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Linday Bisexuality

I Was Gay, But Now I’m Bi!

I have been in a gay relationship for many years.  But recently I have been having feelings and desires to a person of the opposite sex.  Having been a loud and proud gay person it has been difficult for me to come to terms with the fact that I was gay and now I’m bisexual.

One of the most critical circumstances in my life is when you have to open up to your partner and tell them..

”I was Gay but I think I am bisexual now ”

Relationships take a lot of effort to build and maintain.

Therefore, it is quite tricky when you have to tell your loved one that you have feelings for the opposite sex.  A communication barrier has always been a common problem in many relationships.  Many partners always feel that their counterpart is not on the same page with them.

Honesty is an important element in effective communication in a relationship. You have to be completely honest with your partner about the feelings and reactions that you are experiencing.  This is a very challenging step.

But you have to do it because your partner is an important part of your life.  A partner’s reaction is significant and revealing this kind of information is very risky. Either way you have to do it because definitely things are not right in the relationship. The guilt of the attraction you feel for the opposite sex can be quite suffocating.

First Things First – Make Sure you Pick a Good Location

A good spot should be organized, somewhere with no distractions.

  • Go ahead with your story without filtering anything.
  • Express how you feel when come across a member of the opposite sex.
  • Take charge of your thoughts and emotions and display them as they are for better understanding.
  • Sincerely, opening up always feels like a load has been taken off your back. Your partner will definitely be hurt but at least they will have a clear picture of what is happening.
  • Point out the negative facts in the relationship such as loss of spark. It is not fair to blame your partner for this.  Because it is true, that it takes two to tango.
  • It is wise to also listen to the views and reactions of your counterpart. If neither of you is happy in the relationship the best solution, which is hard, is to break up and move on. It is not fair for you to want your partner to be available while you are enjoying yourself with partners of the opposite sex.
i was gay
Bisexuality Myths

Sex and Romance are Important

Point out to your partner that sex and romance happen to be very important ingredients in any relationship.  It is therefore, important to talk about the underlying issues in the relationship.  Such as the attractions you are experiencing for the opposite sex.

A good partner will always respect and honor the views and feelings of the other party. If your partner loves you, no matter how hard the situation is, they should not stand in your way.

Open Relationships

They might accept the open relationship way.

It is equally not easy because both of you will have to deal with the downside of this kind of union such as awkward situations. Apparently an open relationship may keep both parties on toes.  Because there is someone out there who is working so hard to please your partner.

All in all admitting to your partner, “I am Bisexual” still is an enormous task.

What is Bisexuality? 

Bisexuality is just when a person feel attracted to somebody of their own sex. And also sometimes achieves emotional and sexual satisfaction with people of both sexes.  Bisexuality has been prevailing in our society since prehistoric times.  There is a social stigma that is attached to this condition.  But there is nothing worrisome about the feelings of being bisexual.

At any stage of their life a person can have the feelings of “I Like Both men and women”.

There are lots of bisexual myths

Men and women are completely different when it comes to expressing themselves or doing things with someone of the same sex.  Women on one hand, on getting an opportunity, will do things which might look completely bisexual to most men but in reality are not.  And men on the other hand, keep distant from each other physically in case they be accused of being gay.

We cannot exactly know the reason for someone to be bisexual

It is just another human orientation like that of being heterosexual or homosexual.

Scientists have developed a term called the “bi-curiosity” for a man or woman who admire the beauty and body of their own gender. Bi-curiosity can eventually turn into bi-sexuality if a person is undoubtedly attracted emotionally or sexually to someone of his or her own gender.

There are some who believe that everyone is born with the ability to relate to both the sexes. But turn into becoming socialized in heterosexuality or homosexuality.

Attraction is the root cause for many inclinations occurring for both men and women.

Same holds true for bisexuality as well.

There can be various degrees of attraction. For example, it might include the wish to physically caress or kiss if the opportunity arises. If they are courageous enough to give in to their attraction, it feels like a dream come true for them. In this case, he or she is still attracted to person of the opposite sex as well.

Similarly bisexuality also can have various degrees.

