got into a course just so that you learn the movements from a professional, but there are other methods to learn yoga as well.

Alright, now that you have seen and “met” with yoga, we can move on to the main topic of this article, yoga exercises that will help you improve your sex life.

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Yoga Exercises For A Better Sex Life

Yoga does indeed help you with your sex life, but how exactly? It does seem odd when you think about it. We got used to the fact that dietary supplements like Virectin help us improve sexual prowess but it turns out yoga can be a great addition to your lifestyle for better sex and overall health. How can exercises help you with this? Well, I have thought the same way, but then I found answers.

You see, yoga can help you have a better sex life by making your body fit and strong, by improving your circulation and blood flow (which is extremely important because the very own reason why your penis gets erected is that of the blood that runs through it), and by increasing your sensations.

Here are the top ten candidates that could help you with this:

Half Plank

You have heard about the plank. A powerful exercise that targets your core muscles, shoulders and lower back. A half plank is just that half of the regular plank. Instead of going all the way down to your elbows, you should be in a position that is pretty similar to mid push-up position.

Holding your body in this position will strengthen up that core. You see, core muscles are your body’s stabilizers, therefore they are playing a key role in your sex life. With strong abs, you will move better, control your body better and look better.

The Cobra

The cobra is an excellent exercise for your lower back. It is quite similar to the half plank, but your hands should be lower and your body a little bit more narrow. This exercise will make you breathe heavily in no time, which is why it is a good way for improving your breathing techniques.

The Haka

You have heard about Haka. If you haven’t, you can check how New Zealand’s natives are doing it. It has originated from their tribe called Maori, and it has maintained as part of their tradition and national anthem to this day.

This position will put your lower body to the test. Your legs will definitely feel the most impact but guess what your body will release a significant testosterone boost after it.

High Lunges

Now this one is a power builder. You will build your core strength, explosiveness, and have a better range of motion in no time. The move itself isn’t that hard to learn and start doing, but it is extremely effective.

The Crow

Now, this is some new level, right here! The crow will test your limits and most certainly drain your soul out! This is a pretty hard, advance move that is as effective as it is hard. You want to control your body and lift it up with ease the crow is the way to go.

The Bridge

You can almost immediately figure out what this exercise is good for just from the looks of it. It will build your endurance and your leg strength which will most definitely help you in the sack.

Down Dog Knee To Nose

This is an exercise with a medium difficulty grade. It will work out that core and help your hips increase their range of motion. You will feel the gains from this one when you get to bed.

The Chair

The chair is pretty similar to the Haka pose. However, it targets your leg and lowers back muscles in a different way. You can build up your endurance with this one and have pretty strong legs at the same time.

The Corpse

You can figure out how this looks like just from the name. The corpse pose, also known as Savasana, will teach you how to relax your body, be at peace and feel calm while lying on the bed.

The Crescent Moon

And last but not least a standing side stretch also known as the Crescent Moon. A pretty important movement that will help to improve body circulation. This yoga position has you moving your body in a side to side movement. This exercise will activate your hips and improve your range of motion. The exercise is not hard to do at all so you can easily combine it with others or use it as a warm-up. Your call!

Final Thoughts

That would be all of them! Most of them, as you saw are pretty easy and fun to do. My advice to you would be to try every single one of these 10 exercises and make a workout plan that you will follow!

These exercises can be done every single day! If you try an exercise and fail, don’t shy away from the challenge. Keep exploring, do an easier variation of it, or simply do others from the list and then when you feel stronger, try the one that you couldn’t do. That’s what progress is all about.

Remember, a challenge is always good and failure is also good. You wouldn’t be able to learn if there weren’t for failures, so go straight on, face your fears and work you ass off!

Trust me, after a while of doing these exercises, your partner will be grateful and so will your body.

That’s about it. Now you know how to improve your sex life while also improving yourself, I don’t see what can stop you. You can even work out with your significant other. That would be an absolutely 100% win win situation as both of you will gain more endurance and strength, and feel better in bed at the same time!


One response to “10 Sexual Performance Boosting Yoga Positions”

  1. willian54 Avatar

    Adultsmart’s article on the top 10 yoga positions for boosting sexual performance is a game changer, providing insights that are both practical and enlightening. These poses not only enhance your inner strength but also boost your self-confidence, leading to an improved intimate life. The positions outlined in this resource provide an accessible and natural way to elevate one’s sexual health. Be it the prowess of the Warrior pose or the tranquility of the Lotus, each position contributes uniquely to enhancing your performance.

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