Having a specific number of orgasms each week is not the only indicator of sexual wellness! It concerns a feeling of comfort in bizarre sex.
Fetishes vs Fantasies. Words are sometimes my favorite tool to use both in the bedroom and out but today we aren’t talking about dirty talk, though we could…. No today dear readers, we are talking semantics and comparing two of my favourite words. Words that are often confused, confuddled and mixed up in many… Read More…
I am amazed at the popularity of these true sex stories so I thought I would include a new category of some of the bizarre sex stories I have experienced. Wait until you read the horror sex stories as well!!! Bizarre Sex Stories OH MY GUSH! In my life, I have been lucky enough… Read More…
Here there are no boundaries! There are frank, honest and open articles about sexual health and lifestyle topics to assist you in your choices.