Tips For Erotic Dancing!

Starting a new journey is always daunting, especially an out of the ordinary journey such as venturing out into the world of exotic dancing! I wouldn’t call myself a veteran dancer but after being in the industry for a while I’ve picked up quite a few tips and tricks along the way that I want to share with anyone starting out!


As cliché as it sounds, confidence will be the best and biggest gun in your arsenal. Putting yourself out there is hard let’s face it. However a dancer’s main objective is to sell a fantasy, this means transforming the way you talk, act and think to suit the client you’re with. This is the best part, you get to be a completely different person!! Whatever character you choose should be confident, confidence can be sensed by everyone in the room, it’s in the way you walk, it’s behind the eyes, it is everything. Nervous about the way you look? Don’t be! Every single person has a type, so don’t let ‘no’ discourage or dishearten you. For every ten no’s there will be one yes, just keep going!! Say it with me: Confidence is KEY!!



Your stage name is important as it becomes your fantasy identity whilst you work. Pick something short and sweet that isn’t too cliché and is easy to remember! No one ever believes the first name you tell them and will always press you for your “real name”, have at least 3 different back-ups for “real” names to give whenever that question is asked. Once you pick a name stick with it and create your character around the name. You may be shy or quiet but your new persona isn’t, she’s confident and mysterious. Remember it’s all an act and you’re playing a character.



You DO NOT have to be a professional dancer to become an exotic dancer. I’d never really danced much before I started but you pick up moves and tricks as you go along and as you start to get more comfortable. Everyone is different, twerking is a great move but if you don’t have a large rear it shouldn’t be your go-to show stopper. Work with what you have, the other dancers will always help a rookie out with some simple easy to do moves.


repeat it in your head anytime you’re dancing if you ever think you’re moving too fast, just slow it down. Pole dancing studios often offer free trial classes, this is a great way to learn simple moves on the pole as well as how to actually hold the pole with proper grip etc.



Another key to success in the erotic dancing industry is what you wear.  You don’t have to spend an arm and a leg in order to buy some nice lingerie. Pick an outfit that emphasises your assets, most clubs will have a dress code that you’ll have to follow, whereas some clubs will be quite lenient with what you can wear. One piece and three-piece sets are often the norm. Pick a colour that makes you stand out and suits your skin tone. For instance, if you’re very pale colours such as red and black will make your skin look very bright and vibrant, whereas blues and whites go well with darker or tan skin!! Pick an outfit that looks good, but makes you feel even better! Remember you’re selling a fantasy so wear something to drop jaws, but make sure it is also easy to get off when you’re on all fours.



Probably one of the most important tips is what to bring in your bag:

  • More than one outfit: ALWAYS bring at least two outfits, dancing is a workout and you will sweat, bring more than one for that reason alone but it’s always good to stand out too, if the club is full of girls wearing black and you have a backup red costume, you’re going to stand out.
  • Makeup: You’re going to be sweating your makeup off throughout the night or losing your lipstick on straws/glasses so bring makeup to do touch-ups with.
  • Baby Wipes: In almost every dancer’s bag, also known as a strippers shower. Dancing is a workout and as you’re are putting your body near clients faces it’s always a good idea to stay fresh.
  • Shoes: Invest in a pair of Pleasers, easiest shoes to dance in and some of the most comfortable heels you will ever wear in your life. Normal heels slip on stage or aren’t used to the hard labour dancers put their shoes through, invest in a pair specifically designed for exotic dancers.
  • Dry Shampoo: Another stripper shower, just for your hair this time. Keep your hair dry and fresh as opposed to wet and sweaty, which will definitely happen after an 8-hour shift.
  • Padlock: Most clubs will have lockers for you to stash your bags in, some dancers keep their earnings or tips in their bags and like anywhere there isn’t always decent and honest people around, play it safe and lock everything up and don’t go flashing cash or expensive items.
  • A smile: A smile can be worth a million bucks, and in this industry that saying is true. The more you smile the more approachable you appear, the more money you make!!


These are just a few tips to take into consideration, everyone is different, and every club is different. Work out your vibe and find a club to match and groove away. Good Luck!!


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