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Long Term Relationships – Love Facts and Fiction

Maintaining a healthy and satisfying love life in long term relationships can be a challenge for many couples. As time goes by, the initial excitement fades, and what was once a passionate fire may dwindle to embers.

But there are many facts and myths surrounding making love in long term relationships.  Lets debunk some of these myths and give you some helpful insights into maintaining a long term relationship.

By understanding the truths about love, making love, and lasting love, couples can learn to keep their relationships relevant and exciting.

The Myth of Inevitable Boredom in Long Term Relationships

Boredom is Not Inevitable in Long Term Relationships

One common belief is that boredom is inevitable in long term relationships.

Romantic love can still be there in long term marriages dispelling the myth of inevitable boredom. Loads of married couples report still being intensely in love, even after many years together.

The key lies in understanding the difference between romantic love and passionate love.  Which is like romantic love plus obsession.   Obsession may fade over time but romantic love can continue to thrive and grow.

The Importance of Communication and Adaptability

Want to have lasting love in long term relationships then don’t look any further than communication and being flexible.   If you openly discuss your desires and needs, couples can better understand each other’s needs.

Also, being adaptable and open to change can help couples navigate the inevitable ups and downs of life to keep their love life fresh and lively.

The Myth of the Unattainable Passionate Love in Long Term Relationships

Passionate Love vs. Romantic Love

A lot of people believe that passionate love does not stay in long term relationships, and that romantic love inevitably gives way to routine and boredom.

But this idea is based on a misunderstanding of passionate love and romantic love.  Passionate love is intense, engaging, and sexual. But it also includes an element of obsession and this can be damaging to a long term relationship as it fizzles out.

Romantic love, on the other hand, can persist without the obsession making it a more sustainable and fulfilling experience for long term couples.


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The Importance of Maintaining Romance and Intimacy

To keep the spark alive in a long term relationship, couples must make romance and intimacy their main priority.

This can be done by having new experiences together, keeping a strong emotional connection and being open in expressing your love and affection.  By nurturing the romantic aspects of the relationship, couples can keep the passion alive and enjoy a satisfying love life.

The Myth of the Inability to Maintain Sexual Satisfaction in Long Term Relationships

Truth about Sexual Satisfaction 

Many people believe that sexual satisfaction just falls away in long term relationships.  Look, it is true that you might have less sex over time but this doesn’t mean you find it less satisfying.  Maybe quality over quantity comes into play.

Research has found that having sex just to avoid feeling guilty for disappointing your partner can lead to lower sexual and relationship satisfaction.

On the other hand, couples who are open about their sexual needs and talk about it opengly are more likely to have lasting sexual satisfaction.

Ways to Improve Sexual Satisfaction in Long Term Relationships 

There are several ways to do this.  First, couples should openly talk about their  sexual desires and kinks, as well as any concerns they may have.  Second, they should make an effort to be more affectionate with kissing and hugging and touching.

Finally, experimenting with new sexual experiences can help to keep the relationship fresh and exciting.

The Myth that Men and Women Can’t Maintain Friendship and Love Simultaneously in Long Term Relationships

Changing Nature of Relationships

This idea that men and women can’t maintain a friendship and love simultaneously in long term relationships may come from outdated views on relationships.

Modern relationships are often characterized by a combination of friendship, love, and sexual attraction.

If you look at some research it shows that people who want to satisfy their partner’s sexual needs tend to experience more desire for their partner in long term relationships.  I think this suggests that a strong, supportive friendship can actually enhance the romantic and sexual aspects of a relationship.

The Importance of Emotional Connection and Support

Couples should make their emotional connection and support a priority in their lives.  There is nothing more sexy than a partner who is totally behind you in every wayh.

How can this be done?  Well through regular talks, being empathetic to the your partner and mostly a willingness to work through challenges together.

By fostering a deep emotional bond, couples can enjoy a more satisfying and fulfilling relationship that encompasses friendship, love, and passion.

