Adultsmart is an adult entertainment blog that publishes articles on the industry, lifestyle choices and anal lubricant.
Wicked Sensual Care is your go-to brand for all things lubrication and more. Be it water-based, silicone, hybrid or flavoured Wicked has a great range to satisfy even the most discerning buyer. It’s time to get wicked and see what you’re missing. Wait, Wicked? Like Wicked Pictures? Yep, one and the same. That company… Read More…
Anal is a really scary thought to some people. Hearing, “Hey Babe, want to prepare for anal?” might send you running in the other direction. It’s seen as unnatural, dangerous, painful or weird to some, and that’s totally fine! But here’s my anal sex guide, don’t knock it till you try it! Once you’ve… Read More…
Here there are no boundaries! There are frank, honest and open articles about sexual health and lifestyle topics to assist you in your choices.