The adultsmart adult blog shares stories and articles from both resident experts and guest bloggers even posts about prostitutes.
Guide To Top Brothels Finding a licensed brothel for the first time can feel overwhelming, especially for newbies. That’s why having a clear guide to top brothels is essential. Walking into an illegal establishment not only risks your health but also your reputation. The key is knowing how to identify a licensed brothel, ensuring… Read More…
Trigger warning: This article contains references to rape and sexual abuse. According to the national Australian Bureau of Statistics the stats on sexual assault is that 1 in 5 women have been partially, or attempted sexually assaulted. And that 1 in 20 males have been assaulted. Reports on sexual assault towards males is somewhat… Read More…
Various countries in the world have a strange relationship with sex and America is no different. Sex work is treated as a taboo both legally and socially, but completely saturates the media which begs the question. If we’re so obsessed with sex, why is prostitution illegal? Well, mostly for moral reasons. Prostitution was made… Read More…
Here there are no boundaries! There are frank, honest and open articles about sexual health and lifestyle topics to assist you in your choices.