It can start with someone having emotional inclination towards a person of the same gender. Or someone having sexual encounters occasionally with their own gender. This can also turn into a full blown relationship between the two people of the same sex who are emotionally and sexually connected.

But in this situation too they can still be sexually attracted to the opposite sex.

There have been many fascinating scientific data that throw light on our belief of bisexuality.  Statistics show that around 75% to 80% of all the adult female fall under either the bi-curiosity or the bi-sexual category.  But the degree may vary from just admiring to all the way having a full blown relationship with a female partner.

On the other hand, men exhibit completely opposite scenario.

There are only 5 to 7% of men who fall under the bisexual category. This clearly shows the difference between the female and male dynamics.  So now if you are struggling with the bewilderment over your sexual orientation, just release yourself and be courageous to live your dream.

If you admit that “I Like Both men and women”,you can have a whole new world for you waiting to be discovered.

These Cuffs Will Make You #Cross Over!

Have you ever wondered what CrossOver Bondage Cuffs are? Or even tried to use them?

If not, you are really missing out.  Last month, my husband and I wanted to try a new thing to make our sex life more exciting and better. We reached out to some of our friends and there was this one friend who had a very exciting idea; cross over bondage cuffs.

We decided to try on that because we had never heard of that. She advised us where she got them.  We found out that they are device like handcuffs that are wrapped around one’s wrist. Or several arm positions during sex in order to put your partner to a position you desire.

We found cross over cuffs very exciting

Because you get to keep your partner’s body parts, mind, loyalty and actions where you want them to be.

They are simple and clever and the person who you are putting into bondage cannot free themselves without the key. You may think why bondage? But this is what I think.  It is fun to play master and mistress. The master gets to control the mistress and the mistress submits.The Cross Over Bondage Cuffs are useful to keep your partner from getting away or changing positions you do not want.

It is sexy when one is the master and the other submits

With the CrossOver Bondage Cuffs you can get sexually creative.

Use them and you will straight away get out of your mundane normal routines and day to day life. CrossOver Bondage Cuffs challenging to play while you are tied up.  You get to connect with your partner emotionally because they are giving you complete control over their body, trusting you with their physical and mental health.

If you take your time to experience their bondage hobby with them, by giving your partner what they want, they will appreciate and lust over your completely.

Cross over bondage cuffs are very easy to use

You just cross your hands, put the cuffs and they will automatically close themselves.

i was gay
Cross Over Surgical Steel

They are also very comfortable to use in that you can put them in any arm position you want.

I was gay

Different materials

I also learned that they can come in different material whichever you desire.  They normally come in body safe, medical grade, stainless steel.  They also come in titanium, gold, and leather materials.  I love the fact the the CrossOver Bondage Cuffs material can be changed based upon the type of material you choose.

They can be more like a jewelry piece making bondage that much more fashionable and enticing.

As much as we love fun and misery we all know that sex safety comes first where both parties who are experience sex together remain safe.

i was gay
bdsm cross over

Safety Measures 

Some of the safety measures we should take are.

  • First, you should know about the circulatory system of your partner, as tying one up may course impaired or cut off circulatory system.
  • You should know how to operate the cuffs before using it.
  • Check the material used on the cuffs before use if you have any allergies or skin reaction to metals.
  • You should know your partner’s health like high blood pressure, Asthma, Physical injuries, or physical limitations etc.
  • Check in on how tight the cuffs are.
  • If your partner wants out you let him or her loose  before any injuries occur.
  • And most of all discuss with your partner on how you are going to play. If there is any rule you can apply to make it more fun and to reduce tiredness.

My Sex Life Is On the Up

For me using the cross over bondage cuff has improved my relationship with my husband and our sex life.

I find it more exciting. We also communicate well during the time we are using.  So it has improved our communication.  It is very comfortable to use and it is very sexy to see your partner tied up and you are in command.  Am so much in love with it.

These CrossOver Bondage Cuffs, have started us on a journey. We have booked tickets to go to the gathering in Sydney this long weekend to explore what other avenues there are for us to further our BDSM Relationship.



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