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How Your Diet Can Make You A Super Stud!

Your Diet Is Vital

Your diet plays a crucial role in enhancing both your appearance and sexual health. By consuming nutrient-rich foods, you can improve skin clarity, boost energy levels, and enhance sexual performance. Discover how making smart dietary choices can lead to a healthier, more vibrant you inside and out.

Your Diet

Everyone Has Similar Aspirations

Whether you’re a lawyer, a developer of a cougar dating website or a college graduate, one of your aspirations as a man certainly is to be handsome and attractive. Such were my aspirations as well, but it wasn’t until my mid-30s that I came to accomplish my fitness goals.

Admittedly, my road to handsomeness was a tough one, partially because it took me a while to begin working on myself and because of the weight problems I had since childhood. Still, with the right diet and enough motivation, I managed to become a rather attractive-looking guy. With that said, here’s how a diet made me a super stud.

A Rough Start

Ever since I was 8, I had a weight problem. I got used to eating lots of candy and junk food from an early age – a habit that would take almost two decades for me to get rid of. I was overweight as a kid and kept that status all the way through elementary school, high school, and even college.

After graduating from college, I managed to find a job and blended in quite nicely since being overweight wasn’t looked down on as much as it was during my high school days, for example. My career became my top priority and I completely neglected my health, weight and looks during the first couple of years after I had started working.

However, obesity proved to be an issue every time I went to hang out with my friends or family. Most of the people I spend time with outside of work lead active lifestyles and want to engage in various physical activities, which obviously wasn’t my cup of tea at the time. I was always the last one in the group to finish something (provided that I even agreed to start it in the first place).

After a couple of years of being the fattest and slowest of all of the people I know, it finally dawned on me – I had to lose weight and get a grip on my body.

Trial and Error

Naturally, the first thing that came to my mind was cardio exercising. Despite the fact that cardio was, is and always will be the best way to lose weight, it’s virtually useless if you don’t stop eating all the trash that I was used to consuming my whole life.

After a couple of months of running on the treadmill and seeing no progress whatsoever, I gave up. I went back to my old ways of going from bed to car, then to my office chair and back to the car, only to end up in the bed again at the end of the day, feeling lazier and fatter as time went on.

This is when I stumbled upon an interesting diet that promised results in the most natural way possible, without making me starve or forcing me to eat things I really didn’t like. I opted for the Mediterranean diet at the time (even though there are many other efficient diets out there), which allowed me to eat regular meals that consisted of balanced and light foods.

Sticking to it was anything but easy, but I managed to be a devoted dieter for a whole year. Needless to say, I lost about 30% of my weight, which then allowed me to introduce more meat and fat into my eating regimen so that I could finally get something out of exercising.

Fast forward 6 months and I’m a super stud I always wanted to be. Thanks to a good diet, some hard work, and determination, I’ve managed to go from a fat slob to a super stud in a year and a half.

Did You Know Sex Can Be Used As A Cardio Tool?

Sex can significantly improve your health and serve as an enjoyable form of fitness. Regular sexual activity promotes cardiovascular health by increasing heart rate, similar to moderate exercise. It also helps in burning calories, with an average session burning around 85 to 100 calories. This contributes to weight management and overall fitness.

Sexual activity also boosts the immune system by increasing the production of immunoglobulin A, an antibody that helps fight infections. It can lower blood pressure and reduce stress levels, promoting mental well-being. The release of endorphins during sex acts as a natural painkiller and mood enhancer, improving your overall sense of happiness.

Additionally, sex strengthens muscles, particularly in the pelvic region, abdomen, and thighs, enhancing physical strength and endurance. The flexibility and stamina required during sex also contribute to physical fitness. Furthermore, the intimacy involved in sexual activity can improve emotional connection, reducing feelings of anxiety and depression.

Incorporating regular sex into your lifestyle is not just about pleasure; it’s a holistic approach to better health and fitness. It’s a natural, fun, and effective way to stay physically active and mentally balanced.

Make Sure To Use Plenty Of Lube If You’re Going At It!

If you’re having sex regularly or for prolonged periods, lubrication is essential. It reduces friction, preventing discomfort and irritation that can occur during extended sexual activity. Lubrication enhances pleasure by creating a smoother, more comfortable experience, making sex more enjoyable for both partners.

Using lubrication is especially beneficial if natural lubrication is insufficient, which can happen for various reasons, including stress or hormonal changes. It ensures that sexual activity remains pleasurable, even during longer sessions, by minimizing the risk of microtears in delicate tissues.

Additionally, lubrication can enhance the overall experience by allowing for easier movement and reducing the need for frequent adjustments. This helps maintain intimacy and focus on pleasure rather than discomfort. Incorporating lubrication into your routine can make your sexual encounters more satisfying, comfortable, and enjoyable.

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Here are 7 of the top foods renowned for aiding in better sex

  1. Avocados
  2. Almonds
  3. Strawberries
  4. Seafood
  5. Arugula
  6. Figs
  7. Citrus

This article is written by –

Stefan Guest Post


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