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What Is Sounding?: Learn About Urethra Play Now!

What Is Sounding?

What Is Sounding? Sounding, or urethral play, involves inserting objects into the urethra for sexual stimulation. This practice requires knowledge and safety precautions. In this guide, we’ll cover the basics of sounding, important safety tips, and how to explore this unique form of sexual play responsibly and enjoyably.

Sex Can Be A Foreign And Confusing Thing At First

Sex was once, to me, a superstition. It was something I found out about from schoolyard friends who’d never done it or from folks who knew little about it and clarified it in a mindfully calm manner. It was something I saw in scenes from terrible films, and it was there in the counter-intuitive syrup of sitcom shows and in music clips of almost every pop tune that I loved.

If I put all of this together, it leaves me with the uncanny impression of how sex ought to be, before I ever thought I knew enough to encounter it. When I at long last started having my own sexual encounters my expectations of what sex should be left me feeling like I was missing something even while there was nothing particularly disappointing about any specific experience.

I Felt Like I Was Missing Something Sexually

For some time, I started to think about whether something about my penis kept me from giving me the pleasure that I thought I deserved. I thought it might be holding me back from climbing the delightful stepping stool to sexual fulfilment. At whatever point a lover moved her head in joy or snatched a fistful of bed sheet while arching her pelvis upward, I asked why my own arousal never made me do any of that.

Sex motivated my suspicion that there were shockingly better types of it that I would need to go outside of myself to find. Which is the reason why I came to be sitting in my room one night, sliding a long metal tube into my penis.

That’s when I started to masturbate with urethral sounds

Urethral sounds look like a moderately strong and threatening individual from the sex toy family. For the most part urethral sounds are made with a long and slim metal chamber intended to slide into the urethra to dilate the urethra in a pleasurable way. Sizes range from 4 to 17 millimetres in circumference, however there is a large variety of sizes.

The urethral sounds arrive in an assortment of shapes, some have a gentle S-formed bend, while others have huge barrel shaped dumbbells on their tips. Some are made with different experience levels in mind, others are made with rectangular closures, some have round edges, and of the most threatening looking ones have serious fishhook bends.

What Is Sounding
Image: Euro Zone Penis Plug

Urethral Sounding Has Been Used Throughout History

It’s difficult to follow the definite causes of why people began to use urethral sounds, however the act of urethral sounding has been seen throughout history in numerous societies. As indicated by Robert Lawrence, a psychologist and board member from the Center for Sex and Culture in San Francisco, there is proof that doctors in old China utilized a tube which they inserted into the urethra to sample fluid for examination and therapy.

In antiquated Rome, catheters, tubes, and tests were utilized to investigate the bladder and expel blockages from different channels and openings. In the most recent century, on the other hand, the act of sounding for pleasure appears to have gotten to be progressively common, with cases of men having used almost everything from pens to weaving needles which are all unsafe methods for sexual stimulation.

The Tissue In The Urethra Is The Same As The Labia Minora

The tissue in the urethra is embryologically the same as the labia minora, and it’s loaded with nerve endings all the way down. Simply moving a smooth, decently lubricated urethral sound along these tissues can be pleasurable, there are more profound ways to stimulate through sounding. The urethra has four sections that unite the bladder to the penis, the final one runs through the prostate which is an organ that is integral to the ejaculatory experience amid climax for men. Sudden dilation through the urethra of the prostate can trigger discharge and is very pleasurable.

Avoid Sounding Without Careful Consideration And Preparedness

When compared to most other sex toys, urethral sounds have a high level of daredevilry attached to them and shouldn’t be used without genuine consideration and readiness. The size of the urethral sound makes them best used only by the most experienced urethral sex toy users.

The urethra is sensitive and if you are inexperienced and use urethral sounds it can lead to painful tearing and cutting. The urethra is thin and delicate especially against bacteria and disease from outside microorganisms, which is the danger of inserting unhygienic items into it.

Are You Cleaning Your Equipment Before Every Use?

Cleaning the sound before every use is very important. This can be done by boiling a surgical stainless steel urethral sound in water for 30 minutes. Be sure to let the urethral sound completely cool down before use.

Before using urethral sounds, it is also very important that you thoroughly wash your hands and the penis. Make a point not to touch anything that hasn’t been washed before insertion. Many people recommend drinking a glass of cranberry juice just before you start, which serves to protect you against unhealthy bacteria developing in the urinary tract.

Additionally, antibacterial surgical lubricant must be used with urethral sounds which can act as one final layer of insurance against bacteria being brought into the urethra. After use, the sound must be completely washed to prevent rust and the person who uses the urethral sound should urinate to flush out the urethra. I read a detailed urethral sounding guide before my very first experience.

What other people thought of urethral sounding

When I looked into using urethral sounds, the vast majority of my male friends drew back with dismay, either overpowered by the thought of painfully hurting the penis or the thought of receiving a chlamydia-test by inserting a Q-tip into the urethra and sending it to a lab to be tested. The lack of accessible data about urethral sounding appeared to heighten the confusion.

