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Two Men Kissing

8 Ways to be the Perfect Gay Orgy Guest

The covetedGay sex party” invite is one to be appreciated and not taken very lightly. Once you become introduced to these events you quickly realize how enjoyable they are.  Better than going to gay bars and clubs.  Usually, they are not advertised online or stamped on flyers stuffed under windshield wipers. These parties are informed by invite only or spread by word of mouth.  Events that don’t cum often but are usually worth the wait.  You’re going to want to be the perfect gay orgy guest.

Through experience, you will learn a handful of rules of etiquette to attending a “gay sex party” that will ensure you get invited to many more over the years.

I’m going to share with you some of the rules I have learned over the years.

A Perfect Gay Orgy Guest 

Step 1: Don’t invite others to someone else’s party

Unless given permission by the host, don’t invite every gay person in your contacts.

It can be tempting to forward that text message to all of your gay friends, but don’t do it. You never know who those people will forward the text to.  Some gay sex party hosts may not want random unknown people walking around their homes.

People hosting gay sex parties do occasionally want a few new faces included into the crowd.  So most of the time it is okay to invite a close friend or two, only if they arrive to the party with you.

This rule mainly applies to uninvited guests who do not personally know the hosts of the party.

Step 2: Don’t bring a complaining antisocial friend

You know the type I am talking about. This is the guy that complains from the minute he walks into the party. He complains about the music, the crowd, the men.  Doesn’t let himself and others party. He’s more of a home gay and would rather be somewhere else.

No matter the reason, I suggest you keep away your lame gay friend from this party.

Seriously, why bring this guy to a gay sex party just to have him drag down the good time of you and others.  Most gay sex parties aren’t overcrowded fraternity parties like from the movies where they are packed like night clubs.

Gay sex parties are usually intimate meetings

With a group of less than 50 people.  At these gay sex parties, people stand out.

That lame friend can typically be seen looking at people having a good time from across the room. If anyone dares to speak to this lame guy, he either gives short apathetic answers to innocent questions.  Or he fills up the conversation explaining why he’d rather not be there.

Next time, leave him home with his internet porn and masturbator while you have fun socializing in person with actual people.

perfect gay orgy guest
Three Naked Men

Step 3: Bring a bottle of alcohol to the party

While great gay sex parties typically don’t charge a fee, they still aren’t free. Someone actually spent time and money to organize the event and opened up their home for your enjoyment.

A great rule of gay sex parties is for each attendant to bring a bottle of alcohol. This still works out cheaper than most clubs considering the entrance charge and the cost of drinks you’ll pay in those venues.  Walking into a gay sex party with a bag of good liquor not only gains you good impression.

It also helps to keep the drinks flowing even to the late hours.

When you go to gay sex parties where men don’t follow this rule, you will see that the alcohol will eventually ran out mid party. Unless it’s a small gay sex party or you are close friends with the host and want to impress, don’t buy the most expensive liquor. It’s not necessary.

But don’t get the lowest quality liquor you find in front of you either, you have to at least appear to have a bit of class.

So what should you bring with you at a gay sex party?

Well, if it’s a party full of young college black gays; get a cheap bottle of Smirnoff. Most young black gay men drink vodka and cranberry and fruity liquor filled daiquiris.

If it’s a party mixed with older black gay men, you can bring a good quality vodka, rum or tequila. I wouldn’t bring anything under $30 unless it’s a great brand on sale. New quality vodkas could be a great option for this gay sex party. Also, here’s the most important thing about this rule.

Always show or give the bottle to the host of the party.

This is the equivalent to waiting until the server behind the bar to see you place down the tip so that you can get credit for it and make good impression.

You want the host to know you put your brick into the party, which will encourage him to not only invite you to his next party.  But also invite you to others he hears about.

perfect gay orgy guest
Out Guide: Gay SOPVs

Step 4: Introduce yourself to the host

If you’re one of those unknown “friends of the invited friend”, make sure you find out who the host is of the gay sex party and introduce yourself. You’re in another man’s home, respect him by making yourself no longer a stranger. This helps on multiple levels as he also may now be encouraged to personally invite you to his next gay sex party since you took the time out to speak to him.

Even if you don’t exchange any information with the host, you have now broken the ice making it easier to not feel like a stranger in the party for the rest of the night.

Step 5: No taking extreme photographs. 

Some gay guys still have insecurities and feel uncomfortable when it comes to their sexuality. This insecurity includes the oddity of being comfortable enough to go to a gay clubs and bars or gay sex party.  But not being comfortable enough to be photographed at one.

Stop trying to take wide shots of the party people or group selfies to include the sexy muscular masculine gay guy standing behind you. If you keep up like this, soon gay sex parties will have more people taking photographs.  And will end up with a rule like in many strip clubs where you will need to leave your camera at home.

Plus, you need to consider their privacy and where those photos can end up. Always respect peoples right to privacy.

Step 6: Wipe up any bathroom splash

Men can be disgusting.

There is no better proof of this than when you see that in most bars and club restrooms around 12 am on a Saturday night. Poorly aimed piss all over the floor and toilet paper stuffed toilets are a common view.

