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Sir Dominic Dressed Up At Temple22

VIP Interview With Sir Dominic A BDSM Master At Temple 22

Sir Dominic is a BDSM Dominant/Master At Temple 22, with over 15 years of private and professional experience, he is the professional you need to see if you want to experience the true feeling of what it is like to be sexually dominated. His highly sort after skill set allows his female and couples clients to explore all types of kinky fantasies including dominance and submission, role-plays, forced orgasm or orgasm denial, scenes of humiliation or degradation, nipple play, bondage scenes and so much more! He is sought out by novice and experienced Dominants and Couples for his BDSM and sexuality coaching services, providing a plethora of knowledge and skills so they can engage in safe, ethical and consensual BDSM practices. In fact, there is a lot of good science behind the benefits of BDSM, which explains what he and his clients get out of it.

Sir Dominic works alongside Temple 22 to provide an environment that is tailored to your interests, desires, and needs. Temple 22 is one of the finest BDSM establishments located in the city of Sydney. If Sir Dominic has caught your eye, your next step is to simply ask him what you are looking for and what you would like to experience. Sir Dominic will tell you everything you ever needed to know. This is a VIP Interview With Sir Dominic A BDSM Master At Temple 22.

Sir Dominic's Company Logo
Image: Sir Dominic BDSM Sydney

Tell me about yourself

My name is Sir Dominic. I’m a professional BDSM Dominant/Master offering experiences for women and couple’s at Temple 22 – Australia’s premiere 5 Star BDSM establishment. Also, I coach and train people of any gender or sexual orientation in BDSM (Psychology of, Dominance, Skills such as flogging etc) and offer Life Coaching style services for people who want to invest in their own well-being.

When and how did your interest in BDSM and Kink Play begin? (What inspired you?)

Over 20 years ago I stumbled upon an event called ‘The Hellfire Club’ in Sydney, Australia. Little did I know at the time, that it was a Fetish/BDSM party! I walked in and instantly it felt like ‘home’. There were people of all different ages, kinks and persuasions – I connected instantly with the vibe and fun kinky play, and more-so with the inclusivity and the non-judgemental aspect of it all. Once I understood more about the dynamics of Dominance and Submission, I just knew with every cell of my body that I’m a Dominant as this archetype is what spoke directly to my personality type and my desire for sexual self-expression.

What are your favourite quotes the inspire you?

“Intimacy is based on shared vulnerability…nothing deepens intimacy like the experiences that we share when we feel flayed, with our skins off, scared and vulnerable, and our partner is there with us, willing to share in the scary stuff.” -Dossie Easton & Catherine A. Liszt

“In a world that is unfair and often arbitrary and cruel, the ability to escape into the timelessness of our erotic relationships is priceless; a system where excellence and goodness are rewarded and correction and punishment are given with trust and affection is an added bonus.” – Laura Antoniou

“The master in the art of living makes little distinction between his work and his play, his labor and his leisure, his mind and his body, his education and his recreation, his love and his religion. He hardly knows which is which. He simply pursues his vision of excellence at whatever he does, leaving others to decide whether he is working or playing. To him, he is always doing both” – James Michener

These first two quotes sum up perfectly what happens during the BDSM power exchange experience between two consenting adults. These quotes inspire me as it gives form to what happens and is communicated in kinky play. As it has been said ‘Actions speak louder than words’ and the actions in highly-charged BDSM play, rarely can be faked unlike words in our everyday life and interactions. When I play with a submissive, their raw, true self is on display and this state of being, for at least a few moments, is the most honest communication about themselves they can ever express. It’s a level of honesty that rarely can be communicated through words and this is the basis of what intimacy is also for me.

The third quote perfectly summaries my orientation to the art, lifestyle, and energy that is BDSM/kinky play and my life overall. It inspires me to embrace it from every angle and achieve not just a ‘flow’ state in play, but a ‘flow’ state in all aspects of my life – as my energy and presence in play is a direct reflection of my life as a whole.

Sir Dominic At Temple22
Photo: Sir Dominic

How did you learn the skills of BDSM and Kink Play?

It’s a combination of trial and error, seeking out more experienced mentors, a hell of a lot of research and learning of specific skillsets. As a professional, I’m faced with a wide variety of people and I incorporate a lot of varied skills in my play and sessions that one wouldn’t automatically think is important to being a practioner of professional BDSM. I utilise a combination of NLP, conversational hypnosis, sex healing and other counselling and coaching related modalities in my play as the aim of play, to me, is to ensure that the client/play partner has a fantastic experience in every way – from the psychological/emotional to the physical experience. Essentially, to ensure this experience, the holistic framework I apply raises the self-esteem and self-confidence of my client/play partner.  My intuition is also an essential ‘skill’ that I constantly push myself to hone in and listen to what it’s telling me about the play, my client/partner and what we are both experiencing during the play.

What is the importance of coaching and mentoring in BDSM?

I can’t emphasise the importance of seeking out coaching/mentoring in this lifestyle and skillset – but, I will try! The most important skill set to learn is ‘communication’ as the vast majority of success and failure of a play session can be traced back to the depth of, or lack of, communication between the consenting adults that are engaging in this type of play. People aren’t born with the ability to communicate adequately and we learn it over time, but, the communication required to bring out the best in a BDSM experience is very specific and by learning this skillset alone, let alone the rest of the skills for example how to flog, tie-up and lead a submissive etc, will propel a dominant a long way in their journey while ensuring their partners are treated in a safe and ethical way.

