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Guest Blog Here

Guest Blogger Wanted! Submit Your Stories Now

Do You Want To Be Our Guest Blogger?

If you have had a look at the stats of our site I am sure you will want to!  Our blog has thousands of visitors a day, has a very high DA and PA with a myriad of topics and categories available for you to choose your niche! AND we love unique, interesting and authentic content.  Feel free to join with us and become a guest blogger! To be eligible to get a guest post there are a few simple criteria that have to be met to ensure everyone gets what they want.

What We Look For In A Guest Post!

We are after unique and interesting subjects professionally written.  The more left of center the better as we are trying to expand our readers minds as to what is possible in regards to a healthier and happier sexual lifestyle.  We love people exploring and explaining their fetishes, indulgences and likes.  It can be something as non-sexual as describing the furry society or something as explicit as explaining their own personal sexual experiences.   We will even publish original erotic stories!

The more interesting the subject and story, the more we love it.  Nothing is too timid or too extreme.  The stories can be funny, enlightening, sad, engaging, instructive or personal – it is up to you!

How To Submit a Guest Blog!

If you do not want to write your article first you can approach us through the contact us on this website about the subject of your intended article and whether it would be something we are interested about.  There is nothing worse than putting your time, effort and tears into great writing to get it rejected by the administrators/moderators.  So submit your subject with a few lines of how you intend to expand on it e.g. personal experience, expert opinion etc. and we will let you know if it is of interest.  If you are an expert in the field please include your qualification be it sex counselor or therapist, doctor, worker etc.

You can also send us the completed article and we will let you know whether we can use it.  The minimum length for any article published on our blog is 800 words but we prefer 1200 plus.

Before submitting any work please PROOF IT!  If there are spelling and grammatical errors contained in the work it is most likely not going to get published.  The article will be run through Copyscape and anti plagiarism software first to ensure it is an original piece. We will notify you if we are not going to use the article.


We are happy to publish your images or videos as long as you can personally guarantee that they are royalty free, you own the rights to the images or you have permission from the rights holder for the image/s to be used in your article.

Guest Bloggers
Want To Guest Blog


You can provide one link in the article to a website or blog of your choice.  Any  link must be for the purpose of giving the reader access to quick information relating to the article from an expert/authority in that field  This is where you will want to provide content to us for that valuable link.


Republishing Your Guest Blog

There is no reason why you cannot re-post your original article onto your own blog site or website – HOWEVER we ask that in any re-post a link be provided to the article on our blog.


Embedding videos enhances engagement by providing dynamic content that captures and holds readers’ attention more effectively. It improves SEO by increasing time spent on your page, signaling valuable content to search engines. Videos can also demonstrate products or concepts more clearly, enhancing understanding and user experience.

How Long Will My Guest Blog Stay Up

Your valuable content will remain on our site giving your link valuable trust, Authority and traffic in perpetuity UNLESS your article is republished multiple times or it is found to be plagiarized.  They will be published in two categories on our blog – 1. Guest Blogs and 2. The Category most suited to the article.

Include Tips And Learned Experiences

Including instructions offers clear guidance, helping readers confidently explore new techniques and products safely. Detailed steps enhance understanding, ensuring accurate and effective application of advice. Instructions also build trust, demonstrating expertise and a commitment to reader satisfaction and safety.

Tips For Your Article

  • Write the article for the readers benefit not for SEO
  • Have a Great Title – People Read The Title First!
  • Great Links – Links To Resource and Info Sites that will help the reader.
  • Don’t Write Sex Toy Reviews – We have 5 female and 1 male sex toy reviewers already.
  • Quality over size. Great content is what we are after – better 800 fantastic words to a topic than 2000 words of dribble.
  • Do Not Be Disappointed if your first article is rejected – if we see you have put an honest effort in we will let you know what needs to be improved for it’s or another articles acceptance.

Wrapping Up

We invite you to become a guest blogger and share your unique perspectives with our engaged audience. Our blog, with thousands of daily visitors and high DA/PA, offers an excellent platform for diverse and authentic content. We value originality and are eager to publish on a wide range of topics related to a healthier, happier sexual lifestyle.

Submitting a guest blog is straightforward. Start by pitching your topic to us to ensure alignment with our interests. If your idea is approved, submit a well-written, proofread article of at least 800 words, free of plagiarism. Including images or videos is welcome, provided they are royalty-free or appropriately licensed.

We encourage expert insights, personal experiences, and innovative ideas that push boundaries and expand readers’ minds. Clear instructions and practical advice are especially appreciated for enhancing understanding and trust.

Your guest blog will enjoy lasting visibility, contributing to your credibility and driving valuable traffic. Remember, the goal is to engage and benefit our readers, not just optimize for SEO. Craft a compelling title, include helpful links, and focus on quality content. Join us in creating an informative, exciting, and diverse blog that challenges and delights our readers.



One response to “Guest Blogger Wanted! Submit Your Stories Now”

  1. yes we accept guest posts

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