This is not the case with gay sex parties. There is no restroom, only bathrooms. Bathrooms that the person living in the home will likely want to continue to use long after his party. You’re in someone’s home.

Show a little respect and courtesy by wiping up any urine splash or any mess made by you.

perfect gay orgy guest

Step 7: Don’t get drunk

The only thing more embarrassing than watching your friend get drunk and loud in a club is to watch your friend get drunk or passed out at a gay sex party.

Especially if your said friend wasn’t even personally invited – it’s a poor reflection on the company you keep and may even lead to you not being invited back! If you want to get that wasted, go to a straight up bar or club and not someone’s home.

Gay sex parties are much more intimate events, so if you or your friend becomes the wasted guy, everyone will notice. Another unintentional consequence for not knowing your limits and being obnoxious is you or your whole group of friends will cease to be invited out to these events.  As your reputation builds for a man that can’t hold his liquor.

Step 8: Leave long before the host starts cleaning up the mess

Once the gay sex party breaks down from being completely full to half full, it is time for you to either start prepping for your drive home.  Or start finding out where the after party will be.

If you’re still around long enough to see people packing up the food, drinks or making to go plates, you have stayed way too long.

Now is the time to go. If you’re anywhere near the time where the DJ begins playing reggae or dance house music set, you have hit the ‘too late time’ and are time to take your ass home already. Don’t overstay unless you either plan on helping the host clean up the mess.  Or having sex with him once everyone else is gone.

Now that you know some rules, relax and have fun with your gay sex party or even host your first gay sex party.

7 Tips to Seduce the Straight Gay!

Many sexy men attract gay men and gays are disappointed when they find out that their target is a straight guy’.

Though I’m going to be honest, if they’re interested in gay sex, they’re either not comfortable with identifying as gay, or they’re a predominantly straight male who occasionally has sex with men.

It can be very difficult to seduce a straight man and keep them interested as well. Odds can be increased very easily if you actually know how to use the correct techniques at a specific time. It takes a lot of practice and lots of self confidence to seduce straight men.  But once you master the techniques, there will be no turning back.

In this article you are going to learn seven techniques to seduce a straight guy.

perfect gay orgy guest
Gay Men with Straight Men

Why Do Straight Men have Intercourse with Gay Men

Straight men who have intercourse with men, same-sex experiences aren’t about sentiment or sexual fascination.  But they are about sexual and physiological excitement of relieving oneself with orgasming with another who’s male and open.

They don’t sexually fancy or get stimulated by taking a gander at other men, just by the sexual demonstration to normally gain a sense of closeness. Their conduct may mirror a craving to examination, to take part in something that is unthinkable.  Or to express internal mental clashes including their sexual sentiments and wishes that have nothing to do with having a gay or indiscriminate identity.

There are Loads of Reasons Why

Straight men who engage in sexual relations with men do  as such for an assortment of reasons.

  • Some have been sexually assualted and are enthusiastically re-enacting adolescence sexual injury by male culprits.
  • Others find sexual discharge with another man more open.
  • Some have intercourse with men since it’s less demanding and requires less social abilities than those required to have intercourse with ladies.
  • Others are “gay for pay” and get money related prizes.
  • Some like the consideration they get from other men.
  • Others like butt-centric sex, which they’re generally excessively embarrassed, making it impossible to discuss or take part in with women.
perfect gay orgy guest
two men on beach

1  Start a Conversation

The way you discuss things will make a huge difference in your success rate. Be humorous in your approach, but not aggressive. Always maintain eye contact. As the conversation progresses, attraction will eventually develop.

2  Talk Dirty with Him

Dirty talk can spice things up. Get the guy to talk all about his sexual life and ask him about his satisfaction levels, discuss about the quality of sex and if he feels like there’s anything missing in his sex life. Try to show that there is something missing in his sexual life and that he needs improvement, which only you can provide.

3  Do Not Talk About Anal

It is very important to avoid this topic as progressing directly to this topic can take the guy to a different level of negativity. Try to fire the guy’s imagination with lots of fantasies about sensual and erotic sessions, but do not indulge in too much explicit sex talk about anal play.

4  Avoid Kissing

It is better not to kiss a straight guy as he might not like it. Kissing is not something that all men normally like. But if your man wants to, then try it.

5  Don’t Pressure Your Guy too Hard

It is not advised to pressure your man hard, so let things happen naturally, and you both can enjoy it. Maintaining a gentle, yet seductive attitude is the ideal way to go. Being too pushy is often annoying.

6  Be Yourself

Don’t gay it up, or gay it down. This can be really negative, so never be anything but yourself with a straight guy. You must avoid faking it when you are trying to seduce straight men.

7  Relax and Take the Correct Approach

One of the biggest dating mistakes gay men make is they shouldn’t be aggressive and don’t be straight forward in your behaviour. Try to attract attention by maintaining your distance but keep a shy eye contact at the same time to pass the message.

When you are trying to seduce a straight guy, always wait for the guy to make eye contact with you first but make sure you are not staring straight at his eyes. Your body language should be very confident, which will eventually make the guy attracted to you.

Once the first step is done, the guy will make the move himself and will often times approach you for a conversation.




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