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Pregnancy testing

Pregnant From Precum! Did You Know This Is Possible?

Can You Get Pregnant From Precum?

I fell pregnant from precum. Yes, that elusive substance that trickles out of the penis before the big moment that many women think “pfft… that won’t make me pregnant”. HELLO! It can and although there is not a high chance it can definitely happen!

I love the moments when you can shock someone and prove him or her wrong when they are so hell bent on being correct themselves. That ha! moment when something has ACTUALLY happened to you that everyone else says can’t or won’t happen!

Pregnant From Precum
Image: Precum

So here are the facts about precum

As one of life’s questions is the battle between yes and no when it comes to the age old question “can you get pregnant from precum?”

Pre-ejaculate and ejaculate are both fluids that exit from a man’s penis, but they are not the same; they both have different functions and differ in their compositions.

The fluid that comes from the prostate and seminal vesicles contains sperm and is called ejaculate which is also known as cum. It is thicker in consistency, high in volume, and usually comes in the colour range of white, grey or yellow.

However, the thinner mucous creation that comes from multiple glands throughout the reproductive system is called precum or pre ejaculate and comes at the first signs of arousal. Its mission if it chooses to accept is to wash away all urine out of the urethra while also providing some added lubrication during sex, but does it contain sperm?

Precum diagram
Image: Precum meme

A Specific Study On Precum Was Done

A study was taken where 27 men were asked to masturbate five times into a cup.

The study revealed that 11 out of the 27 men had sperm present in their pre ejaculate fluid, and the others had none. Basically although it is rare and technically pre ejaculate isn’t meant to contain sperm it can. Doctors think that either some sperm makes its way out during precum or that it picks up some as it moves down the pipeline. What they can be certain about is that there is a lot less sperm present in precum but it’s still not a gamble you should take if you are trying to avoid pregnancy.

So the answer to this question is YES!

Man genitals diagram
Image: Naked man diagram

Practicing safe sex

The riskiest factor is that men have no control over pre ejaculate, unlike its fluidly cousin ejaculate. Unlike an orgasm pre ejaculate can happen without any warning, which means before you have the chance to put on a condom it’s already happened.

naked condoms
Buy Condoms At Adult Smart

If you are trying to avoid falling pregnant the best thing you can do is to wear a high-quality condom the entire time you are having sex, not just at the end when you’re about to cum. This means BEFORE any penis to vagina contact, because unlike another myth sperm does not die when it comes in contact with the air.

Don’t Want To Use Condoms?

Contraceptives beyond condoms include birth control pills, patches, and hormonal implants. Pills must be taken daily for effectiveness. Patches are worn on the skin and changed weekly. Implants, inserted under the skin, provide long-term protection for up to three years. Intrauterine devices (IUDs) offer both hormonal and non-hormonal options, lasting between 3 to 10 years.

Birth control injections, administered every three months, are another option. The vaginal ring is inserted monthly and offers continuous protection. Emergency contraceptive pills, taken after unprotected sex, can prevent pregnancy but are not for regular use. Always consult a healthcare professional when choosing the best method for your lifestyle.

Did you know these fun facts about sperm?

Because sperm is so fun I mean check out the little guys, I felt the need to research a little more about these odd secretions.

  • Abnormal sperm is actually completely normal! Who thought that being different was actually the norm, but here in the world of sperm 90% is considered deformed. Two heads, two tails, pin-heads, huge heads, coiled tails etc
  • Often when you feel like you are drowning in cum and there is just way too much to swallow, or you feel like you have been covered head to toe! There is only actually about half a teaspoon, so for all those over dramatic princesses out there it’s not as bad as you think.
  • I have often wonder why men are so competitive but it seems this is a norm from before birth. Only one sperm can win but it seems competition is an understatement with 200 million competitors swimming their little DNA filled hearts out to penetrate your egg!

Sperm Are Hard Workers!

  • Unlike eggs in a female, sperm never stops! Women are born with all the eggs they will ever get in their lifetime, but sperm keeps going and going and going and going. Men produce sperm all day every day. Mind you as the years go on they start to enter into part-time production and become a bit lazy but yet they keep on producing until their last breath.
  • Unlike other parts of the body sperm are actually tiny, I mean like microscopic tiny! Usually about 50 micrometers from head to tail. Although they are tiny, they sure are mighty and if you laid all the sperm from one ejaculation in a line they would stretch to about 9.6 meters!
  • And finally my last fun fact is that sperm isn’t always the smartest tool in the shed. They definitely know how to whip their tails but when it comes to swimming they don’t always end up where they want. They have a hard time swimming in a straight line, half of them tend to swim in circles or bob around.

The moral of the story is that there are a lot of myths about sperm so read up, and enjoy the journey! You never know what’s true! Be sure to also check out a guide on contraception if you would like more information on practicing safe sex.

Morgan x

Author: Morgan is a consultant from Oh Zone Adult Lifestyle Centres


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