meet the experts

Meet the Adultsmart Blog Experts: Get to Know the Minds Behind the Words

From sex toys and sexual health to relationship advice and self-improvement tips, the Adultsmart Blog Experts have something for everyone. But who are the minds behind the words?

Lets introduce you to some of the Adultsmart blog experts and give you a glimpse into their backgrounds, passions, and areas of expertise.

Adultsmart blog Australia, a valuable resource for adults everywhere.

Who are the Adultsmart Blog Experts?

They are a team of professionals who are passionate about providing accurate, informative, and engaging content on a variety of adult topics. All come from diverse backgrounds, including medical, sex education, journalism, psychology, and marketing.

Each expert brings a unique perspective to the blog, making it a valuable resource for readers who are looking for advice and information on a wide range of topics.

Our Experts – Past and Present

The Adultsmart Community Blog started in 2012.  Here is a list of some past and present writers.

  • Dr. Stacy Friedman. Wrote for the Ask Me Anything segment on Adultsmart’s blog.
  • Ask Oz.  One or more experts answering your questions.  Posted once a month.  Read Ask Oz articles.
  • Gigi Rose.  An OnlyFans entertainer sharing her wealth of experiences.
  • Tiffany.  A sexologist with a background in leadership and writing.
  • Tee Bee.  Previously our resident blogger and most prolific writer who is a sex-positive advocate, cis gendered gay man.  He now works in the Public Service Sector.
  • Stephanie Curtis. A sexologist with experience in Mental Health Nursing.  She is Tantra conscious teacher and explores BDSM and Fetishism.
  • Elliana Pantazis. Trending Tik Tok(ker) who creates viral content.  Tells it as it is.

Visit our meet our experts page to see the whole honour role of experts that write the amazing content.

Want to Write For Adultsmart And Join Our Experts?

Adultsmart is always interested in adding to our illustrious contributor list. If you want to be included, please write us a short bio on your qualifications, and what you would like to write about.

Once approved, your bio will be added to the expert list after three articles have been published, Links to your website and/or socials will be added to your bios that are published on the adultsmart blog.  Adultsmart is an authority adult blog.

Expertise and Experience of Our Experts

Our experts have a wealth of knowledge and experience in their respective fields. Many experts have worked in the adult industry, some for for many years.  Others have backgrounds in journalism or marketing. Many of the experts have degrees in fields such as psychology, sociology, and human sexuality.

Their expertise allows them to provide readers with accurate and up-to-date information on topics related to sex, relationships, and self-care. They are also able to provide valuable insights and advice based on their personal experiences and interactions with readers.

What Inspired the Experts to Join Adultsmart?

For many of the Adultsmart blog experts, their passion for helping people was the driving force behind their decision to join the team. They saw the Adultsmart blog as an opportunity to share their knowledge with a wider audience, making a positive impact on people’s lives.

Others were drawn to the blog because of its commitment to providing non-judgmental and inclusive content that is accessible to everyone, regardless of their background, gender, or sexual orientation.

They saw the blog as a platform to promote acceptance, understanding, and self-care.

Writing Process and Content Creation

Our writers work collaboratively to create content that is informative, engaging, and thought-provoking. Most research the topic, using a variety of sources to ensure that the information provided is accurate and up-to-date. Sometimes articles are created after brainstorming, working together to create an outline that covers all the key points.

Each expert takes a delegated section and begins writing. The work can be shared with the team, with feedback and suggestions for improvement.

Challenges Faced as a Blog Expert

One of the biggest challenges faced by the Adultsmart blog experts is writing honestly on adult-related topics. Being honest and open about their sex experiences, relationships, and self-care.  This can sometimes be both confronting and difficult to share.

Staying up-to-date with the latest research and trends in the adult industry, our experts are constantly learning and growing.  This ensures that their content is accurate and relevant.

adultsmart blog experts
SexToys Expert Blog

Tips for Aspiring Writers and Bloggers

For aspiring writers and bloggers, the Adultsmart blog experts offer the following tips.

  1. Write about what you’re passionate about.
  2. Do your research and make sure your content is accurate and up-to-date.
  3. Don’t be afraid to share your personal experiences and opinions.
  4. Write for your audience, and make sure your content is accessible to everyone.
  5. Collaborate with other writers and bloggers to learn and grow.

Future Plans for the Adultsmart Blog

Our Adultsmart blog experts have big plans for the future. They are committed to continuing to provide informative and engaging content. Planning to expand their reach and connect with even more readers around the world.

In the coming months, readers can expect to see all the old articles updated.  Fresh articles on topics such as sexual health, self-care, gender orientation and relationship advice.  Plans are also in place to create video content.

