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Sexual Foods

Sexual Foods For Women: Boosting Libido and Enhancing Intimacy

A healthy sex drive is not just important for your relationships but also for yourself which is why Sexual Foods For Women is an important topic. Improve your physical and emotional well-being with these easily accessible foods. They can contribute to a sense of connection and satisfaction in your day-to-day life.

A waning sex drive can lead to feelings of low interest, reduced energy levels, and even depression. There are natural ways to boost libido, and one of them is through the foods we eat.

Understanding Libido

Improve sexual performance for women (and men).  Libido, also known as sex drive or sexual desire is a person’s overall interest in sex. Influenced  by various factors such as hormone levels, medications, medical conditions, and relationship dynamics.

Sex drive for women like men, can vary depending on age and individual factors. Women in their late 30s to mid-40s tend to have the strongest sex drive. Many women experience a persistent lack of sex drive that is not caused by medication or other physical causes. Known as Female Sexual Interest/Arousal Disorder (FSIAD), can be addressed through various approaches, including Ayurvedic medicine.

Sexual Foods For Women

1. Nuts

Sexual Foods For Women
Nuts and Sex

Nuts like peanuts, walnuts, and pistachios are not only delicious but also great for boosting libido in women and men. Containing the amino acid L-arginine, which is known to increase nitric oxide levels, they improve blood flow to sex organs. They naturally stimulate your body, nuts enhance your sexual desire and performance.

2. Pumpkin Seeds

Pumpkin Seeds for Sex Drive

Pumpkin seeds boost testosterone levels, they are a popular choice for men. They are also be beneficial for women’s libido. They are rich in antioxidants, magnesium, iron, and zinc  help improve overall sexual health and increase sexual desire.

3. Avocado

Avocado for Libido

Avocados, are one of the best foods for instantly boosting libido in women. Containing folic acid and Vitamin B6 they not only increase energy levels but also regulate prolactin levels for a healthy libido. They alleviate symptoms of premenstrual syndrome, such as fatigue, further enhancing sexual desire in women.

4. Chocolate

Chocolate for Sex Drive

A few pieces of dark chocolate will satisfy your sweet tooth and also boost your libido. Chocolate is a known aphrodisiac due to its content of phenylethylamine (PEA) that will increase serotonin and dopamine levels. Neurotransmitters are responsible for feelings of happiness and satisfaction, making chocolate a natural mood enhancer and libido booster.

Making Love
How To Make Love Better

5. Watermelon

Watermelon for Sexual Desire

A refreshing summer fruit Watermelon is a natural enhancer of sexual desire. Containing citrulline it can stimulate the production of arginine. Arginine relaxes blood vessels, leading to improved blood flow to the sex organs. This enhances blood circulation, watermelon can naturally boost libido in both women and men.

6. Bananas

Bananas for Sex Drive

Bananas are a convenient and nutritious snack and a potent libido booster. Rich in potassium and bromelain. Potassium supports muscle contraction, that improves the quality of sex. Bromelain, an enzyme found in bananas, maintains healthy testosterone levels and libido. Including bananas in your diet leads to increased sexual desire and performance.

7. Capsicum

Capsicum for Enhanced Libido

Bell peppers,  or Capsicums naturally enhance female libido. This vibrant vegetable stimulates metabolism, promoting heart rate, and improving blood circulation. Capsaicin, the active compound in capsicum, increases production of endorphins. These are involved in the production of sex hormones. Incorporating capsicum into your meals,  increases your sexual desire and satisfaction.

8. Oysters

Oysters for Sex Drive

Considered a natural aphrodisiac, Oysters are at the top of the chart. These shellfish contain D-aspartic acid and N-methyl-D-aspartate, two amino acids that support healthy testosterone levels. Oysters are rich in zinc helping maintain dopamine levels. Dopamine plays a crucial role in boosting libido in women. They also address erectile dysfunction in men. Oysters in your diet improves your sexual desire and performance as well as taste great.

9. Garlic

Garlic for Sex Drive

Garlic, a common ingredient in most kitchens is a powerful natural aphrodisiac. Containing allicin, an active component that promotes blood flow to the sex organs. Improving blood circulation, garlic can enhance libido in women and contribute to a more satisfying sexual experience.

