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woman avoiding immature man

Story Of The Man Child: Tragedy Uncovered

Story Of The Man Child

You can call me “Misses Fix it”. I often tried fixing broken relationships, but now I’m exploring what led me there in the first place. Read the story of the man child to learn how to avoid them yourself.

Recently single, I’ve gained insight into the types of men I attract. After joking with friends and colleagues, I turned to Google to see if my observations were real or imagined.

I researched why I attract similar men, even predicting who has “swiped right” on Tinder. I was very against Tinder but after some pressuring from friends I decided to give it a go. It’s become a fun game for me to guess how many I’ve predicted correctly on Tinder, even if that’s not its intended use.

I attracted heavily tattooed, muscles on muscles with a criminal history. The bigger the bad boy the more they seem to be drawn to me. Perhaps other types of guys are interested, but they seem more hesitant to approach or start a conversation.

I’m not suggesting all tattooed or muscular men are bad; it’s just that if there are any, they seem drawn to me. For example;

First Man Child:

  • A self-confessed bad boy, heavily tattooed with tattoos on the face, a serial liar and all his ex’s are apparently crazy.

Second Man Child:

  • Again heavily tattooed, rides a motorbike, a self-confessed bad boy, very quick to over sexualise me, got rather angry and resulted in name calling when I did not match his sexualised talk and “brushed him off” nicely of course.

Third Man Child:

  • Gym junkie, seemed normal, lots of muscles, pictures at the beach, decided early on after “hey” that I was in fact a piece of meat only…

I think you get the picture…

Story Of The Man Child
Image: Tattooed man

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder

Beauty is subjective, and not everyone appeals universally, but initial dating judgments are often based on looks. It doesn’t matter if that person has substance; personality or a sense of humour, all that matters first is the level of attractiveness.

In fact, after a recent study found that 50% of people preference to faces were rather unique. Whom we find attractive is strongly influenced on our life experiences. Basically the study is saying that;

“If you were to rate faces [for attractiveness] and I were to rate the same faces, we would agree about 50% of the time”

Says study author Jeremy Wilmer, an assistant professor of psychology at Wellesley College whose new research was published Thursday in the journal Current Biology.

The whole point of the study was to understand why we find certain people attractive and others not; do life experiences and our view on life alter the way we define people. Prior research has found that we compare characteristics from positive people in lives with new people we meet and we automatically see them as attractive. Attraction is shaped more by your unique life experiences and journey than by the demographics of your upbringing.

Beauty really is in the eye of the beholder.

The truth is that you don’t ATTRACT the man child, you ACCEPT the wrong men

And then it hit me… I was so blinded by all the wrong ones that I never let myself dive deeper for the nice guys. The ones who aren’t up front and show pony like. The ones that stand back in the shadows of mystery and wait for the others to go first… the gentleman. This could be the real difference between bad guys and good men.

Dating isn’t about committing straight away, it’s about getting to know someone and being able to walk away if they don’t treat you right. The truth is you’re going to attract lots of men, and most likely 95% of those men are going to be the wrong men. But you don’t have to accept them.

I crave stability, I crave normalcy, and I crave unconditional love and support… wouldn’t anyone?

Respect Yourself and Your Time

It’s your job as a self-respecting woman is to leave and walk away if you’re not being treated correctly, it’s your job for your own dignity to put yourself first and don’t let someone else dictate the happiness in your life. There is no point in beating yourself up…. That’s going to get you nowhere!

Stop investing your time, emotions and life in men who refuse to give you the love, security and consistency that you deserve.  It is actually your fault that you attract these men, would you like to know why?

Because you think that your chemistry is powerful enough to change your broken relationship.

Save yourself the days, weeks, months, years of heartbreak and pain! Stop accepting anything less then what you KNOW you deserve.

It all starts with you!

Learn From Your Mistakes

Remember who you are, remember what you deserve and remember to learn to love and need yourself again. Once you realise this you will stop accepting and fixing because you will finally know that while you’re fixing someone else you will be destroying yourself.

Always thank the wrong man, because of that man child you have realised your self-worth, because of that man child you have realised you need to start to change yourself. He highlighted to you what you needed in order to fix yourself, to find your true happiness and what you truly deserve.

The wrong man always leads to meeting the right man, because you are strong enough and smart enough to know who is right for you. End the story of the man child and create your own.

Understanding the dynamics of attraction can be enlightening, particularly when you find yourself repeatedly drawn to a certain type—often referred to as the “man child.” Recognizing patterns in your dating history is the first step towards making intentional choices about who you engage with romantically.

Whether through light-hearted discussions with friends or more serious research via Google, gaining insight into your preferences helps navigate the complex world of relationships more effectively. Remember, each interaction offers a lesson, and each choice brings you closer to understanding not just who you attract, but why. Choose wisely and aim to learn from each experience.

Morgan x

Author: Morgan is a consultant from Oh Zone Adult Lifestyle Centres


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