Q&A Session with the Experts

Q: What is your favorite topic to write about?

A: My favorite topic to write about is sexual health. Everyone deserves to have accurate information, and I enjoy breaking down complex concepts into easy-to-understand language.

Q: What is your biggest challenge as a blog expert?

A: My biggest challenge is staying up-to-date with the latest trends in the adult industry. It can be overwhelming at times.  I believe that it’s essential to provide accurate and relevant information to our readers.

Q: What do you hope readers will take away from your articles?

A: I hope that readers will feel empowered and informed after reading our articles. I want them to know that they are not alone in their experiences, and that there is always help and support available.  We are an adult lifestyle community blog!

Our Adultsmart blog experts are a team of passionate professionals

They are dedicated to providing accurate, informative, and engaging content on a wide range of adult-related topics. Their expertise, experience, and commitment to helping people made the Adultsmart blog a valuable resource for readers around the world.

Finding trustworthy advice and information on adult topics like relationships, sex, and self-care is hard. So turn to experts with knowledge, experience, and passion about their work.

That’s the Adultsmart blog.

With a team of talented writers, content creators, and digital marketing experts, this blog is dedicated to providing readers with informative, engaging, and thought-provoking content that covers a wide range of adult-related topics.

Meet The Newest Member To The Adultsmart Blogging Team – MORGAN!

Article First Published in 2017

I had a considerably privileged childhood growing up, a loving family, incredible opportunities and a perfect education. Your typical A grade student all through school. Excelled in everything I did, was a perfectionist.

Passionate and diligent with everything I did, whether it was writing, art, music or sport. I achieved in every aspect of life.

Started young, crawling was clearly something I just didn’t have time for.  As a baby decided to start walking at 7 months, with some shock to my parent’s as I was their first child. Life had some hurdles for me though and I was quite a sick child.

My first operation at the age of two, but during my hospital visits I enjoyed wheelchair racing around the ward. Throughout my younger years I was involved in athletics, state swimming, soccer, netball, tae kwon do, karate, Oz tag, keyboard, and always loved art. Spending hours reading books, drawing, painting anything creative.

Morgan Blog adultsmart blog experts
Blogger Morgan

My School Years

During school I was passionate about studying vet science, but due to my fear of cracking bones I decided that a life in medicine wasn’t for me. Changing direction I followed my passion for design; I completed my studies in interior design, and product design.

Trauma has defined and shaped my life, I am far from normal when it comes to injuries, I mean most kids break a bone, I tend to surprise doctors with my medical adventures, but seriously who wants to be “normal” or “average” anyway!

During the beginning of year 11 (2008) I was assaulted.

That tore me apart and  changed my view on life and relationships. Navigating through major depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety and a condition where I had little to no facial expressions.

My first serious relationship was very abusive, both emotionally and physically, but I survived! Every event in my life has changed me and made me stronger, and I have never given up! 2017 has been another wild year with my partner of four and a half years, recently having a miscarriage at 13 weeks in January.

I Use Body Art As A Form Of Therapy

Keeping my emotions and feelings to myself until a few years back when it was doing more harm than good,.  My thereapy was expressing my feelings and hurt with artwork on my body. Body Art makes me feel better and am now the proud owner of many large tattoo pieces.

Much to my family’s horror, I keep adding more! Every single tattoo on my body means something to me and shows my journey through life. There is no regret for any of them!

You will find me open-minded, kind, caring and I don’t take life too seriously anymore.  Laughter is the best medicine!

Adultsmart blog experts
Morgans Tattoos

It’s the small things in life that create the best memories.  You never know how strong you are, until being strong is your only choice you have.

With a tough year I decided on a change,  quitting my previous job took a month off fropm work to sort my head out.  Would you know it I ended up coming in for a job interview at  Adult Lifestyle Centre in Kogarah.

Mogan Adultsmart Blogger
Meet An Adultsmart Blog Expert

I have never been “open” about my sexual life

It’s not all about that sexualtiy here, its much, much more! Every rule has its exception and I found this lifestyle centre to be that exception.  Its not just an “adult shop” it’s a safe place, a place to boost confidence, a place to express yourself in any which way. It is a place that’s is always willing to listen, and help, and a place to take a journey.

This is how I came to be a writer for the Adultsmart Blog.

Thanks for reading!

Morgan x

Welcome Sexologist Stephanie Curtis To Our Team!

First Published 2017

The Adultsmart Blog loves to provide quality content to our readers. This is only made possible with the help and dedication of our team of experts.  They create unique and interesting articles for you to read.

We are blessed to have quality human beings writing for us that hold degrees in Human Sexology and Psychology, Double Bachelor Degrees in writing and science, Masters In Teaching, Marketing, Business Development.

