No matter what your interest is, our blogs cover a wide range of sex toys for your dry vagina.
Say it with me now, anorgasmia. An-or-gaz-mia What is it? It is the inability to reach orgasm. Whether this is vaginally, clitorally, penally or at all. Anorgasmia. Today we will be talking about female Anorgasmia. I have been talking more and more to ciswomen who not only feel the pressure to have an orgasm… Read More…
What is clitoral rehab? Your clitoris, like most other body parts, can have clitoral atrophy, become dry, wrinkled and shrivel up. The causes of this are many and range from menopause, infections and even from lack of use. Effective treatment is generally simple and will not require surgery. When a clitoris is dry it… Read More…
Here there are no boundaries! There are frank, honest and open articles about sexual health and lifestyle topics to assist you in your choices.