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To Be Teased

To Be Teased – Is It Torture?

He brushes his fingers in between your thighs, wanting you To Be Teased. A smile overcomes your face and you giggle. He lingers there just for a moment, then takes it back. Your concentration should be on the road ahead of you, but you glance at him in approval.

Moments later, he pokes your side for no valid random reason. Again, you giggle and glance at him.

To Be Teased

He slaps your thigh, and tingles erupt through your body. You lose yourself for just a moment…

Playful teasing is all about creating the tension. Tension is a turn on because he uses any excuse just to touch you.

He goes in for a kiss. You stand there and lightly embrace it. Just for a moment. Then you pull away, smile at him in an oh so ever cheeky way. A lingering moment looking at him, until he grabs you again, and pulls you in. You let him kiss you again, but change it up to take control, ever so slightly. Biting his lip just a little, then pull away again.

He will be bewildered. Inside, he will want you more than ever. Show him that cheeky side and leave that lasting impression. Nothing is ever as easy as it seems.

Sexual affection quote
I Make Men Work For My Affection

The Art Of Sexual Tension

Tension is the feeling of being pulled towards someone. It is also experiencing resistance. You have a sexual desire to be with each other, but delaying it can be the most exhilarating way to build the tension and end result.

The art of teasing is to give just a little and then take it away. Always leave them wanting more. It may be surprising to some, but women are mostly in their heads (men in their pants). By penetrating her mind and thoughts, you can begin to have a profound effect on her.

Tension is a thing that starts in the mind and then spreads through the body.

The benefits of flirting

Flirting makes us feel good! When we feel good, we want to continue to feel that way. Butterflies give that spark to a relationship. Nothing makes butterflies stronger than with sexual tension and teasing. That anticipation can sometimes be more exciting and fulfilling than the actual act itself.

Sexual domination quote
Claim what’s yours

What can playful teasing involve?

Playful teasing is all about keeping things light-hearted and fun. Often involving a bit of physical interaction or witty exchange. Here are some examples:

Play fighting;

Involves gently wrestling or mock combat, usually accompanied by laughter and smiles. It’s a way to engage physically without any intention of harm, often seen among close friends or couples as affection.

Thumb wrestling;

A playful competition where two people lock hands and try to pin the other’s thumb down. It’s a classic and harmless way to challenge each other in a friendly manner.


Lead to bursts of laughter and squirming, and is often used to provoke a playful reaction. It’s a way to connect and share a moment of joy.

Ass spanking;

Adds a cheeky or flirty element to interactions. It’s about the surprise and the playful acknowledgment of each other’s presence.

Hair pulling;

Is a flirtatious or teasing gesture that adds a physical dimension to playful banter.

Nipple squeezing;

Can be a more intimate form of playful teasing, often reserved for closer relationships.


Involves making light-hearted jokes at each other’s expense, without causing genuine offense or discomfort.


Witty back-and-forth exchanges, where both parties enjoy a bit of verbal sparring. It’s all about the cleverness of the reply and the shared laughter that follows.

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What does playful teasing say about you?

Teasing sends all the right messages; age is irrelevant, it will always turn women and men on. Through the art of teasing, you are subtly letting the person know a few things:

  • You like them
  • You find them attractive
  • You are interested sexually
  • You are confident
  • You are comfortable with them
  • You are fun to be with
  • You see this person as your equal.

These are powerful abilities to have. The power of attraction is always linked to the power of mystery and what’s coming next. You can practice your playful teasing skills on a date!

Sexual tension is the most powerful tool in your arsenal.

If you want your man to be obsessed with and constantly thinking about you, sexual tension is the most powerful tool you can use. Even if you’re not completely confident in bursting out into wales of erotic flirting. Subtle hints and messages also work with no issues and add more mystery.

A sneaky text message or whisper into his ear stating “I hope you behave yourself tonight” leaves everything up to the imagination. Allowing his mind to wonder and fill in all the possibilities of what “behaving” is and what you will be doing.

Naughty girl quote
Good girls naughty side

How Do I Physically Tease?

Physically teasing him is giving him almost what he wants. Pull him close, almost kiss him and linger at his lips, then back away. Gve a little cheeky giggle or smile. Brush past him and either touch him gently somewhere intimate like the neck, ear, butt, inner thigh. When he reacts act like you didn’t do anything. Say a cheeky, “What?”.

Eye contact is always the subtlest way to build the allure of sexual tension. Being able to make eye contact is powerful, especially when your facial expressions match your desire for him. Quietly whisper something sexual, just enough for him to do a double take.

Let it build, slow and steady wins the race

Not to mention the pure act of teasing your man is also working on you as well. The desire becomes even more heated. Eventually, when you do break, well you get the picture….

Go ahead… release that sexual tension. You can even playfully tease your partner with sex toys.

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Morgan x

Author: Morgan is a consultant from Oh Zone Adult Lifestyle Centres

Unlock Joy with Playful Teasing

As a marriage counselor, I often emphasize the magic of playful teasing in nurturing a deep connection. It’s a doorway to laughter and intimacy in your journey together. Yet, mastering this art requires understanding, trust, and mutual respect.

Create Shared Moments

Engage in light-hearted banter. It’s not just about laughter; it’s about creating your unique language of love. These shared moments of joy reinforce your bond, making your relationship resilient against life’s challenges.

Respect Boundaries

Always tread carefully. What delights one may discomfort another. Open communication about boundaries ensures that teasing remains a source of joy, not tension. Remember, it’s about adding sparkle, not stress, to your partner’s day.

Consent is Key

In all acts of play, consent is paramount. Whether it’s a gentle tickle or a mock wrestling match, mutual agreement makes it enjoyable. This consent builds trust, an essential foundation for any thriving relationship.

Keep It Positive

Focus on positivity. Even in jest, avoid sensitive topics. Playful teasing should uplift, never wound. It’s about celebrating each other’s quirks, not highlighting flaws.

Laugh Together

Laughter is incredibly bonding. It’s a shared experience that brings lightness and warmth to your relationship. When you both can laugh, you’re not just lovers; you’re best friends navigating life with joy.

Maintain Balance

Like all aspects of a relationship, balance is crucial. While playful teasing adds zest, nurturing other forms of intimacy is equally important. Balance ensures that your relationship remains dynamic and fulfilling.


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