Is It Really A Good Idea To Introduce Futanari Porn Into Your Relationship?

Futanari Porn Into Your Relationship

Being like most individuals, you’ve likely heard over and over again that futanari porn is not only damaging to your psyche but also destructive to most monogamous relationships. How many stories have you heard from your buddies about getting caught watching Futa porn?

How many stories have you heard about a wife finding Futaporn in the browser of search history?

What is the outcome of these stories?

The wife usually blows up and sometimes such situations even ruin a relationship.

Well, what most people won’t tell you is that porn cannot be ignored. Even if you find it entirely distasteful, it is a voice that cannot be ignored. There must be something to this. While every relationship is different, they can all find an appropriate place in the bedroom for pornography.

With the right approach, under the right circumstances, and with the proper frame of mind, watching good porn with a partner can do wonders for your sex life.

A Shared Experience

Aren’t relationships supposed to be all about shared experiences? You might have your separate hobbies or books you read before sleeping at night but don’t you often find yourself partaking in something that interests your mate more than you? Isn’t that the perfect explanation of a sexual encounter?

This is not to say that solo Futa porn is bad, but it is to ask the question of why not include your partner? This is the exact reason most partners get upset when they discover a lover watching porn.

They simply feel left out, betrayed, or not included. It’s all about shared experiences and creating memorable moments together.

 Fulfill Your Partner’s Fantasies

Most couples that have regular rows in the sheets don’t truly satisfy each other’s innermost desires. This is one of the biggest reasons that people turn to Futanari porn in the first place. Many people find themselves embarrassed or shocked by their fantasies.

They feel that if their partner knew their true desires, they would think of them as sexually depraved or crazy. That said, it is entirely possible that your desires might be a bit on the wild side, but you’d probably be shocked by your lover’s innermost desires.

Even if you or your lover aren’t wild about the other’s fantasies, you must remember relationships are as much about sacrifices as they are about shared experiences. Being open and willing to sacrifice yourself, your time or your views to your partner could be extremely tantric.

Futanari Porn
Gyaru futa in class

 Attraction To Others

Regardless of what society or relationship experts would have you believe, you are going to find yourself drawn to others. It doesn’t matter if you are 100% content in your current relationship and don’t have the slightest inkling to cheat on your mate, there will be times when you will be attracted to others. It’s just the unknown of the whole scenario that drives most people in.

Believe it or not, quality porn videos from a provider like Futanari might be able to help people better understand this.

The first part of getting over this is admitting that you and your partner both will be turned on by others. Not just you, but your mate will fantasize about another at some point in your relationship.

Watching Porn Together

Watching porn together and sharing your attractions with your mate could be the very thing that prevents one of you from straying. It might even help with that jealousness that builds when discovering your mate finds another attractive. The first part of overcoming an addiction, a problem, or fear is by admitting to yourself that the problem, fear, or addiction does exist.

 Speeding Up The Foreplay

Okay, there’s been a lot of debate over this one, and that’s completely understandable. Some couples claim it is the foreplay that they live for. It’s the part of the sexual encounter that they enjoy the most. There is no denying that this could possibly be true.

Everyone and everything is moving at an accelerated rate.

The term quickie today means something entirely different than it did 20 years ago.

It could be the constant interruptions that are running your sexual encounters. That said, people are not machines, and it can be incredibly hard to go from 0 to 60 in a matter of a few seconds.

The whole point of foreplay is to prepare for the big sexual encounter. Watch quality videos with top-notch performers found on sites like Futaporn will no doubt have both you and your partner primed and ready.

Erotic Literature
Written Porn

The Sexually Arousing Nature of Erotic Literature

Since I used to be a good reader in my youth, I easily became interested in the erotic books that we have in our stores. At first sight some erotic books seem a bit old and uninteresting to me.

After taking the time to open some up to read, I can tell you that I was wrong. It reminded me of how much I loved to read a good book from time to time.  Years ago, when I was a teenager they inspired my imagination.

