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A Womans Fairy Tale – Does It Really Exist?

Fairy tales are the bedtime stories that children have been brought up with for centuries but do they have a place in our modern day accepting society. We’re going to look at whether a woman’s fairy tale really does exist.  Many women both from the feminist movement and even stay at home mum’s are removing many of the fairy-tales from their children’s developing minds because of the following reasons.

  • Misogynistic Characters.
  • Plot lines that are degrading to women and those with mental or physical defects.
  • Racial Uniformity.
  • Female inadequacies.
  • Prejudicial stereotypes and sexuality labels.
  • Stereotypical gender roles.
  • Unrealistic Story-lines.

Why this Should NOT Be a Woman’s Fairy Tale

Typically a fairy-tale will involve a body beautiful woman that requires saving from a handsome male.  Because of either the woman’s inadequacies or because being in a situation that she was hopeless at resolving and required a strong man’s intervention.

So why is this so bad and how does it relate to everyday life?

Marriage Is The Ultimate Reward

Modern day society finds itself in a situation where more people choose to live together as a couple rather then ‘tying the knot’ in marriage.  This allows both the man and woman or any other combination in the relationship.  To both carve out their future careers, remain independent of each other but choose to live with each other and have mutual respect.

Fairy-tales like Prince Charming, Cinderella, Snow White and basically any fairy-tale create the misnomer that to be happy one has to marry.

In real life marriage may end in tragedy or bitterness and trying to live the fairy-tale may just create a bad dream…

Women Are Not Able To Save Themselves

In Fairy tales women are generally beautiful.  Although the hidden beauty may be hidden until their Prince Charming arrives.  And live a life of misery and lack of fulfillment until they are ‘rescued’ by their knight in shining armour.  Somehow this man has discovered the hidden beauty living in capitulation, and his discovery releases her from her pain.

Most women these days are educated, self-reliant and do not need any man or woman to rescue them.

Women are equals in society and the degrading caricature portrayed in most fairy-tales is at best offensive.  As is that of the man who is portrayed as heroic, masculine, take charge and egotistical.

Certainly not messages we wish carried forward in growing minds.

There is no physical/racial or sexual Diversity

Slender, white, long flowing hair, beautiful features.  Glorifying these attributes and aesthetic standards places undue pressure both mentally and physically on children and women.

Wanting to be Ariel when you are a Queen Size is just not going to happen regardless of how much dieting effort is put in.

Ursula a plus sized character was portrayed as being antagonistic.  When someone is of the LGBTQ equation the capacity is either for humor or for evil.  Witches are portrayed as women living alone, bitter, narcissistic, plotting and planning.  Early writers hinted that the sexual persuasion was lesbian.

When a male character was leaning toward the gay persuasion his antics and mannerisms are portrayed as comic.

Women Are Given Stereotypical Roles

Cinderella bound to be a house slave to her three evil step-sisters and step-mother.  Belle in Beauty and the Beast being a House Maid.  Snow White firstly catering to the needs of and then being bed bound in a house of 7 dwarves.

What message is that giving to an inquiring mind?

All Other Women Are Evil

The evil step mother, evil step sisters, wicked witches.  All women are vindictive and offer no benevolence or good will or support to other women.  They are only out for each other.  When Cinderella or other character finally gets to be with her Prince Charming they offer jealousy, spite and live in resentment.

Fairy tales generally portray women except for the main character living with resentment in the past, present and future.  Living an unfulfilled and unsupported life.

Does this tell our children that they should believe that they will be unsupported and hated throughout life?

The original Brothers Grim tale ended with the wicked step-mother being forced to dance in red-hot iron shoes for trying to deceive the Prince.

Talk about taking revenge to the extreme…

Happily Ever After

And this is the big one….  So Cinderella lives happily ever after after the glass slipper fits…

You only see Cinderella’s story up to that point.  How about afterwards when she finds out that the Prince later cheated on her, or that he does not pick up his sock and undies…

No-one can live happily ever after – life gets in the way.

Even couples in their honeymoon stage will have petty arguments.  But when a couple are together for a while – whether in marriage or living together petty things sometimes become big things.

Resentments are bottled up and one or both cannot forgive the other..  This leads in divorce, separation or change for one or both parties  Rest assured no-one will ever live a fairy-tale in real life.

a woman's fairy tale
woman in sexy red underwear

How To Bed The Girl of Your Dreams

So you want to get the girl of your dreams into your bed?

Well to do so with the highest percentage of success is an art and it all comes down to planning the moment around her.

So map out an easy to use plan that hopefully will help you get laid.

  • It is important to make sure that your house or unit is neat and tidy free of anything which will distract people from a sexual encounter.
  • Make sure there are no dirty socks or underwear lying about.
  • In fact have it cleaner than your mom wished you would have kept your room at home but of course didn’t.
  • You can place photos of family, friends and destinations you have been visited. The photo’s will emphasize to her how popular you are and how much you care about people that are important in your life.
  • You can also use some pheromone perfume to give you an unforgettable scent.

First thing you should do is invite her around to your place before you get together.

Make sure she is not the only one coming but give her a time 15-20 minutes before any other guests are due to arrive. Once she is inside give her a tour of your humble abode.

Show her the kitchen, the guest room, the entertaining room, the toilet, the bathroom and finally your room. If you get nervous with showing her your room last, try to show her your room at the beginning. Then leave go down to the lounge room and have small chit chat until your other guests arrive.

This will allow her to feel comfortable in your home and to be alone with you. Be alone with her initially in small doses. You will know by how comfortable she is in the lounge what the chance of success is.

If you are happily chatting away you have more that passed first base.

a womans fairy tale
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Next step is getting invited to her place.

Maybe you can suggest a group event at her place. Once inside she will feel obliged to give you a tour of her home, in the same type of way in which you showed her your house.

You will be able to determine by what she has displayed in her house and the state of the place whether you wish to pursue this anymore. Again it is important to limit the time you stay there.  As the first time you do not want to overstay your welcome. It is necessary for her to feel comfortable and that a friendship is evolving.

If either of you feel uncomfortable or get bored in side the house you can take her out to get a cup of coffee, a deliciously made dessert or even an event in sydney. It is a great thing to break the ice and get out of the house to start casual and relaxed conversation.

But leave before it gets to boring. You do not know each other so take your time so that you find common ground and comfort in silence together.

a woman's fairy tale of sex toys

Leave her wanting more rather than wishing you would go.

Follow these steps a couple of times and eventually you will reach a time when it is obvious that she is going to want to explore something more. You will be able to tell if she leans in to give you more physical contact then usual. Or whether there is a connection between you are her through non-verbal communication.

Most of the time she will just ask you directly.

When you share that first kiss that will leave her tingling sensationally for more. As your foreplay gains momentum you can slowly lead her to your or her bedroom. You already know where it is.  Both of you having been in that room together before so it will make things much easier.

If you begin in someone’s bedroom there will be no awkward disruptions too.

Lay her on the bed and continue with the foreplay.

Before you know it the game will be on as she will feel safe and secure with you because of the confidence you have built between you.

If there is lubricant available, you can use it to ensure that the experience will be pain free. After you have finished your fantastic love making suggest to her that you would like to try the same thing in her (or your) bedroom.

Trust me, this will allow you to get the girl of your dreams into your bed over and over again.


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