Important note: This article is a letter from an anonymous internet user.
About Adult Magazine Restrictions in Australia!
Magazine Restrictions
I’ve never really been too involved in adult sex toy products but I do collect only the best adult magazines; It’s kind of like collecting stamps for me, it’s my version of a hobby! Even the porn collecting is my hobby, my ‘better half’ is OK with it because she also sees it the same way.
At the end of the day, it is just a hobby and she knows I love her more than anything! Porn magazine collecting is a different experience than watching porn videos as you have the object in your hands and you can use your imagination to make an unbelievable experience!
A few people have the conviction that using porn is addictive. A few people lie to their life partners about it.
Is Censorship and Banning The Answer?
The requirement for order may seem additionally squeezing when managing content that may hurt kids. In the ALRC’s perspective, requiring all grown-up substance to be formally arranged by Australian classifiers is not the answer for this issue.
Current laws that give that some grown-up substance must be characterized on a few stages before being sold in a few views. For instance, explicit entertainment on DVDs in the ACT and NT ought to be supplanted with media-nonpartisan laws. These laws will command access confinements on all grown-up substance conveyed in Australia.
The new Act ought not, in any case, give that this substance must be arranged.
Australia Is Supposed To Be Democratic And Liberal Nation
What I’ve found out is that, Australia is a liberal nation. We are actually one of the least religious countries in the world per capita. Recent statistics revealed that only around 24% of our population identify themselves with a religion.
Even prostitution is legally known as a money making business that is taxed like any other company. Our legal age of consent across the states and territories is either 16 or 17, with the exclusion of anal sex. In Queensland where 18 is the age of consent.
My point being, we are NOT a conservative country that people used to think we were!
LGBTQ Community and the Gay and Lesbian Mardis Gras
We also host the world’s second largest gay pride celebration every year, which is called the Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gra where people celebrate that they are proud to be coming out.
They feel like they are free to share who they are with the Australian Community with love and acceptance. Civil partnerships for same sex couples are recognised as a legally legitimate relationship. We have come a long way and I really love my country for the progress we’ve made over the last several decades.
I wanted this blog entry to be informative, like all blog entries on this website. But it’s hard to keep emotions out of it when you look at how many restrictions Australia is imposing on pornography in our beautiful, free nation.
Why All The Adult Content Restrictions?
All of the best adult shops in Sydney and online seem to now be missing some of our beloved magazines like Purely18, Panty Play and Finally18. They seem to be also cracking down on magazines like 50+ for gentlemen whom prefer our more mature, cherished women.
I used to buy these adult magazines very cheap from adult bookshops in Sydney which is arguably the largest collection in New South Wales. Now, it’s difficult to buy them there too now. I understand that Purely18 is no longer under production.
But why all of the other adult content restrictions?
The truth is that there are NO actual legal restrictions on particular titles where the content is verified as all models, both male and female are of mature age and able to make sound judgement.
Can a sexpert at tell me what’s going on with the current drought in magazines?
It seems to be difficult to buy cheap adult magazines in Australia. At least we can still buy some of the cheapest and best-selling adult toys in Australia online at online adult websites. Enjoying porn is an indication that people have an excess sexual desire which a lot of individuals, who are either male or female are single and do not have a partner. If you don’t have a plentiful sex drive it is a good idea to gain knowledge on why people use sex toys to enhance their sex lifestyle.
These magazines actually really help her reach climax, our sex has never been better. You can sort porn movies by age so why not adult magazines?
P.S. Thank you for providing an unbiased blog for Australians in the market for adult products.
Are You Looking For The Best Porn Magazine In The UK?
Finding the best porn magazine is no longer easy. However, London Prive is about to change all of that. When you are looking for the ultimate adult experience in the United Kingdom, Prive is the one source that you can rely on just like a reliable playboy magazine.
What Is Prive All About?
Let’s be honest. Finding the perfect adult companion is not always straightforward. It is not only about companionship, it is about what you can do when you spend time with your adult companion as well.
As we know, London is a bit of “porn niche.” The UK capital is one of the best places in the world to visit when you would like to enjoy a couple of hours of adult fun. What to stay longer? No problem, London is perfect for adult fun.
