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the importance of using a condom

Check Out The Love Gloves! Why Condoms Are Useful

The Importance Of Love Gloves

The “Condom” or whatever you want to call it, it goes by many names. A Rubber, Naughty Bag, English Riding Coat, Love Gloves, Private Johnston’s Rain Jacket, and Insurance Glove you get the idea. Whatever you may call it, the Condom has its fans and its hatters. And both sides bring equally valid arguments to the debate, everything from poor fit to sensation loss. Let’s take a closer look at some of these; like most things I talk about, the choice is yours to make. You must be responsible for your own body, know your facts and know yourself.

The following are some of the most common reasons people use in the Great Condom Debate!

love gloves

They don’t fit!

This might be the most common excuse given when a guy refuses to use condoms. While this is a very valid argument with as many as 40% of men laying claim to this. The condom design we have today has not changed since 1903 when they began using rubber condoms instead of “skin” (made from Sheep intestine) condoms. It wasn’t until the 1920’s when Latex was invented that having a liquid that could be moulded to form and then mass produced eliminated many of the size issues.

Still, 10% of men still claim that condoms are too tight another, 17% claim they are too loose, while 60% claim the condom bunches up (This increases the chance of the whole condom sliding off during intercourse). Lastly, 15% of men claim to experience “Foreskin Drag” (When the condom gets pulled into the foreskin). These are all valid and true excuses, but to be honest…

This, my friends, this is just a lazy shopper! If you gave up that easy because you bought a few general condoms at the local shops, and either you didn’t know how to put the condom on or by chance the condom really didn’t fit, might just be saying what a careless lover you are?

There are over 15 size variations from different condom makers globally. From length to width, whatever the issue, there is a condom fit for you! (If you want more information about fitting condoms, let me know in the comments.)

They are no fun!

Saying condoms are no fun, is like saying variety is bland… It can’t be argued that some of the sensation is lost when using a condom specifically for the male and that the sensation of slippery skin to skin feeling might not be the same, these condoms are the only thing keeping your risk of infection at almost 0.

Condoms these days are more than just an attempt at contraceptive. They can give your mind ease regarding STI’s and pregnancy, but they can also add so many levels of pleasure and fun to your intimate sessions. Condoms come textured for both his and her pleasure, ribbing on the inside and the outside! Condoms today come in countless flavours, and everyone has had those days where you just weren’t into your partners… let’s say natural flavour.

How Many Types Of Condoms Are There?

There are various types of condoms, each with specific uses. Latex condoms offer excellent protection against STIs and pregnancy. Polyurethane condoms are suitable for latex allergies. Lambskin condoms prevent pregnancy but not STIs. Textured condoms enhance pleasure with ribbed or studded designs. Ultra-thin condoms increase sensitivity while maintaining safety. Flavored condoms add fun and are great for oral sex. Lubricated condoms reduce friction and enhance comfort. Glow-in-the-dark condoms add novelty and fun to sexual activities.

I just don’t see where the lack of fun is?


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It’s just an extra cost!

Excuse me? The last global census puts condoms in the lowest bracket of consumer goods. Globally condoms cost on average $1. $1! The average single dose of Gonorrhoea medication is $17. If you’re not familiar with the symptoms of Gonorrhoea, dig a little deeper because that $1 condom might not seem so bad. The average cost of having a baby is $9,700. Again another cost that can be avoided with an “extra” cost of $1.

To top this off condoms are given away at all clinics and health care facilities if you don’t see any just ask!

I’m on Contraceptive!

The benefits of hormonal contraceptive have been proven to help with more than preventing pregnancies, the one thing it still cannot do is fight off those nasty infections that are so easily passed through bodily fluids. A contraceptive is great for controlling and effecting hormone systems. No product on the market has the ability to prevent or fight against Sexually Transmitted Infections. The list of these possible infections is ever growing, new strains of previously known STI’s are adapting and even becoming medication resistant. If you experience any symptoms of an STI, find your local general practitioner through Health Engine and book in for a sexual health examination.

Only “Heteros” need them!

It is very clear that Heterosexual relationships can lead to pregnancy, while Homosexual relationships don’t, but as previously discussed pregnancy shouldn’t be your only concern. For anyone participating in anal sex, it is very important to remember that the inner lining of the anus or bowels is much more permeable. This means that its chance of infection is much much higher. The rectum doesn’t have any defence from introduced bacteria or infections. Wearing a condom during any anal intercourse is really the only line of defence.

If you are experiencing “fit” issues, try try and try again. There are so many size variations available to you. Having sex with an ill-fitting condom is really defeating its whole purpose. When condoms are loose, fluids are able to escape which can lead to potential infection. Don’t hesitate to visit any of our store locations, a friendly staff member will be happy to answer any questions and perhaps give you some condom options that might work better for you.

Are Condoms For You?

Using condoms, or “love gloves,” is essential for safe sex and preventing STIs. Proper fit and variety ensure pleasure and protection. Condoms are cost-effective and readily available, making them an accessible option. Even with hormonal contraceptives, condoms offer crucial protection against infections. Both heterosexual and homosexual partners benefit from their use. Prioritize your health and explore various condom types to find the perfect fit. Responsible use enhances intimacy and ensures peace of mind.

About the author: KrizPatrick BA(Hon) Psychology- Human SexualitySave







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