What are your favourite memories from working as a Sir/Master?

I’m unable to disclose any particular experience as even without mentioning names, I consider it a break of the trust that has been placed in me as a professional. But, I will say this – A lot of my clients come to see me as they have had this burning desire to explore BDSM but haven’t yet found an appropriately safe and experienced person to explore it with. So, when they finally take the plunge and experience it in a safe, sane and consensual way, they go through a remarkable and profound positive change as they experience a feeling of fulfilment that is only derived from expressing their true sexual self. To me, being aligned with your true sexual self is an important cornerstone to living an authentic life and being able to facilitate that for someone is why I do what I do.

What is it like working for Temple 22?

It’s been an amazing experience all round as the facilities and attention to detail is second to none. I feel very fortunate to work under the guidance of Mistress Ruben and this is priceless to me. She is one of Australia’s most experienced Dominatrixes and is an incredible woman let alone an incredible Mistress. She willingly imparts her invaluable knowledge to her staff to ensure that the clients receive the best experience and foster’s a team atmosphere that is rarely seen in this industry. The refined establishment she has given birth to perfectly encapsulates the BDSM experience with its atmosphere, equipment and highly-skilled staff.

BDSM Dungeon Located In Sydney
Photo: Red Room Temple 22

What is the difference between the way people act in your space than when they are not?

As a professional, I don’t interact with my clients outside of Temple 22 except for some email communication so I can’t say with absolute confidence how they act outside of that, but in saying that, I feel they show me who they really are when they in play as I said earlier in this interview, ‘Actions speak louder than words’.

What is your favourite part of the BDSM sessions?

Honestly? All of it! It’s a real journey that starts with communication with the client. I’m a people person and getting to know the intricacies of their personality before the session starts, allows me to craft the best experience for them. Once the play starts, I’m completely in a ‘flow’ state and the client and I are still communicating but both verbally and non-verbally. I’m hyper-aware of everything but not thinking about anything specifically – this is quite hard to explain with words as this active meditation I’m experiencing is intangible and unique to me as a Dominant playing in the way I do. I enjoy ‘sensual domination’ a lot – this is where the client and I weave sensuality and the more forceful/rougher aspects of BDSM/power-exchange together.

BDSM Bedrom At Temple22
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What are the advantages of exploring BDSM play?

The most obvious advantages of exploring kink, fetishes, and BDSM that came to mind is that it’s fun and feels good! It keeps boredom, monotony, and complacency out of the bedroom. All too often we hear of stories where relationships have ended due to a lack-lustre sex life as there wasn’t much in the way of any activities that are fun and feel good, while deepened and strengthened the bond between partners or lovers.

Relationships are all about communication – verbal and non-verbal and the active exploration of BDSM teaches us better negotiation and communication skills. It teaches us how to articulate and pursue our desires while allowing us to learn about limits, boundaries, and trust. Relationships are essentially empty without trust and communication and these activities constantly reinforce trust and conscious communication between the participants. All of this leads to far greater levels of intimacy with your lover(s) or partner(s).

I’ve been responsible for facilitating many women’s and couple’s first BDSM experiences – the feedback I get is that they feel more self-confident, they have greater self-esteem and invite more ‘pleasure’ into their lives.

How are people able to understand themselves better when they participate in BDSM and Fetish Play?

BDSM gives you a better sense of perspective about your core self and people in general through fun, sexual exploration. You explore the effect of power and/or the lack of it has on your psyche, different sensations and the limits and breadth of your body, mind and emotions. All of this leads, in essence, to be more in touch with your authentic self. BDSM also encourages you to completely accept yourself and this is a fundamental pillar or mental health and well-being. You gain a realistic understanding and appreciation of one’s strengths and weaknesses – this leads to them acknowledging their unique worth with a compassionate attitude towards themselves.

When someone enjoys great BDSM play for the first time, they have an embodied understanding of the importance of pleasure. They are able to perceive their lives before and after they allowed themselves to experience this level of pleasure that is stemming from their unique sexual self-expression. They come to viscerally understand that pleasure brings about happiness. This coupled with self-acceptance, gives them the tools that they need to control their happiness in the little time they have to themselves outside the pressures of work, their family and other responsibilities. We dedicate so much time and energy into just achieving and surviving in our current society, so, to understand what can give them authentic sexual self-expression in the little time they have to experience pleasure, allows them to achieve a greater work/life balance while ensuring they don’t experience the unhealthy effects of sexually repressing themselves. This is liberating and allows them to experience fuller and more meaningful lives while having a lot of fun!

What services do you provide?

I offer BDSM coaching, sessions and workshops for couples and women. I specialise in BDSM skills, life and sexuality coaching services. If you are new to BDSM and would like to explore it and the experience, I have written a detailed BDSM First Timers Guide.

Be sure to read a detailed list of Sir Dominic’s BDSM session services on his website and book a BDSM session with Sir Dominic through Temple 22 or phone 02 9331 4418. Temple 22 is conveniently located next to Hyde Park in Darlinghurst, Sydney.

For my coaching services, or you have any questions and/or would like to speak to me please do so through my website at – I look forward to hearing from you!Save















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