Now we are pleased to introduce you to our newest member of our blogging team.

Adult Smart blog Experts
Stephanie Curtis

Stephanie Curtis

She is currently doing a graduate diploma in sexology.  She is a registered mental health nurse, with a background in nursing and extensive studies of sexual health.

We could not be prouder to have her on board.  Already you can read through her 40+ published articles, and we cannot wait to read more from her.  All her posts have been extremely popular and many are a fantastic addition to our sexual health and wellness categories.

Stephanie Works As A Sexologist And Writes For Adultsmart Blog

Stephanie uses a range of unique life experiences along with a wealth of knowledge to empower others to become sexually empowered beings who embrace pleasure as their birth right. Explorations in the world of Tantra and conscious sexuality as well as interests in BDSM and Fetishism.

This gives Stephanie a very broad level of understanding of human sexuality. Working as a Sexologist, she hopes to inspire greater openness when it comes to the conversations around sex in society-placing a strong emphasis on pleasure, self-love and self-acceptance.

Stephanie has fantastic credentials to create authoritative posts completing a Bachelor of Nursing at the Southern Cross University in 2014.  Her caring attitude and outlook on life directed here into the vocation of mental health nursing.

Sexologist Steph Curtis
Meet Stephanie Adultsmart Expert

She extended her Nursing Credentials by completing a Course in Sexual Health Nursing in 2015, learning about HIV and Other Sexual Health Diseases and Infections with the ASHM.

Stephanie Trained At The International School of Temple Arts

Her interests in spirituality and the Tantra led her to expand her learnings and completing Spiritual Sexual Shamanic Experience.  Training at the International School of Temple Arts during 2016 and 2017.

Her interest in human sexology only increased in 2017 with her desire to educate herself more fully in all facets found her studying for a graduate diploma in Sexology at the Curtin University.   She will complete this year.

Obtaining this diploma gives her qualifications to become a Psychosexual Therapist and/or Sexuality Educator.  We believe she is a sexual educator already with the inspiring and compelling writing she delivers time and time again.

Stephanies interests and passions

Tantra/conscious sexuality, BDSM, fetishism, conscious relationships/polyamory, Shibari, Sexuality education, personal growth & development, nature, horse riding, animals.

And she states, “I see humans’ ability to express our sexuality as a gift that deserves attention. I am fascinated by all the different ways by which people choose to explore their unique sexual desires, believing that all people should be equipped with the skills to develop healthy relationships where we feel safe and free of shame around sexuality so that we can explore them in a positive way.  

adultsmart blog experts
Tantra Practices and the Tao

Read more about Stephanie and her works at the adultsmart blog!

Sex Blogger Patrick Kriz

Introducing Patrick Kriz To Our Blogging Team!

Patrick Kriz – Bachelor Degree Honours- Psychology Human Sexuality and Minor in English.

Adultsmart blog is pleased to welcome Patrick Kriz as a regular author.  Patrick is a wonderful man that has a wealth of knowledge and is happy to share this with those around him.  He is articulate, educated and the provider or interesting and educational writings.

Having been a regular contributor to this blog for the past couple of months he has consented to add his profile to our ever expanding list of bloggers that provide us with the great content provided to you.  We thank all our contributors and authors and a special thanks to Patrick whom we deem to be an expert on all things relating to sexual wellness and adult lifestyle with quality writings.

Welcome Aboard Partick!


Canadian born and globally raised. I was very fortunate as a youngster to travel and experience many of the gifts this wide world has to offer.

For a large majority of my adolescences, my family lived in a small Mountain town in western Canada, I was the “typical” awkward gay kid who didn’t fit in. I was always ok with not fitting in,I had way more fun that way. I was never tied to a clique, I wasn’t expected to hang with certain people or made to dislike anyone.

Ever since I can remember I’ve always liked talking to new people and hearing their stories. I spent a semester of my Junior year of high school in Japan, and what an eye opening experience that was!

This was probably the turning point for me, It opened my view of the world, that perhaps the views and ideologies of my hometown didn’t have to work for me, that there was more out there.

As a community leader for my hometown

I was able to volunteer with my local “Community Connections” or Planned Parenthood clinic.Here is where my eyes opened to the importance of Sexual Health.

After a while of simple reception duties, I was moved into peer counselling, where I would talk with those who wanted to talk to a peer or was recommended to talk to a peer by a Dr.

Everything from family issues to the matter at hand, Sexual Health.  I took the role very seriously, the vulnerability people felt when coming to the clinic, it felt good to help in whatever little capacity I was helping with at the time.

