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Sex Work Should Be Decriminalized!

Various countries in the world have a strange relationship with sex and America is no different. Sex work is treated as a taboo both legally and socially, but completely saturates the media which begs the question.

If we’re so obsessed with sex, why is prostitution illegal?

Well, mostly for moral reasons.

Prostitution was made illegal between 1910-1915. The Mann Act was passed in 1910 banning the transportation of women across state borders for “immoral purposes” and states gradually made prostitution illegal up until 1915. While it may have seemed like a good idea at the time, the world has changed.

The criminalization of prostitution serves no function anymore and here’s why.

1. Throwing escorts in jail doesn’t make them stop prostituting

In fact, throwing them in jail makes them more likely to return to prostitution. Having a criminal record limits the amount of opportunities one has. So if you’re convicted of prostitution and you can’t get a job anywhere else due to your criminal record.  You’re going to go back to being an escort because that’s the only way you can survive.

It’s also incredibly common for pimps to target convicted escorts while they’re still in jail and groom them with money. Once she’s out, she begins working for the pimp in a pretty exploitative work relationship.

So prison is literally a breeding ground for more prostitution. Not less.

Theoretically, prison is supposed to reform criminals.  If people are forced to go back to doing exactly what got them arrested is there really much of a reason to criminalize it if no one’s getting hurt in the first place.

Well, I can’t say no one gets hurt…

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Taiwan Escorts

2. Criminalization only Hurts the Prostitute

Yes, the people who solicit prostitution often get charged with a crime.  But in the cases where neither escort nor solicitor gets caught, there’s not a lot of incentive for the solicitor to pay the escort.

Sex workers have a high instance of physical and sexual violence committed by their customers. And they can’t report it to the police because they’ll be arrested.  In certain states, prostitution can also be used to smear a rape survivor and potentially get their rapist off the hook.

When it all shakes out, what’s the worse crime here?  Poviding a service someone asked for, or quite literally raping and or physically assaulting someone?

3. Police will no longer be able to take advantage of escorts

Sexual and physical violence against prostitutes is prevalent.

Due to the stigma against sex workers and the inherent power police officers possess, escorts are frequently assaulted or even raped by officers who stage an arrest.  By making prostitution legal, police officers will be held accountable and hopefully become less likely to assault sex workers.

Obviously not all police officers are rapists.  But the ones that are need to be held accountable.  They shouldn’t be able to get away with despicable crimes just because the woman they’re taking advantage of has a certain career.

4. Escorts can help sex trafficking victims

In Kolkata, India, a group of sex workers came together to help identify trafficked women and help them get the proper help they need. Were escorts able to collaborate with the police, they could help put an end to the exploitation and trafficking of women.

By the way, even though anti-prostitution laws are touted as a way to limit sex trafficking, there is absolutely no evidence to prove this true.

On the contrary, New Zealand legalized prostitution in 2003.  It has seen such a drastic decrease in sex trafficking that their policy is considered the most effective in fighting it.  It’s amazing what happens when you properly regulate something and make easier for victims to come forward and report a crime.

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Pexels: Photo by Aaron Houston

5. Economy Would Benefit

On a much lighter note, legalizing prostitution would create more taxable income. And when a country has more taxable income, it can do more stuff. Just think of all the money our governments are missing out on just because they’re being prudish.

Including the savings on keeping escorts in prison and allowing them to get out of the profession if they decide to get a new career.  There’s a potential for serious growth we’re this huge market tapped into and properly taxed.

6. Legalized Prostitution is Safer

Aside from the other reasons I’ve written about, legalized prostitution allows for regulations around routine STD testing.  And other procedures that protect the solicitor from catching something he didn’t want to catch.

Prostitution in Nevada can only be performed in licensed brothels.  Escorts are required to be tested regularly for STDs and use condoms frequently. In Rhode Island where prostitution was legal for about 6 years, the state saw a 30-40% decline in cases of rape and STDs.

That’s a huge deal!

7. There are no Victims in Prostitution

Laws are created to stop someone from being hurt. Child pornography laws exist to keep pedophiles from exploiting children. Laws against stealing exist to keep thieves from taking people’s stuff etc. etc.

But what about prostitution?

Well you can’t really pin down a victim/victimizer in the act of trading sex for money. Now, a woman can become a victim if her solicitor or pimp assaults her. But in that case, she shouldn’t be punished for being assaulted.

Imagine if you were thrown in jail because someone robbed your house. Just because you left a door unlocked. That’s crazy, right?

Well think about how an escort feels when she gets assaulted and can’t even go to the police. It’s awful.

8. Police can work on Solving Actual Crimes

Think of all the time that goes into arresting someone.

You have to arrest them, drive them to the police station, fill out paperwork, yadda yadda yadda. Imagine how much time could be saved if police officers didn’t have to go after escorts. There are tons of crimes committed every day that have actual people who were hurt.  Yet the police have to go after these victimless crimes just because someone decided 100 years ago that sex shouldn’t be sold.

Considering how overworked the police and courts already are, cutting down the things they have to put time and resources towards would greatly increase their effectiveness.  As previously mentioned, legalized prostitution also lowers the instances of rape significantly.  Meaning that officers would have even less of a burden on them.

So just for convenience sake, prostitution should be legal.

9. It’s just Plain old Human rights

When you examine the rights workers are give: fair pay, safe working conditions, fair treatment, you see the disparity between sex workers and workers in other industries.

When you boil down the basic function of both workers you can’t distinguish which one is which.

  • A sex worker trades a service for money.
  • Other workers trade a service for money.

So why don’t escorts get the same protections as other workers when they’re doing pretty much the same thing? Your answer’s as good as mine.

