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The Importance Of Love Gloves The “Condom” or whatever you want to call it, it goes by many names. A Rubber, Naughty Bag, English Riding Coat, Love Gloves, Private Johnston’s Rain Jacket, and Insurance Glove you get the idea. Whatever you may call it, the Condom has its fans and its hatters. And both… Read More…
G-Spot Sex Positions There are many people who are not able to satisfy their partners in the bed due to various reasons. In fact, the study shows that around 6 out of 10 couples are not satisfied with their sex life, which is actually a serious problem. It’s important to utilize G-spot sex positions… Read More…
Prostate Pleasure I don’t need to explain to the homosexual readers of this blog the pleasures that come from the prostates involvement in your sexual activities. This article is for the hetero-curious men and couples out there reading. It is about opening up to find prostate pleasure and equality. From the beginning of our… Read More…
Sex With Your Primal Instinct Through my studies in sexology and explorations in the world of Tantra and finding out what is spiritual sexuality, I have come to view and understand many diverse aspects of human sexuality. Sex is a powerful outlet to connect with different parts of ourselves and allows us to share… Read More…
The Sex Talk When I started this article it began as a “how to” guide for talking with “Tweens” (11-13 Years of age). I started asking around to parents I knew about the challenges they faced or are facing with having the sex talk. It became clear very quickly how many parents were not… Read More…
Pregnancy Tests For Men I’m sure like everyone who’s on the internet these days has, at one point or another, seen the article floating about. “Pregnancy tests for men as a joke” or something like that. This was a Reddit article that began making its rounds in 2012 if I remember correctly? The point… Read More…
Can I Have Hot Pregnancy Sex? A big question when it comes to pregnancy is about sex. Can you still have it? What’s safe? Is hot pregnancy sex possible? What about sex toys, are they going to harm you while you are pregnant or affect the baby that is now a part of your… Read More…
Deciding To Touch Here we go, my personal story of how the me of today came to light. Not all of us come into this world of sexual excitement and enticement with a “bang”. A one in which magical arousing confetti erupts into the air as the “to be” most enchanted moment arrives. It… Read More…
Roaring Hot Tantra Recently whilst completing an intensive for my studies in sexology, I heard a sexual dysfunction called an Idiosyncratic Masturbatory Response. This instantly grabbed my attention. Roaring Hot Tantra can offer solutions to these challenges by enhancing intimate experiences and improving sexual health. An idiosyncratic masturbatory response refers to an individual having… Read More…
Start Fighting Sexual Harassment And Assault In solidarity with the internet world I am joining the #metoo movement currently happening. Now if you haven’t been online over this past weekend, you might be wondering what the #metoo movement is or what I am talking about? A little over a week ago, a major movement… Read More…
Here there are no boundaries! There are frank, honest and open articles about sexual health and lifestyle topics to assist you in your choices.