London is packed with exciting clubs where you can take your companion for a night out. London Prive was set up to give you more information about the clubs and other places that you can visit in London.
Not only that, the team behind the best porn magazine in the UK, would also like to help to guide you in the direction when it comes to choosing adult companions in London.
London Is The Home Of Many Sweet Secrets
No matter where you stay in London, there is a sweet secret waiting for you. The UK capital is divided up into boroughs, and you can rest assure that almost every borough has a delightful and high quality surprise in store for you.
It does not matter if you enjoy the company of exciting Oriental ladies or Sweet English Roses, London Prive can help to point you in the right direction.
What To Do On A Night Out In London
If you are a London resident or regular visitor to London, you will know that London is the European city that never sleeps.
Not only will you always find a party going on or a club international open somewhere, there is so much more to discover. What if you don’t fancy going to a club? In that case. there are many other delights waiting for you.
Maybe you would like to enjoy some good food in the company of a sexy companion? London is the dream venue to visit for those of us who like to enjoy fine food.
Londons Best Restaurants Are In Their Top Hotels
Best of all, most of London’s best restaurants are situated in London’s top hotels. The Savoy Hotel is home to The Savoy Grill which is owned and operated by famous Brit Gordon Ramsay.
If Mr. Ramsey can’t tickle your taste buds with his delicious grilled steaks, why not head over to the Brown’s Hotel. Located in Mayfair, the hotel’s best known restaurant
The Drawing Room serves up delicious food and is said to stock the best wines in London. When it comes to London restaurants, The Drawing Room is perhaps more discreet than others. It is the perfect place to book a table when you want to enjoy dessert afterwards with your new sexy friend.
Other Experiences In London
Of course, London does not only offer amazing dining out experiences. When you are in the mood for shopping, London is still the best place in Europe to visit.
If you are staying in Brown’s Hotel, you are only a stone’s throw away from the best shops in London. The Mayfair district is packed with shops that you and your adult London companion will love.
You can shop for hours and then go back to the luscious surroundings of Brown’s Hotel and watch your favorite adult video or adult magazines.
Why Do So Visitors Stay In 5 Star Hotels in London?
Not only do 5 star hotels in London offer some of the best in-house services and adult entertainment in the world. One of the top reason many gents choose a 5 star hotel in London, is down to the discretion of the staff.
Unfortunately, in other parts of the world, hotel staff often end up gossiping about their guests and what porn sites they may visit. That does not happen in London. When you stay in a top hotel in London, you can rely on the fact that the staff is going to be discreet. What happens in your 5-star hotel in London will stay there.
Another reason is that room service is second to none. When you are not in the mood for tackling another busy day on the streets of London, you can just keep the door shut and order room service. Browsing through online magazines looking for the best magazine features.
Whatever you need or want, the loyal staff at London’s top hotels will “acquire” for you.
Is London A Good Place For An Adult Party?
Do you enjoy adult parties? Although adult parties have become popular in many parts of Europe, there is something special about adult parties in London often reported with local media group.
According to London Prive, parties are more sophisticated and have a flare about them that you will not find anywhere else in Europe. So, if you have come to London to play and have fun, why not check out the best adult parties in London.
As per the best porn magazine in the world, adult parties in London cater for all tastes. You will be hard pressed to find the same exciting services anywhere else in Europe.
London’s adult parties offer many exciting play rooms where you and your partner can enjoy yourself for hours together with other like-minded individuals.
Many business travellers think it is a perfectly good reason to stay a few extra days in London. At the end of the day, it is nice to be able to relax in the company of a beautiful companion.
When Is The Best Time To Travel To London?
Some would say the summer, however, as London is always buzzing, any time is really a good time to travel to London.
Whenever you visit London, you are bound to find something exciting to do. It does not matter if it is indoors or outdoors. London is packed with excitement and many exciting ladies would love to keep you company.
Don’t just take our word for it. Book a room in one of London’s best hotels for yourself and your companion. Before you know it, you will see and experience a totally new side to London that you will never have come across before.
Having a good time in London has never been easier.
Fear Of The Word: Sex And Censorship
Why does everyone have an opinion on what you should and shouldn’t do when you’re growing a tiny human? Bombarding you with unsolicited advice and horror stories. Constantly reminding you that you’re brutally ill-equipped to deal with the said tiny human.