Canadian Youth Ambassador adultsmart blog experts
Canadian Youth Ambassador

Finishing high school could not have happened soon enough

I was off to Spain to participate as a Youth Ambassador, representing my country and hometown. During this time I was responsible for attending conferences throughout Europe, talking about youth involvement and positive action. It was a real joy and pleasure meeting dignitaries as well as world leaders.

Again meeting these people hearing their stories and ideas would form how I would make all my future social assessments and relationships. ( I, of course, didn’t realise this until later.) During my time in Europe is really where I found my Sexuality, there were no constraints for anything I saw or wanted to do.

I remember seeing for the first time, two men Kiss, and I mean KISS!

There was passion, there was romance! I had never seen anything like it, in my home town this would just never happen. But it spoke to me, it told me I could do the same and I wouldn’t be lesser of a person for it.After my time Spain and Europe it was back to Canada for me, only I was a whole new person.

No longer the community golden boy. I was self-confident, self-reliant and determined to be and do whatever I wanted.I knew I wanted a complete education, but where to start?

I loved to travel, so Tourism?

That lasted a few months before realising I had more experience than the Teacher. (I had worked in a hotel for 5 years throughout high school, the teacher had completed the programme and had 2 years hotel expereince.) I just felt above it and was overly sure of myself.

Looking back I know now that I wasn’t challenging myself.I spent the next couple years finding my passion, too many jobs and professions to list. It was in Late 2007 that I figured I loved helping people, I love all things health related, I was already volunteering with the Men’s Health Initiative across Canada,

So I applied to the Nursing program at Thompson Rivers University(TRU) in British Columbia.

I got in!

As you can probably guess I didn’t stay in that programme for too long. During my first semester, i had to choose an elective to round out my schedule. This proved to be a challenge because anything I wanted to study was either during a time slot I couldn’t attend or was listed as a 2nd or 3rd-year course with pre-requisite in earlier Psych courses I hadn’t completed.

I had my eyes on Psychology 255 –Sexuality with Dr Cara Zaskow. I sent her an email much like this one with my life story, telling her why I wanted into her class, and why I thoughts I’d be an asset to her class.To my surprise, she said yes, even though I hadn’t completed the two earlier Psych courses.

Day one in a class filled with 3rd and 4th-year students I was debating and referencing with the best of them. I didn’t realise that my entire adult life I had been reading health articles for fun, when in fact I was actually igniting a fire for sexual health inside me.

Editor For The American Psychological Association

By the end of the first semester, I had withdrawn from the Nursing program and had registered for a Humanities Degree…

I was unsure to study Anthropology or Health Sciences, I knew I wanted to study Sex, Health and People.  In 2007 there wasn’t a lot in terms of a “Sex” degree anywhere in Canada.Thankfully TRU allowed me to develop my own degree basing it off a combination of other degrees offered by partner universities.

My degree ended up only working within the Psychology department at TRU, I had no arguments for this. The next three years were full of opportunities, including an internship with the Government corrections department as a behaviour specialist for inmates.This internship solidified my lack of judgment. What I mean is, I do not place judgement onto people for their lifestyles, pending they don’t do harm to others.

This is something I apply to all interactions and relationships I have in life.

Psychology Writing adultsmart blog experts
American Psychologists Association

After graduating from University

I was lucky enough to be invited to contribute as an editor for the American Psychology Association. Giving me the chance to read and criticize countless papers and theory’s by fellow students and graduates.

At this time I also started back with the Men’s Health Initiative in Vancouver working with Sex workers. I worked as a volunteer with rape victims for post trauma care and counselling.2012 The travel bug was calling, I had to get away, 4 years in one country was getting under my skin and I was itching to travel again.

As Australia was one of the last continents for me to have yet visited, I knew this was my time.

Adultsmart Sydney

For the last 5 1/2 years, I have been living between Australia and Canada. Working as an Editor, Writer, Consultant and a Flight Attendant (random I know, but it feeds my travel bug).

I have met an amazing Aussie bloke (yes they exist) and have been sharing a life together for over 5 years. I am currently waiting for my Permanent Residency to be approved. Fingers Crossed!

I was ecstatic when I saw Adultsmart was hiring as I knew this was where I needed to be!  Have been with this amazing company for just 2 months now and I am so excited with what every day brings.

New and returning customers bring me to life

We can break down their nerves and apprehensions and talk SEX! We can do a lot more than selling you a sex toy. Thank you for taking the time to get to know a little about me. If you are reading this and live near one of the Sydney stores I’d love for you to come in and talk to me.

No question is too out there. If you live further away and have any questions, Please comment or email us!

Ask me anything, I’d love to help in any way I can.
All the Best
Patrick Kriz


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Here there are no boundaries! There are frank, honest and open articles about sexual health and lifestyle topics to assist you in your choices.




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