Of course, I was not really interested in these erotic books as a teenager.

I was sexually inactive and didn’t even want to be aroused. Now that I am older, I can see how erotic literature provides a positive impact on peoples lives.

Erotic Literature Can Have A Positive Influence

Erotic literature contains a story or multiple stories that include the intimate thoughts of one or more characters.  It involves sexual lifestyle and relationships. Describing sexual acts in great detail, which otherwise may not have been captured through other forms of media like adult movies, erotic television shows and hentai. View Porn DVD

For example, in a sex scene of an adult movie you may see two people engaging in sex from different angles.  In a book, the author is able to capture precisely how each touch is made, describe how the touch felt and delve into character development.

The reader then is able to imagine what is happening in their own mind. If they choose to, they can adapt the situation or character according to their personal desires.  This makes the scenes become more personal.

Erotic books aim to awaken the reader’s emotions, imagination and sexual arousal levels.

It’s also interesting that these books usually include satire and social criticism.  This allows the reader to understand and see taboo topics from a different perspective. I’d say people who read these books become less judgmental.  They are more aware of how diverse members of society’s sexual lifestyles can be.

Erotic literature is available in fiction or non-fiction.  This may or may not be expressed in explicit language. It can be found in the forms of novels, short stories, poetry and sex manuals. They are written with different themes including prostitution, orgies, homosexuality, sadomasochism, fetishes, topics considered taboo and much more.

Some books offer lighter reading whilst others can be hard core, there really is something available for all different tastes.


Erotic Stories
Erotic Literature From Left to Right: The Virgins by Pamela Erens (2013), Tampa by Alissa Nutting (2013), Fifty Shade of Grey by E L James (2011), Thérèse and Isabelle by Violette Leduc (2000) and The Flowers of Evil by Charles Baudelaire (1857)


Erotic literature has many benefits including:


There are book lovers who have a real passion for reading and appreciate that a book can stimulate sexual arousal both mentally and physically. For some people imagination is an engine needed for the sexual arousal, reading could be used as a sexual aid.


Reading can ignite your imagination and take you to places you have never been. The scenes within the book are all imagined in your head. If you would like to you can imagine yourself in the story instead of the characters which can be really exciting! Inversely, you can make your partner become another person.


It inspires us through discovering information about topics that we do not know which helps us to understand them, thanks to the good words chosen by the narrator.

Role Play:

After reading the book, you are able to role play scenarios with your partner.


If you find yourself needing a little excitement in your monotonous relationship, reading erotic literature out loud can definitely be a way to excite the two of you. It can help you feel what the couple in the book feels.

Sex Advice:

It can also give you useful sex advice to spice up your relationship.

Old school:

If you are not the kind of person to try adult lifestyle products like sex toys you can read a book.

These Days There Are E-Book – Audio Book And More

Nowadays, there are so many books and genres that have an influence on our society. Originally perceived as taboo had eventually become acceptable within society. Some have reached worldwide success and have become movies or TV shows like Fifty Shades of Grey and The Intimate Adventure of a London Call Girl.

Erotic literature has a sexual arousing nature which can positively impact your lifestyle and relationships. Be sure to visit  Adult Lifestyle Centres to have a look at our large range of books on display.

About the Author: Aissata is a consultant from Adult Lifestyle Centres

Originally published 2018

Audio Porn Cumming To Headphones Near You

The relationship between porn and sex is often looked at and explored through our interactions and the effects that they have on each other. But what’s not often looked at is the senses that each engage. By this I mean that sex, for the most part, relies on the sense of touch.

With the consumption of porn more relying on the visual and aural senses. This presents some interesting insights into our interaction with sex.  It also allows us to examine something that is actually quite popular, but rarely spoken of – audio porn.

Contrary to what you might think – audio porn isn’t just porn for the visually impaired.  It’s a type of pornography that relies on the engagement of different senses in comparison to regular porn and sex. Audio pornography is pretty much, exactly what it sounds like though it can come in several different types.