There’s also the fact that women (and to a lesser extent men) should be able to do what they wish with their bodies. If a woman wants to trade sex for money, she should be able to do that as long as she’s not hurting anybody.

But no, because America’s ruled by “family values.”

Women are treated as criminals.  When they’re often the ones being brutalized by the men who solicit their services and the pimps that rule their lives.

I guess “family values” like not promoting a system that allows the constant exploitation of women just aren’t as important as telling people what they can and can’t do with their bodies.  I know that’s what’s more important to me.

And finally, the biggest reason prostitution should be legal...

10. People are gonna keep doing it

You can’t stop something just by making it illegal.

Especially when it doesn’t do that much harm. Legal or not, there will always be a market for the oldest profession. Continuing to pretend criminalizing prostitution does anything more than hurt escorts and encourage sex trafficking is dishonest at the least.  And outwardly despicable at the most.

If people were actually worried about any of these issues they’re pretending to be worried about, we’d have safe, well-regulated places prostitutes could go to work at.  Evidence against legalized prostitution is nearly nonexistent.  Any evidence there is gets trumped by the massive amounts of benefits legalized prostitution has to the country.

It is more Dangerous Legal than Illegal

Whether or not you support legalized prostitution (which you should by the way), it’s hard to continue saying it’s more dangerous legal than it is illegal.

Data shows the opposite and simple common sense dictates the same. If you think it should be illegal purely for moral reasons, fine, but don’t pretend there’s any data backing your claims because there really isn’t.

Personal preference is a perfectly acceptable thing. I personally wouldn’t become an escort.  But I’m not going to demand it become illegal just because I think it’s weird.

If you’re as passionate as I am about making a change, reach out to your local congressmen and women. If they won’t support legalized prostitution, elect someone who will.

It’s about time sex workers are given the proper human rights they deserve.

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Escorts need to eat too!


Damaging Sex Worker Myths

Earlier this week I saw a photo graph that contained some incredible harmful stigmas of sex work.  Since I am an online sex worker myself I have a huge connection to the whole community and only want the best for us.

Unfortunately, there is still a huge amount of stigma and prejudice around sex workers as a whole.  Especially full service sex workers (and this includes from people within our own industry!).  It’d be nice to live in a world where this isn’t the case.  But for now all I can do is put the word out there and hope to make the work a slightly easier place to exist in as a sex worker.

So I’m going to take this week to debunk some myths.  Let’s go.

Myth 1 – All Sex Workers are Mentally Ill

This right here is the one that set me off to begin with, the graphic I saw was called “Sad But True Facts about Sex Workers in the USA”.  Which stated “100% of cam girls have mental problems and 96% of them have drug or alcohol addiction”.

Putting aside the terrible grammar, this just isn’t correct.

There is no studies you can find to show these statistics, and it’s just harmful. Closest study you can find that can even be compared to this is a study on Full Service Sex Workers (FSSW) in Cambodia, and even then only 50% actually had mental health issues…

It just baffles me that people can push out these kinds of things, and not even think of how that effects a whole community of people.

This is a myth.

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Malaysia Escorts

Myth 2 – All Sex Workers Were Coerced or Trafficked

While there is a major problem with people being sex trafficked and coerced into sex work.  There is also a huge amount of people who do it on their own accord.  Whether it’s because the money is great, or because they just genuinely enjoy the job and decided they may as well monetise on it.

It doesn’t matter, there are so many out there who do it as a choice. I am an online sex worker and while the extra money is amazing, I also just love having people pay me because they find me that hot.

It’s amazing for self confidence and for the wallet. As I stated there is still a large problem with sex trafficking.  We do need to fight that and focus on trying to end it.  And we also need to focus on letting women who choose to be in it live in peace and do their jobs, while not being judged or bullied for it.

Myth 3 – Sex Workers are Diseased

Now, I do just want to mention I am in NSW Australia where prostitution is legalised for the most part.

But here within legal brothels all Full Service Sex Workers do need to undergo STD testing.  They MUST use condoms for literally everything including genitals.  And they do check every client’s genitals for obvious signs of disease and infection before they engage in any act.

So with that being said Full Service Sex Workers are probably cleaner and more regularly tested than your standard Tinder hookup.  Of course, people love to use the dirty card regardless.  Because apparently if you exchange money for services suddenly you catch everything…

That being said, this is STILL a myth.

Myth 4 – Sex Workers ruin Marriages:

So, this is probably one of the ones that gets me riled up the most.

Married men, engaged men, and men in relationships are the ones that need to be respecting their relationship’s boundaries.  I do not care whether a stripper offered them a dance while they were in a strip club.

Do not care if an Onlyfans girl offered them a pay per view video made custom for them.  I especially do not care if a Full Service Sex Worker offered them services while they were in the brothel.

These men shouldn’t be in strip clubs.  They shouldn’t be on Onlyfans, and they shouldn’t be in strip clubs if their partner isn’t comfortable with it. You wouldn’t get mad at the TAB for allowing him to bet on the horses if he was a gambling addict.  And youldn’t be mad at a pub for servicing him if he was an alcoholic.

Stop being mad at women for simply doing their jobs, be mad at your partners for disrespecting your boundaries and your relationships.  It’s so simple.

Put simply sex workers may offer a service like bdsm that their client just cannot get at home.

All these Reasons Are a Huge Deal to our Industry

While these probably don’t seem like a huge problem to people who work regular 9-5 jobs in an office.  They are a huge deal for those of us who work in the industry.

Imagine if we treated tradies the same way.  Calling them dirty, useless, and of course my favourite “bludgers with no skills”.  Imagine if we told office workers they  were degrading themselves for allowing their job to take over their whole lives.  All while making a shitty wage and barely seeing their families.

Sex workers are out there making money, living their lives, and not judging anyone else.  Leave them be and work on your mentality.


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