10. Spinach

Spinach for Sexual Boost

A nutritious leafy green, Spinach is a fantastic sexual booster for both men and women. Packed with magnesium, this reduces blood vessel inflammation and promote better blood flow. By supporting healthy blood circulation, spinach enhances sexual desire and improves overall sexual health.

So why not spice up your meals with these libido-boosting foods and discover the exciting benefits they can bring to your sex life? Embrace the power of food and take a step towards a more fulfilling and intimate experience in the bedroom. Try our 13 steps for better sex.

Chocolate on Model

Chocolate Fights Libido Loss

Easter is a time for celebration and chocolate. The history of Easter and its association with chocolate is a varied history depending on the source. The most commonly accepted histories are that the Egg has for thousands of years, dating back to the Ancient Egyptians, been seen as a symbol for fertility and rebirth.

The rise of Christianity when it spread across Europe assimilated many pagan rituals and customs including the idea of the egg. Chicken and duck Eggs were and still are given as Easter presents often decorated with dyes and bright colours. From this evolved the rare jewelled pieces from Carl Faberge and egg toys filled with candies and easter gifts – which eventually morphed into the chocolate eggs given today.

The eggs are not just given to children, but adults as well and whilst the copious amounts of sugar may be consumed in a single sitting for children, what on earth are you, as a supposedly mature and responsible adult, going to do with all that extra chocolate?! Well, I’m about to tell you something which may make you scheme on how to steal the chocolate back from the kids.

Chocolate contains phenylethylamine or PEA, which triggers the same mood altering endorphins that occur during sex. It’s little wonder that PEA is more colloquially referred to as the love drug, and it is responsible for the feelings of attraction and passion that occur during the throes of sexual relations.

That’s right, the consumption of chocolate is comparable to having sex! Now, before you go off and start stuffing your face full of excess chocolate in the hopes of increasing your libido, not only will excess consumption cause you to feel ill, but you only need to have a small bite per day in order to feel the effects of this libido enhancing wonder.

Further, the actual scientific basis of the consumption of chocolate increasing libido has not been researched.

Delicious Chococlate
Chococlate Box

The research surrounds the consumption of chocolate and sex in terms of one research group concluded that women who consumed a small amount of chocolate daily reportedly felt more sexually fulfilled, but there has been no direct scientific link between sex and chocolate.

There is no denying the chemical factors that chocolate has, and how the brain responds in a similar way to sex. Regardless of whether you view it as an aphrodisiac or not, the health benefits of chocolate, specifically dark chocolate, have been well researched. Daily consumption of a square of dark chocolate lowers blood pressure, improves blood circulation, decreases the risk of heart attacks, fights chronic fatigue,. This improved blood circulation also helps with erectile dysfunction! Sexually, there are many benefits for the consumption of chocolate, and indeed many healthy lifestyle benefits as well.

Now when you combine chocolate with chilli, you can have double the effect! Chilli has an compound in it called capsaicin which increases heart rate and promotes blood flow. An increased blood flow activates the nerve endings increasing states of arousal and stimulating the pleasure centres of the brain!

Pair some of that with a glass of red wine as a precursor to some fun times and you’re starting to build a nice collection of foods and drink. Red wine contains resveratrol an antioxidant which also increases blood flow. Even more of a reason now to break out some chocolate body paint, or even turn some of the excess chocolate into some body paint.

Alternatively, assuming it’s a smooth chocolate with no gritty bits such as candies or nuts, measure up 120 grams of chocolate and put it into glass bowl sitting on top of a boiling saucepan and slowly stir until it is dissolved. Add 60 grams of butter in and whisk until the butter has melted and is completely mixed. Add 2-3 tablespoons of water or until the consistency is glossy and paint like.

If you like it a little sweeter, add some sugar but ensure that the sugar completely dissolves, alternatively you can add a few drops of your favourite liquor (swap it with the water) for a truly sinful experience.

Grab a paintbrush, and some strawberries and start creating sexual works of art. Don’t put the good bed sheets on for that night else there’ll be some frantic trips to the washing machine in the middle of the night!


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