One review of more than 2000 men found that approximately 10 percent who performed urethral sounding likewise reported higher STI rates. Another study, from the University of South Florida collected the data collected of patients going by the doctor’s office after they had placed items in their urethra including a ballpoint pen and a speaker wires.

This study noted that all the patients had been diagnosed with schizophrenia. These articles have been found to be biased, which makes it look like using the urethra for stimulation to be out of this world. Another study asked “why would you do that?” and one of the replies was “It felt great” but this answer couldn’t in any way, shape or form defend the drawbacks.

Stainless steel urethral sex toy
Image: Uretheral Dominator Grooving Sound Ribbed

There Are Many Sex Shops Around My Area

In my neighbourhood in Manhattan, there are various sex-toy shops and peep show venues. Thick dark window ornaments hung over the front entryways with a threatening “NO MINORS” sign making the scene feel like a universe of danger, where going in to any shop may guarantee some type of risk. These shops appear to be one stage away from liquidation with cramped walkways and police sirens heard in the distance.

As I began shopping, I perceived that each urethral sound in sight was alarmingly huge. Indeed the littlest one I could see was marginally bigger than a pencil, it looked like something that would be difficult to get into my urethra without some genuine dilation. I inquired as to whether they had any littler ones that may be more receptive for a beginner.

He let me know that I could by a range of urethral sounds in a set which work their way up from beginners to more experienced users. He showed me all the different types of urethral sounds. With the urethral sounds he showed me, he said that it would be best to start not with the thinnest one but with one that was similar in size to the opening of my urethra.

A thin urethral sound in unexperienced hands can evidently slide and slip around, making them less secure which can lead to potential tears or punctures. The thicker ones stays in place but can prevent them from masturbating too rapidly. I picked the littlest one among those sparkling torpedoes and brought it home with some surgical lube in one of those slim, dark plastic sacks that just ever appear to come from an alcohol store or the sex shop.

What really happened when I began using urethral sounds

Utilizing the urethral sound reminded me of the first time I stroked off. I wasn’t certain what I was doing then either, however I took some time and got used of it. Soon a confounding warmth went through my body. I had controlled my body into doing something it shouldn’t have been made to do.

The translucent glob of cum saturated my rug was an indication that something new had been broken inside me, in the same way a pool of fluid underneath a car in the parking space is an indication of something beginning to go into disrepair.

I placed the urethral sound in a bubbling pot of hot water to disinfect. I thought about how my right hand would hold the pole and touch nothing else, while my left hand would do the work: get some lubricant, lift the cover off the bubbling pot of water, open and close my door, turn on some porn. It took near to an hour to set up the whole experience.

Urethral sound
Buy Now | Urethral sex toys and plugs

When I at long last shut my room door and grasped the sound, an excess of clear lube coagulated around its narrowest half, I considered the way that I was presently going to be fucked by a manufactured item. The vast majority of the sex toys I’ve known were fetishized impressions of another human body part in some conceptual way.

I Began To Insert It – What Is Sounding?

Dildos and Fleshlights were direct copies of genitalia, while vibrators evoked in some way what someone else may do to you. At the same time I was all alone with the urethral sound when I felt the metal spread open my penis. There was no anticipation; I was pleasing myself with a bit of metal.

I chose it would be simplest to begin on the off chance with an erection. The pole went in delicately and easily, the whole five centimetres was effectively inside my small opening (which had resembled a vast, eyeless mouth as I gazed down on it). There was no pain, nor was there any huge joy. The main feeling I was aware of was the unbendable hardness of the metal pole, and a thick, moderate moving wetness some place inside me.

I slid it up and down. Everything happened gradually. It was like the inverse of sex, with its impacting surfaces and musical spells. I had never been touched so profoundly, and I started to feel something like a blazing sensation inside, a typical reaction that happens during a first encounter. It was an inaccessible feeling, it was a new sensation from a piece of my body that had no memory of being touched.

I Began To Go As Deep As Possible

I went in as deep as I could, around three inches. When I moved it is far as, I hauled it out and afterward inserted it back in, squeezing somewhat more profoundly around it with my hand. I shook it in and out, tenderly and gently as I was worried I’ll break something inside. I hauled it out once more, placed it on the towel, and stroked off to the porn film. In the long run, I came.

I spent the accompanying days in an industrious fixation as to what happened to me with the urethral sound. It brought me a great happiness. Anyway something had been inside me and whatever I could feel now was the new inadequacy that it had cleared out. I needed to be touched again, however every time the idea came up, it was joined by the dissuasive memory of the amount of time and consideration must be spent on making the arrangements.

It was the farthest thing from a climax or, rather, it was the modified picture of it. Once I discovered it, I wanted to discover it once more, again and again. Possibly next time there’ll really be someone else there too.


2 responses to “What Is Sounding?: Learn About Urethra Play Now!”

  1. The blog provides valuable information. Amazing!

    1. Thank you appreciate the kind comments.

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