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Penis Pumping Techniques

In this article I will talk to you various penis pumping techniques and try to explain if the available pumping routine is suitable for you. Making a good start is important and the key to get excellent results.

The base for achieving any significant increase on penis size is a penis exercise routine.  There are many devices on the market that can help you achieve your goals.  But they are not the same like these techniques if your penis hasn’t been “conditioned” with manual penis stretching and Jelqing.

Penis enlargement devices can actually do more harm than good.  A manual routine is not the focus on this article.  But I will get into how manual care can help pumping to enhance and help you achieve gains.

penis pumping techniques
BUY NOW: Penis Pumps

There are several different techniques to aide in enhancing the pump routine.

The following two penis pumping techniques are commonly used by penis pumpers.

Penis Pumping Techniques – Milking

Milking is done by griping the tube and trying to apply it from the base of your penis.  The pump can be used to masturbating and the motion should only show in the tube.  No more than 1” augmentation from the base.

If you have a pressure gauge, you will notice that the milking penis pumping routine causes the pressure to increase.  And it then shoots back to the original level when you return the tube back towards you.

Use low pressure levels as too much pressure can damage veins and arteries in the penis.  Milking can help with fresh blood circulating in the penis which aides in faster growth.


Although milking at high pressure levels can cause damage to the penis.  If it’s not properly lubed, abrasions and blisters can be caused on the glans.

Penis Pumping Techniques – Pulsing

Pulsing has a more involved process and widely believed to be very effective for maximizing gains.  It involves creating and releasing the vacuum at different intervals.

Helps maximize gains faster by relaxing and expanding more frequently.  Pulsing helps with keeping the penis conditioned and it helps minimize edema.

Penis Pumping Techniques – Pumping Plan

A great plan will consist of the standard warm-up, stretches, Jelqing, penis pumping, and warm down.

When a penis is pumped, it is best to divide your pumping session into sets.  The length of each set will depend on your level of experience.

Beginners (less than 3 months of pumping) should do no more than 3 short sets of 15 minutes each. Advanced pumpers can do more sets at longer periods.

Take Breaks

Regardless of how long is the set, it is recommended that you take breaks at every 10-15 minutes to allow fresh blood to circulate into the penis.

Gradually Increase Pressure

During the set, you gradually increase the pressure as your penis expands.  In each set, you prefer the pressure to increase faster, but caution is advised. Raising the pressure quickly can cause painful blisters to develop.

Paying attention to the pressure gauge is important at every session.

At all times you should maintain the level of suction to be pleasurable and comfortable and not feel painful in any way.  If you feel a pinching or numbness or an ache, you can “milk the tube,” lower the pressure, or end the set.

At any time during your session, feel free to disconnect your hose and walk around with your tube hanging free, once the suction is firm enough to keep it there.

Reconnect periodically to make sure a consistent pressure is being maintained.

penis pumping techniques
Large Cucumber

Toward the end of each set, your erection should be firmer.

By the end of your last set, it is not uncommon to feel that you are on the limits of orgasm.  Take it into consideration and don’t get excited and enthusiastic and pump longer or harder than you did before.

Try to follow a disciplined program using these penis enlargement techniques from this article and you will see some serious improvement.

Once the pumping is completed.

It is recommended that a silicone ring or some sort of restrictive aide should be installed to maintain the pumped state.  This helps to keep the penis pumped and erect for as long as possible.

Additionally, try to never put restrictive clothing to allow your penis to be freely as possible to maximize the pumped state.

Penis Pumping is a natural form of penis enlargement and very effective.

But it is how we use the correct and proper penis pumping techniques that offer us the overall experience and the final permanent results.

You must be sober and in clear mental state when you practice with things that involve vacuum devices like these penis enlargement techniques.  Take care of the penis enlargement devices and your penis.  Use all the methods safely and with caution.

Finally, enjoy the positive benefits and the true results that these techniques will bring to your penis.  At last you can get the penis you always wanted.

penis pumping techniques
muscle man in bed

How Safe are Penis Pumps?

Man has for years been finding ways to elongate their penis, increase the girth of the penis.  Or help solve erectile dysfunction problems to improve their sexual lifestyle.

There have been numerous innovations, ranging from pills to enlargement exercises. Penis pumps are considered the very first real penis enlargement devices.

It’s invention was driven by the realization that hanging weights on the penis has no impact at all on its length. The question that everyone asks thought is do penis pumps really work and what are the benefits?

Benefits of using Penis Pumps

The use of penis pumps has multiple benefits.

  • Penis pumps are less invasive and pose less of a risk as opposed to invasive surgery of pharmaceuticals.
  • The general expense of a penis pump is lower in the log run.  After the initial but there is no further expenses.
  • Penis pumps are noninvasive as they don’t require surgery and the addition of penile implants.
  • They can be used in blended treatments easily.
  • Enables the user to obtain an erection after prostate surgery, radiation treatment or penile dysfunction.
  • A penis pump will straighten out as well as enlarge so is a great treatment for  Peyronie’s disease (twisted erections).

Risks of Using a Penis Pump

Many people have blindly purchased most of the advertised vacuum enlargement system.  There are some that may end up being hazardous, especially if not used accurately.

In desperation for a bigger penis, some men are willing to sacrifice their common sense for the flashiest device on any web store or adult shop.

Most of these devices promise heaven with the ability to fix the problem within the first few days of use.

It is a lie.

One thing that you must never forget is that penis pumps are not quick fixes to your size problems.

The easiest way to have a bigger and longer penis is by birth.

If you are not that lucky, you have to work for it.  Consistency is key, but you must never overdo it.

How Does A Penis Pump Work?

A vacuum enlargement system operates by removing air around the penis and ensuring that no air enters in cylinder.  The resultant pressure from the vacuum system forces the tissues around the penis to stretch, filling them with excess blood and results in an erection.

This results in growth in length in girth, some that might be permanent.  Note that there is a possibility that you will realize some penis growth eventually.  But you must also understand that there are some risks involved.

One of the most common dangers is the risk of rupturing the blood vessels as a result of too much vacuum pressure from the pumps.  This can be long term damages that may haunt you for a very long term.

Recommended Penis Pumps

Safeguard yourself from such dangers and go for LA penis pumps that come with a pressure gauge and a valve.

You can monitor the pressure levels so that it doesn’t exceed the recommended levels with the gauge and remove any excess pressure using the valve.

Also ensure that you stay alert on the discomfort levels in case they turn into a rare painful feeling.  It is also recommended that you read through the product specifications and master the user manual to avoid exposing your body to any dangers.

Does Penis Pumping Last?

Some people argue that the growth realizes after using penis pumps is only temporary and fools the mind to believe that it is permanent.  Scientists have proven that these devices can indeed lead to permanent penis growth.

It must however be the right device and used as instructed.  Don’t share the device with any other person or risk infections.

Follow the provided instructions and use the penis pump correctly giving yourself some break in between if your very new to the system.  Do this and you will be able to find out what works best for you and have an improved sex life.




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