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Doctor Check Up

13 Health Benefits Of Sex You Should Know About

Sex is a very healthy activity physically – and the health benefits of sex extend into many areas of our lives.

While the act of sex is often viewed through the lens of intimacy and connection between partners, its benefits extend far beyond the confines of the bedroom, touching various aspects of physical and mental health. This shift in perspective has led to a more holistic approach to sexual health, recognising it as an integral part of a balanced lifestyle.

This exploration of the health benefits of sex is not just about debunking myths or breaking taboos; it’s about shedding light on a vital aspect of human health that has been overlooked or understated for too long.

From boosting cardiovascular health to reducing stress, strengthening immunity, and enhancing mental well-being, the positive impacts of a healthy sex life are manifold. These benefits are backed by scientific research and are not limited to the fleeting moments of pleasure but have long-term implications for health and happiness.

Approach our top 13 health benefits of sex topic with an open mind and a holistic perspective. This guide is not just for those in romantic relationships but for anyone interested in understanding the profound effects of sexual activity on the body and mind.


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Our Top 13 Health Benefits Of Sex

Whether you’re looking to improve your physical health, enhance your emotional connection with your partner, or simply curious about the broader implications of sexual activity, the below list valuable insights and practical advice to enrich your understanding and experience of sex as a key component of overall health.

If used in conjunction with a wellness and health plan the can be really effective. Why not contact the best personal trainer in Sydney for some more advice?

1. Sex Boosts personal appearance

The more sex you, your blood flow will increase and all that oxygen going to my skin will give me that glow I pay a fortune for. That is probably why people often say you are glowing after sex.  Some experts even say frequent sex is good for boosting collagen, so it’s good bye wrinkles too.

It also improves your circulation and that is great for skin’s moisture. The sweat you produce while actually having sex is getting rid of all the dirt in your pores. This is great for people with acne. Talking of acne. Sex balances out our  hormone levels and it is this imbalance that causes acne in the first place.  Hormones don’t only affect your skin, the make our nails strong too.

Combine these sex triggered hormones with the great circulation you are promoting  and you get a bonus head of lustrous shiny hair. The other bonus to our outward appearance is obviously the weight loss or tone up you get through the actual physical work out.

Researchers in Scotland have stated from interviews of almost four thousand people that those that had sex at least three times a week looked remarkably younger than their age. This fact has been verified by several other studies as well and could be linked to the benefits stipulated through all the other benefits in this list.

2. Sex helps combat prostate cancer

We’re stretching it a little here, because the actual benefit lies in ejaculation, regular ejaculation helps reduce the risk of prostate cancer. It prevents a build up of semen and ejaculate. Without ejaculation the body will give younger boys, and men, wet dreams in order to force an expulsion of the built up fluids.

Regular ejaculation works out the muscles and will help with bladder control in older men, and it will also help the male ‘kegel’ muscles, helping with improved ejaculatory power and also keeping the body in a healthy state. Men who ejaculate a lot, are less likely to get prostate cancer – though sex isn’t the only factor.

3. Sex helps burn calories

Various studies value the physical exertion of sexual activity differently, however studies generally stipulate that sexual activity will burn between 200-400 calories every time one has sex. Passionate sex with a partner will help keep this level high as you both entwine and negotiate each others bodies.

If you’re having sex on average three times a week – then you’ll be burning anywhere between 600-1200 calories on average! That’s not counting sexual activity that involves a lot of physical movement. Whilst we’re not advocating for you to have sex in the midst of a work-out or running a marathon it’s certainly a worthwhile idea thinking about your physical movement during sex to get the most out of it.

Increased movement, and physical exertion is also fantastic for increasing essential hormones within the body – and is extremely good for mental health and increasing dopamine levels naturally.

4. Sex helps with headaches

It’s an old tale, but it’s surprisingly accurate. During sexual activity, the body produces more of the hormone Oxycontin, which increases the levels of endorphin’s within the body. What this does is the higher the arousal levels, the higher the body can tolerate and deal with pain; that’s right, sex is a natural pain killer! As such, the body relaxes and it helps with all sorts of pain management – indeed normal aches and pains including headaches, cramps and muscle tension will be alleviated during and after sexual activity.

5. Sex creates a healthy mind

Sex is cathartic, it reduces stress, it allows partner to be in tune with each other as well as themselves. It is an uplifting spiritual activity that fills each other with love, tenderness, sensuality, and life. As such, it makes you happier in your well-being. People who have regular orgasms report feeling more relaxed and happy than those that do not with higher levels of being physically and emotionally satisfied.

6. Sex Increases levels of testosterone

Though we have already mentioned this. Did you know that increased levels of testosterone keeps your skin happy and healthy? Further, it also helps with bone and muscle rehabilitation and keeping them in shape as well. Balancing your testosterone and estrogen can help stave off osteoporosis.

7. Sex Helps you sleep

Oxycontin is also a natural sleeping aid, that’s why your man just passes out immediately after ejaculating. Sleeping well is an absolute must for mental health, and physical come to think of it. It can help with various sleeping disorders like insomnia.

8. Sex protects against heart disease

All good things come in threes – researchers have suggested that having sex at least three times a week can significantly decrease your risk of heart diseases, illnesses and strokes. Even though sex raises blood pressure when you are in the throws of it, overall it actually lowers the systolic number ( the first one on the BP result). and that is the important one when it comes to healthy arteries.

9. Sex helps to improve self esteem

Ever noticed how when you’re single it’s hard to find a partner, yet when you first start dating everyone throws themselves at you? Self esteem and confidence is greatly affected by sex, not to mention all those delicious pheromones that are produced when you’re actively having sex.

An Australian study has suggested a mental health benefit of  increased levels of Oxycontin and natural endorphins. These natural chemicals are great stress relievers and boost our feelings of intimacy, which in turn boost our self esteem and happiness.

10. Sex Helps With Healthier sperm

If you are trying for children, then a man who ejaculates more often has healthier sperm.

11. Sex develops your sexual functionality

The workout women get during sex helps to develop their pelvic floor muscles that can help incontinence. Kegel balls can help get the vagina back into shape after a pregnancy so that sex and orgasms are more enjoyable.

Cock rings can also help you to last longer in bed. Fleshlight Stamina Training Unit can help men develop skills to last longer.

12. Sex can improve the in take of vitamins

If you swallow semen it contains lots of zinc and calcium which will help give you beautiful strong teeth.

13. Sex boosts immune system

Engaging in regular sexual activity has been linked to higher levels of immunoglobulin A (IgA) in the body. This antibody plays a crucial role in the immune system by defending against common colds and other infections, making sex a natural way to boost your body’s defence mechanisms.

Basically all this means the only reason you will ever have to visit a doctor or pharmacy again is for lube and contraception!  But you will already have purchased those things along with the rest of your weekly shop in Oh Zone!

We hope the 13 Health Benefits Of Sex helps you!

Author: Stephen Smith – BA Of Social Sciences, M.EdSave


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