What Forms Does Audio Porn Come In?

It is audio that people have recorded during sexual activity and directly involves the sounds of sex. Or it could involve people talking dirty/narrating their own sexual fantasy.  Or it could be an individual orally explaining what is going on in a eroticscene.

It’s surprisingly popular with dedicated Tumblr blogs, websites, reddit posts and an army of fans. So what is it about audio porn that makes it so different?

Audio Porn
Man listening to audio porn

How Do You Engage In Audio Porn?

For one thing it’s engaging different senses, and forcing you to rely on a single sense.

When you’re watching visual porn on the screen your brain is often receiving information from a variety of different sources.  This meanst it can’t concentrate on any one thing.

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While you might be focused on a single point or aspect, your peripheral vision and hearing is still engaged in everything around that point.  As well as additional information which your brain is desperately trying to process and focus on.

It means that whilst you might think that you’re focused on an individual thing, the reality is that your brain is still processing all the other information along with it as background/white noise.

With audio porn, your brain is focusing on a single point, especially if you’re wearing headphones you only have a voice and/or sexual sounds and that’s it. There’s no other distractions allowing you, as a listener and engager, to remain absolutely focused on the audio.

Why is audio porn so popular?

Porn has many benefits but when it comes to audio porn perhaps it’s the specific focus on a sense.  Perhaps it’s about the idea that with audio erotica, you have the ability to form your own mental image of what’s happening. Bbased on your own sexual experiences and intimate contexts, you would use the audio to provide yourself with the most idealised image of the situation.

You have much more freedom in mentally visualising the scene, without the perceived tediousness of reading. This mental image would probably result in a far better mental fit to your personal sexual tastes.  Certainly than anything that can be delivered to you visually.

You’re in control of the porn as opposed to it being fed to you. Even in sex, we don’t often focus on the sound – instead often perceiving the sounds of sex to be awkward and distracting.

Audio porn and the autonomous sensory meridian response

There’s also the interesting phenomena of autonomous sensory meridian response which is an under studied and under researched situation. You can read more about that condition in the link above. It needs to have a dedicated article about it as opposed to a mere mention.

Suffice to say the ASMR is a sensation that can certainly be achieved with audio porn.  It’s one that can extend intimacy without necessarily being overly sexual.

Audio porn has the tendency to magnify the senses that it engages. In a way that humanises the performer and ultimately creates a

‘tangible experience that photography and video can’t compete with,’

Said media professor Jacob Smith from Northwestern University.

Audio porn makes you feel more involved in the moment

Audio porn, depending on the situation is an almost voyeuristic engagement that actively involves the listener. You’re participating in a way, you’re not just staring mindlessly. I spent some time listening to audio porn of guys jerking off – and whereas normally I’d be focused on watching the stroking.

I visualized the way his stomach jerked and pulsed, the size of his cock, his stroking style and a variety of other visual cues, Forced to listen to the sounds. Focusing on the sounds of the lubricant against his hand and his breathing.

I rose and fell with him.

Man orgasming to audio porn
Image: Man’s Orgasm Face

How Does Listening To Audio Porn Effect The Senses?

I felt as if I was directly responsible for the whispers and moans, it felt like he was right beside me. We were together as one in something far more intimate than watching him jerk off over a webcam.

Audio porn bypasses one of the recurring gripes about visual porn in the sense that visual porn is so often formulaic, unimaginative and unrealistic. It’s often desensitising as you’re exposed to overt visual imagery.  Your brain becomes accustomed to the direct assault of stimulation on the senses.

Fans of audio porn frequently comment on the realism of it, unlie visual porn.   You can pretty much find anything that turns you on. Whether it be age play, incest play or even just solo moaning, audio porn has something for everyone.

Cast aside the visual and strip it back to the voyeuristic basics.

Why not give it a listen to and see how your body responds?

Author: Stephen Smith – BA Of Social Sciences, M.Ed

Originally Published 2017


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