The Myth that Consensual Non-Monogamy is the Only Solution to Boredom in Long Term Relationships

A Truth about Consensual Non-Monogamy

While some couples may find consensual non-monogamy to be a suitable solution to boredom in their relationship, it is not the only option.

Many couples are able to maintain satisfying and exciting love lives within the context of a monogamous relationship. The key is to focus on nurturing the emotional and sexual aspects of the relationship, and to be open to change and growth.

Alternatives to Consensual Non-Monogamy

For couples who are not interested in consensual non-monogamy, there are many other ways for you to keep your relationship fresh and exciting.

Explore new sexual experiences or practices, do hobbies and activities together.   Actively work to keep the relationship alive is the key to long term relationships.

A Fact that Sexual Desire is More Related to Relationship Quality than Length

The Impact of Relationship Quality on Sexual Desire

Contrary to popular belief, sexual desire in long term relationships is more related to the quality of the relationship.  Than to the length of time the couple has been together.

For women, the quality of their relationship has a greater impact on their sexual desire than the length of the relationship.   So, maybe couples who prioritize their emotional connection and work on their relationship are more likely to enjoy lasting sexual satisfaction.

The Importance of Nurturing Relationship Quality

In order to maintain sexual desire in a long term relationship, couples should focus on nurturing the quality of their relationship.

This can be achieved through open communication, empathy, and a willingness to work through challenges together.  Couples can enjoy lasting sexual satisfaction and overall relationship happiness.


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older couple in love

The Fact that Sexual Satisfaction Can Improve with Age

Benefits of Age and Experience

Is it thought that sexual satisfaction declines with age, but that is not necessarily the case.   In fact, older adults can continue to enjoy satisfying and fulfilling sex lives.  Their experience and maturity often contribute to a deeper understanding of their own desires and their partner’s needs.

A strong emotional connection that develops over time in long term relationships can enhance the sexual experience for both partners.

Embracing the Changes that Come with Age

Couples should embrace the changes that come with growing older.  This may include adjusting their sexual practices to accommodate physical limitations or exploring new ways to experience pleasure and intimacy.

Stay open to change and adapt to the evolving needs of your partner.  Couples can continue to enjoy satisfying and fulfilling sex lives well into their later years.

Tips on How to Ignite Passion in Long Term Relationships

Schedule Regular Date Nights

One way to rekindle the passion is to schedule regular date nights. This can help couples keep a sense of excitement and anticipation.

Surprise Your Partner with Small Acts of Love

Small acts of love like leaving a sweet note or planning a special outing can help to reignite the passion in your relationship.  Let your partner know that you are thinking about them maybe in a way that is bit more risque than they are used to!!

Communicate Openly about Your Desires

Talk to each other about your desires, your kinks, what you want to do or not want to do.  You have to work together to create a satisfying and exciting love life.

What to Do When Making Love in a Long Term Relationship Feels Like a Chore

Address the Underlying Issues

If making love in your long term relationship feels like a chore, it is important to address any underlying feelings that could be causing it.  You might need therapy or a visit to your medical practitioner.

Reasons could be stress, fatigue, or unresolved conflicts within the relationship.   Address these issues and you might find that your love life is flying again in no time.

Be Open to Change

Being open to change and trying new experiences can help to reignite the passion in your relationship.

Experiment with new sexual positions or practices or explore new ways to experience pleasure and intimacy.  Visit an Adultsmart store and buy yourself some sex toys to fire up the passion.

Final Words on Long Term Relationships

The idea that making love in long term relationships is boring and unsatisfying is a myth.  By understanding the facts and myths surrounding love, making love, and lasting love, couples can learn to keep their relationships fresh and exciting.

Don’t settle for a long term relationship that just goes through the motions.  Make some changes now and enjoylong lasting love and satisfaction in your long term partnership.


2 responses to “Long Term Relationships – Love Facts and Fiction”

  1. Great article – it is often difficult to tell the truth from the fiction

  2. Agnes Avatar

    I always like to read stuff that helps me in my relationship and this is just a gem. Great points, and every little bit helps hey!

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