In one of these conversations where one of my mum friends was talking about the gender of my baby, who coincidentally is a boy, told me emphatically that I should not call his penis a penis. That I needed to call it pee pee or his little thingy… but why?
Thinking about the conversation later in the day when I was absentmindedly playing games on my phone, I kind of wondered why I needed to use soft fluffy names for my child’s genitals instead of just calling them what they are?
Is It Damaging To My Child?
Is it potentially damaging to my child, knowing what genitals are actually called?
Will it turn them into a psychologically damaged young adult?
Will it cause them to be more promiscuous as they enter puberty?
Or will it simply just be another word in their vocabulary?
The more that I think and read about it, the consensus seems to be that in this age of sexual (and sexual abuse) awareness, a child who knows what their genitals are called and can be more specific and less ashamed about discussing such things, seems to be the best way to go.
Just an observation…
In retrospect, what I have found while working for the Oh! Zone Adult Lifestyle Centre, is that the majority of my customers, some of whom are in their 30’s and 40’s are still not sure what to call their or their partner’s genitals. When asked questions about what type of product that they’re interested in.
What follows is usually a great game of charades where it seems like I’m participating in a Harry Potter skit,where ‘he who must not be named’ is code for a penis.
Look, I grew up in a very conservative middle class household where I didn’t get the ‘birds and the bees’ talk until I was 20. WAY past needing it. I also went to a Catholic high school where in year 8 or 9, they taught us sexual education by proclaiming that abstinence was the best way to stop diseases or getting pregnant. Not to mention, my PDHPE teacher was also my uncle… Funny, I know.
But what I remember most was how awkward my mother was when talking about sex and genitals during our ‘chat’. Now imagine how uncomfortable she got when I told her that my new career path was in the adult product industry. I literally laugh crying at the thought.
All those stories…
So, that mum friend that I mentioned earlier regaled her story of how she discovered that her son was now old enough to masturbate. I’m paraphrasing, but the story (after a few wines) went a little like this:
‘OMG! I have to tell you something! It’s soooo embarrassing! I can’t even say it out loud…’
‘Ok what is it?’
‘It’s, oh my gosh I… it’s like the worst thing I’ve ever had to see. It’s so embarrassing’
‘What is it?!’
‘Well, the other night I went in to kiss the boys goodnight. So I opened the door and Mr. 13 was lying in bed with his butt in the air and I could her the sheets rustling. So I turned on the light and I saw him… I saw him playing with his… his, you know, his thing’
‘And? …’
‘I didn’t know what to do, so I grabbed the covers and pulled them off the bed. OMG! He started yelling and I screamed and started crying and ran out of the room slamming the door on my way out!’
‘So… you’re telling me that you caught him wanking?’
‘YES! Oh my god! It was so bad! I didn’t think that we’d have to have THAT talk with him for another few years. I’m scarred for life now!’
‘Did you sit him down and have the talk?’
‘NO! I said to [hubby] that there is no way that I can talk to him about that! He would have to do that. I can’t even look him in the eyes right now and it’s been like, 2 weeks’
You Don’t Have To Be A Psyhiatrist To Know Masturbating In Front Of Your Mum Is Not OK
I’m no psychologist, but I would think that having your mum not only walk in on you masturbating. But to have her react the way she did, would cause more emotional and psychological damage.

Why should we project our denial about sexuality and what we are too embarrassed to say out loud on to our children?
And that is my argument. Obviously, there is a need to censor some content or conversations. But overall isn’t it a healthy thing that kids know and understand bodily functions?
What happens if, heaven forbid, your child was inappropriately touched by another person and they needed to explain to you, a medical professional or a law enforcement officer what happened, and all they had in their vocabulary was ‘down there’ or ‘that part’? The embarrassment and shame about their genitals that you have taught them is normal, now becomes a detriment to their well-being and psychological development.
Like I said, I’m not a medical professional, but in my opinion it is better for kids to be raised with a healthy knowledge of their bodies so that, as adolescents and adults they can make informed decision about their sexuality without shame or embarrassment.

Richard, our marketing guru, steers Adultsmart’s online presence. With over 10 years in the industry, he’s passionate about sexual health and lifestyle issues.
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